Master of Music in
children's/youth choirs, handbells, instru ments and music-arts; 6) to achieve some understanding of significant qualities of leadership as well as specific techniques of effective communication and group dynamics; 7) to study biblical exposition and doctrine with seminarians at Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theol ogy Admission Requirements Applicants should hold a baccalaureate degree in music from an accredited or rec ognized institution and should have a 3.0 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). Col lege graduates without a major in music may be admitted to the program while re moving any deficiencies through class study and private instruction. Eight units of Bible (including both Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey) on the undergraduate level are re quired. If a deficiency exists, the applicant may take these studies (for zero graduate music degree credit) at Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology A combined score of I000 for verbal and quantitative on the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is required. This examination should be completed before the first se mester of study and no later than the end of the first semester. Entrance examinations will be given in written and aural theory, sight-singing, piano proficiency, music history and conducti ng. Graduation Requirements Requirements for the degree include the successful completion of 39 semester hours of prescribed and elective courses with a GPA in all subjects of at least 3.0. Eight units of previous graduate study with a grade point of at least 3.0 may be trans ferred in with the exception of worship and liturgies. Continuous registration is expected. A petition for an exception to this require ment may be made should the applicant have to withdraw from school for a short period of time. The program must be
613 PRINCIPLES OF CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT (4) Essential elements in curriculum forma tion; intensive study of varied existing cur ricula; analysis of contemporary trends in curriculum production. Attention to Chris t ian school curriculum. 623 EVALUATION OF TEACHING AND LEARN ING (2) Theory and function of tests and mea surements in education, including practice in the use and interpretation of specific test and measurement devices used in schools. 628 INSTRUCTIONAL RESEARCH (2) Methods employed in research, critical analysis of research techniques including examination of specific projects; research methods and their application to an area of teaching as preparation for the project. 630 PROJECT IN EDUCATION (2) Intensive study of curricula and/or instructional methods in a specific area of teaching, including a written report em bodying resu lts of the study 640 SEMINARS IN EDUCATION (2) In-depth studies in the following areas: curriculum, instruction, instructional media, classroom control and discipl ine, organiza tion of schools , management of personnel, publ ic relations, implementation of a Chris tian philosophy, early chi ldhood education. These seminars are offered each summer as part of the Western Institute of Chris t ian School Administrat ion. Requirements include twenty hours of class sessions in the subject and thirty hours of research and the writing of a paper embodyi ng t he results of class study and research. A maxi mum of two semi nars may be used as elective cred it in the MA program. 650 COMPREHENSIVE WRITTEN EXAM (0) Covers the field of study; must be taken prior to graduation.
Church Music Program Director: Wil liam Lock, D.MA The Master of Music degree in church music is a comprehensive program of both concentrated studies and practical experi ence, designed to prepare the graduate student for a fu ll-time mi nistry through music in a local church. Since some churches do not have either the membership or the financial resources to warrant the hiring of a full -time minister of music, graduate students may wish to consider some studies in a second area of ministry for which there are available re sources and instruction at Biola University In addition to and apart from the re quired 39 units for this degree program, other suggested courses may be taken by any student in order to begin preparation for a second ministry in one of the follow ing areas: adult education, youth or chil dren's ministries, church school music edu cation, private music teaching, music composit iorv'arrangi ng, accounting and journalism. Objectives The objectives of the Master of Music degree in church music are: I) to promote the development of a personal phi losophy of church music which integrates a biblical theology with a study of historical practice and current trends; 2) to emphasize the priority of individual and corporate wor ship and the need for revitalized congrega tional participation; 3) to create an under standi ng of funct ions of chu rch music of various cultural, social and doctrinal groups and to study the purposes of church music for all groups, ages and activities of church; 4) to increase the awareness of the many resources (literature, materials, organiza tions and personnel) which are available; 5) to encourage t he graduate t o further de velop specific music skil ls and to gain some knowledge and competency in the areas of
uture musi-
cians must possess ad-
vanced musical skills, a
personal philosophy of
the purpose of music in
the church as well as
society, and practical
t r aining in effective
communication methods.
Through formal and
informal studies at Bio/a,
students are encouraged
to gain all three within a
Christian perspective.
Dr. William Lock,
Director of Graduate
Studies in Church Music
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