Schoolof lnCerculCural SCudies and World Missions Dean: Marvin K. Mayers, Ph.D. Faculty Professors: Cook, Hess, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Mayers Objectives The School of lntercultura l Studies and
The student must present an acceptable thesis prior to graduat ion. Prerequisites: ICS 300 or 640 is prereq uisite to all coursework for mission majors only. Course Descriptions lntercultural Studies 50 I DYNAMICS OF THE RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE (3) A t reatment of conceptions of the super natural. the functi on of religion in society, religion and social control. the nature of reli gious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred places and religious practitioners. 502 SOCIAL ORGANIZATION (3) A study of the dynamic processes involved in society and culture. 5 13 GRAMMAR AND TRANSLATION (3) Linguistic structure and patterning beyond the phonological level, concentration on analysis of grammatical.and formal opposi tions and their structural relationships. As adapted for Bible translation. 516 MEANING AND TRANSLATION (3) The scientific approach to translation; the fundamental procedures of translating; principles for resolving the problems faced in Bible translation. Focus on developing practical skills. As adapted for Bible Trans lation. 520 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCULTURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with fo cus on personal and interpersonal adjust ments with nationals and other missionar ies; language, value conflicts, status and role, culture shock, stereotypes, cultural limitations and related topics.
must have a minimum grade point average of 3.0 to be granted acceptance without prov1s1ons . All must submit a written statement outli ning their vocational objectives and how the degree will relate to those objec t ives. A student must have at least a 2.75 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) to graduate. The Master of Arts in lntercultural Studies: The Master of Arts in intercultural studies is designed for those anticipating cross-cultural involvement and consi sts of a core requirement of 12 units, including ICS 502, 562, 621 and 622; a Bibl e and theol ogy requirement of eight units. Electives from missions coursework of 12 units and other electives. The total number of units required for the completion of the degree is 42. The qualified student may graduate with as few as 32 units at least 24 of which must be taken at this school. Students with little or no preparation in intercultural or biblical studies may be required to take ICS 300, 310 or 4 13. 520 and additional Bible coursework up to a maximum of 20 additional units early in their program of studies to fulfill these prerequisites. A com prehensive examination over one's coursework will be required before gradu ation. The Master of Arts in Missions: The Master of Arts in missions is designed for those who are already in an intercultural missions situation. It will make available ac ademic updating for furloughing missionar ies, nationals, and those involved in service to missions. A minimum of two years in in tercultural missionary service or equivalent is prerequisite. The program consists of a core requirement of 14 units. including ICS 502, 546, 640, 661 and 751; IO units of in tercultural studies electives; a Bible and theology requirement of 26 units, including BE 505, 506, 5 18 and 603 and Th 605, 606 and 709; and electives. The total number of units required for completion of the degree is 62. The stu dent with qualified undergraduate strength, however, may graduate with few er units, though in no case fewer than 32, of which at least 24 units must be taken at th is school.
World Missions was established : ( I ) to pre pare missionary recruits from every nation with cross cultural communication ski lls for international service. (2) To provide mis sions the opportunity to encourage the personal and academic development of their overseas staff. (3) To prepare minis ters and Christian education professionals for the types of cross cultural (and cross subcultural) ministries they will face in to day's multi-ethnic and multi -national world, especiall y as these impact the local church (e.g., sponsoring refugees, multi-ethnic lo cal churches, city-bred ministers cal led to rural chu rches and vi ce-versa). (4) To de velop research professionals in lingu istics, Bible translation , anthropology, chu rch growth, etc., to aid in and support the mi s sionary enterprise. (5) To help prepare nationals of every nation for formal educa tional service in their own culture; and to prepare educators and scholars from ev ery nation at the very highest levels of edu cation to teach in schools of higher learn ing. (6) To serve as consult ants to national and international educational and develop mental institutions and agencies and to both complet e and check Bible translation . Degree Program The Master ofArts Degrees: A ll appli cants must have graduated from an accredited college with a minimum grade point average of 2.6 (on a 4.0 scale). Those from approved non-accredited colleges
Associate Professors: Kraft Liao Assistant Professor: J. Lingenfelter
Biola as an institution has had a "heart" for Christian missions since its inception. The burden for the billions of non-Chris tians (3 billion plus today; 5 billion projected by the year 2,000) has been great. There has been an academic pro gram at Biola stressi ng mission interests for decades and this was brought to a high lev el of refinement under the leadership of Dr. Clyde Cook. Biola combines spiritual ministry with a high academic conceptualization that is re al ized through a strong faculty, a growing library facility, and emphasis on sound re search to underlie the teaching program. Students can enrich their training in Bible, theology and psychology while at the School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions by taking coursework at Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theol ogy and Rosemead School of Psychology. They can also complete a specialization in intercultural studies and missions within the Talbot degree programs and a specializa tion in intercultural studies w ithin the Rosemead degree program. The School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions, in addition to its under graduate work, offers graduate work lead ing to the Master of Arts and anticipates offering the Doctor of Missiology and the Doctor of Ph ilosophy degree in intercul tural studies.
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