Institute of Theological Studies Th is cooperative program of eight evangelical seminaries, offering lectures on cassette tapes by outstanding biblical scholars, is described on page G- 3 of this catalog. Of the numerous series available, the following courses may be taken at Talbot for graduate level credit, up to a maximum of 12 units. Students may purchase the cassette albums through the Talbot Associate Dean's office. Those desiring to enroll for credit need to contact the Office of Admis sions and Records. ITS 501 THE PENTATEUCH (2) Acnticol introduction to the first five books of the Bible. Examinat ion of such subjects os the problems of Genesis 1-11, the Higher Criticism of the Pentateuch, the chronoiogicol issues, ond the archaeological ond culturol background of the Pentateuch. ITS 502 CONQUEST ANO SETTLEMENT (2) Astudy of the conquest ond settlement period in lsroel's history from the perspectives of orchoeology, theological truths ond history Books include Joshua, Judges ond Ruth. Special considerotion of late Bronze Age materials from Palestine which provide insight into the culturol background for this ero. ITS 503 THE UNITED KINGDOM (2) An historicol, archaeological ond theological analysis of the period of the United Monorchy in lsroel. Archaeological discoveries from the Iron Age I period cited to illustrote important cuiturol trends of this ero. Porticulor attention given to the books of Iond II Samuel, the first ten chapters of I Kings, and the parallel passages in Chronicles ond Psalms. ITS 504 THE DIVIDED MONARCHY (2) The history of lsroel from the beginning of Solomon's apostasy (IKings 11 ) about 950 B.C. to the Babylonian Captivity (II Kings 25) in 586 B.C. Special emphasis given to the mirocle ministries of Elijah ond Elishoh. Parollel passages from Chronicles ond the prophetic books scrutinized, os well os evidence from contempo rary seculor history. ITS 505 THE BOOK OF PSALMS (2) An introduction to the book of Psalms with emphasis on the principles in111lved in the exegesis of hymnic literoture os well os ·appiicotion of these principles to selected portions. ITS 506 UNDERSTANDING THE OLD TESTAMENT (3) Asurvey of the history of sol111tion in the Old Testament especially as it relates to the universal of Old Te stament theology. i.e. the rule of God or the establishment of God's kingdom upon the eorth. Av.urking knowledge of Hebrew considered to be helpful but not required for this course. ITS 527 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (3) An exposition of Iond II Timothy ond Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Poul ond his message ond the need to guard that message, os well os the responsibilities of the local church and its leaders.
CE 716 MINISTRY TO SINGLE ADULTS (2) lnvestigotion of single adult ministries in the context of the local church. Emphasis in the development of on effective single odult minishy. \\Jnous proven ond experimentol models of single odult min istries wi ll be examined. Elective. CE 722 COUNSELING TROUBLED fMIILIES (2) Acomporison of positive ond negotive fomily systems in Scnpture, in theory ond in church life. The development of oteom opprooch to intervention, ennchment and equipping for minishy to families. Prerequisite: CE 603, 628 ond 675 or their equi111lents. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M. ) students. Elective. INDEPENDENT In-depth investigotion of a topic under the guidance of the Christion educotion deportment using stondord research proce dures. Topic selection and course enrollment is by advisor's appro111I. Elective. CE 691 , 692 EDUCATIONAL INTERNSHIP(1-2, 1-2) Structured field experience in educotional ministries, oge level progroms, counseling, family enrichment ond/or porochurch minis tries. Consultation ond supervision under both faculty ond field personnel. Student and foculty interoction along with integrotion of theory ond proctice during regulor cluster meetings token far one to four units. Prescribed for M.A.C.E. ond M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Internship position must be determined before registro tion. Admission by signature only. PROGRAMMING CE 636-637 INDEPENDENT STUDY(1-2, 1-2) CE 693, 694 ADVANCED PRACTICUM (1, 1), or (1, 2) Guided field experiences in Christian educotion ministries in the community based on previous experience in minishy. Admission by instructor's signature only. Prescribed for reduced MACE ond MfM progroms. CE 791-792 EDUCATIONAL PRACTICUM (2, 2) Directed experiences in educational ministries conducted through o local church. Proxis in leadership for major educational functions for 111nous oge levels. Aminimum of 100 hours field in111lvement per semester. Prerequisite: 48 units of class v.urk. Prescribed for, ond limited to, M.Div. students majoring in CE.
