Table of ConCenCs
Objectives . Overview .. Master of Divinity.
T-3 T-3 T-6 T- 11
. ...... . .
Master of Arts in Ministry. Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies. Master of Arts in Christian Education. Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries . .. . Master of Theology Doctor of Ministry . Doctor of Education. Department of Bible Exposition . Department of Systematic Theology Department of Semitics and Old Testament . Department of New Testament Language and Literature. Department of Church H istory . Missions Studies . Department of Philosophy of Religion Department of Practical Theology . . Department of Christian Education .. Faculty Calendar.
T- 16 T- 17 T- 18 T-20 T-24
T-28 T-30 T-30 T-31 T-32 T-34 T-37 T-39
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