
550 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3; Anthropology approach to Christian the­ ologizing; interrelationships between supracultural Christianity and human cul­ tures. Focus on conversion, revelation, communication, transformation, indigeneity and other related topics. 555 MISSIONS AND EVANGELISM (4) The nature of Christian outreach: a study of principles, history, and methodology in evangelism on personal, local church and worldwide levels. 556 WORLD RELIGIONS (2) The distinctive features of the historical ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon mis­ sionary strategies. 640 CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY FOR MISSIONARIES (2) The nature of man and his culture, ·special emphasis on intercultural .communication of the gospel . 655 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS (3) An overview and critique of the various theologies of mission advocated by various branches of the Church down through the centuries, beginning with Edinburgh 1910 to the liberation theology debate of our day 742 HISTORY OF MISSIONS (3) The background, development and speed of Christianity through world missions; geographical thrusts, growth dynamics and church structures. 751 THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3) An analysis of the tensions within the Church focusing around the mission of the Church in t he cont emporary world with an attempt to formulate a biblical-contem­ porary expression of the theology of the Church's mission in light of those tensions.

705 SEMIOT ICS (3) Study of systems of symbols or "signs," ex­ amination of structures underlying cultural activity from fundamental level of individ­ ual sign-creation to more complex sys­ tems. Prerequisite: 516. 706 IDEALOGICAL CONFLICT (3) A study of Marxism and other such idealogies and the conflict these generate in the world in educational, religious and political aspects of culture. 721 TOPICS IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS COGNITIVE (3) The methodologies of cogn1t1ve studies and cognitive styles are probed for value in encountering members of a distinctive cul ­ ture or subcult ure and implication for Bible translation. Prerequisite: 520 or 621. 761 SEX ROLES IN SOCIETY (3) The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cul­ tures. Focus on responsibilities, obligations, expectations, leadership and interrelationships as they relate to the soci­ ety as a whole.

532 PEOPLES OF THEWORLD (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on cus­ toms, social structures, religion, arts, histo­ ry and int ercultural communication. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Africa, Asia, Native America, Middle East, South Pacific, Europe. May be repeated wit h different course content. 60 I CONTEMPORARY ANTHROPOLOGICAL THEORY (3) Explores the key theoretical perspectives employed in cultural anthropology t oday to critically evaluate their utility for cross­ cultural research. Topics include Cultural Materialism, Structuralism, Functionalism, Transact ion and Process, Cultural Ecology, Political Economy, et c. 606 NATURE OF ANTHROPOLOGICAL INQUIRY (4) The course will examine the relati onships between anthropological theory, problem definition, research strategy and method­ ology, data collection and analysis, and gen­ eralization and application. Students will learn how to conduct substantive qualita­ tive and quantitive research . including the use of existing computer programs for data analysis. Prerequ isite: 60 I . 62 1 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) Study of the interrelationships of language and society in areas such as folklore, worldview, bilingualism, personality, classifi­ cations and other t opics.

sidered furthering my

education by earning a

master 's degree in mis-

sions, I was looking for

something very specific.

I wanted a program that

History and Theology of Mission 540 PRINCIPLES OF CHURCH PLANTING (3)

was both theologically

sound as well as solidly

A study of the bibl ical mandate to establish local churches among all of the peoples making up mankind. Special emphasis on intercultural church planting among the unreached peoples of Asia, Africa, Latin America and the ethnic minorities of the western world. 546 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRISTIANITY (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from the apostolic period until today Emphasis will be given to the modern era, especially contemporary growth dynamics in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

committed to the ful-

fillment of the Great


Commission. The School

Pri nciples and processes of communicat ing from one cu lture t o another. Focus on dif­ ferent perceptions, ways of thinking, val­ ues, non-verbal expression, language ex­ pression and sub-groups within a culture as they relat e to the med ia and the message.

of lntercultural Studies

and World Missions had

what I was looking fo r.

Ross Rohde, Gradu-


ate student, ICSWM


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