CE 730-731 CREATIVE PERSONALITY FOR MINISTRY (2, 2) Development of a more creotive personality and lifestyle. Emphosis given to creotive personhood, problem solving ond presenting. Study into the 111lue of creotivity in the minishy. One or more sections may be offered each yeor with different emphasis. MINISTERIAL COUNSELING AND FAMILY MINISTRIES CE 560 PERSONAL AND INTERPERSONAL DEVELOPMENT (2) Emphasis on personol and interpersonal growth through indi vidual assignments ond smoll group interoctions. Opportunity given for spirituol, physical , emotionol, mental ond relationol development. Required of two yeor M.A.CE. students. CE 603 COUNSELING MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH (4) Theminishy of counseling in church context. First considerotion given to the strengths, weoknesses ond unresolved issues of the counselor. Focus of the course on skills in developing relationships, focil itot ing realization ond encouroging responsible living. Atten tion given to crisis counseling as well as issues such os building o counseling minishy teom. Prescnbed for M.A. (CE. ) and M.A. (M.F.M.) students. CE 605 SMAll GROUP LEADERSHIP (Some os PT 724) (2) Roles of small groups in the church in providing fellowship, mutuol minishy ond edification. Skills for orgonizing and leading groups. Introduction to dynomics of small group interoction. CE 620 PREMARITAL PREPARATION AND COUNSELING (2) Coun seling techniques opplied to doting ond courtship, en gogement ond premoritol odjustments. Principles ond structuresof premorital counseling ore stressed ond demonstroted. Emphosis on the use of TJTA, Prepore and Family History onolysis. Prerequi si te: CE 603 or permission of professor. Elect ive. CE 628 MARRIAGE AND FMIILYCOUNSELING (4) Ad111nced course dealing with problems ond conflicts within marrioge and fomily settings. Counseling methods and proct icol behoviorol methods from o scripturol context designed to meet problems ond conflicts; conducted vio demonstrations, case stud ies and counseling in111lvement. Prerequisite: CE 603 and permis sion from the deportment chairman. Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Elective. CE 629 GROUP COUNSELING AND THERAPY (2) Troining in the pnnciples of counseling and theropyin agroup setting. The closs itself used os o laborotory experience with the student porticipoting both in the role of theropist and client. Prerequisi te: CE 605. Elective. CE 673 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE FMIILY (2) Relating biblical teachings obout marrioge, fomily ond humon relationships to the nucleor and extended fomilies, eony morriage ond porenting skills . Prescribed for M.A. (M.F.M.) students. Elec tive. CE 675 FMIILYLI FE EDUCATION INTHE LOCAL CHURCH (4) Objectives, orgonizotion ond administrotion of o progrom of fomily life education in the locol church. Includes on anolysis of current trends in family life educotion. Prescribed forM.A. (M.F.M. ) students. CE 715 FOUNDATIONS Of SINGLE ADULT LIFE CYCLE (2) Astudy of the history and current trends of the non-family household. Special emphosis on the single adult developmental life-cycle, identity ond needs. Attention to the non-fomily house hold impoct on church ministries currently ond in the future. Elective.
CE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) first droft of thesis or thesis project.·
CE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) final droft of thesis or thesis project.·
'CE 797 ond 798 ore prescribed for the M.A. ond M.Div. students in this deportment who will write a thesis or thesis project. M.A.CE. students will toke the series in this order: CE 797 ot the completion of 32 units, and CE 798 ot the completion of 48 units. M.Oiv. students will take the series in this order: CE 797 ot the completion of 64 units, ond CE 798 ot the completion of 80 units. Neither of the two is applicable toword groduotion unless both hove been completed.
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