Transfer of Credit Transfer credit for acceptable work done in other graduate schools will be al lowed for courses which are parallel to those requ ired in the curriculum. Applica tions received by May I will be provided with transfer credit decisions at the point of acceptance. Transfer credit for late ap plications wil l be accomplished during the fall semester. Graduate courses with grades of C or above at accredited institu tions or those validated with grades of B or above from approved unaccredited schools are considered as acceptable on a transfer basis. For val idation procedure for unaccredited work, contact the admissions and records office. Valley Extension Center For several years a large number of stu dents resid ing in the San Fernando Valley have had to commute an hour or more each way in order to attend Talbot Semi nary. In order to serve val ley residents in a more efficient manner, in the fall of 1977 the seminary began offering Master of D i vinity classes at the Talbot Valley Extension Center. The center is part of Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology proper, and all records and administrative func tions are centralized at the La Mirada campus. All courses taught are applicable toward the degree programs of the semi nary, with the curriculum focusing on courses required in the M.Div. program. In order to provi de greater breadth in a community of learning for valley extension students, it is required for graduation that a minimum of 20 units be taken at the La Mirada campus. Excellent facilities for classrooms and of fices are being provided by the Grace Community Church of the Valley, located in Sun Valley, while considerable effort and expense are being undertaken by the semi nary and the church in a joint venture to build a quality library. The center has its own resident faculty as well as shared fac ulty who commute from the La Mirada
number of individuals to obtain a course or two each semester, when other responsibi lilties prevent enrollment as a 1-egular student. The courses offered are identical in content to those provided in the regular schedule and are applicable to ward the degree programs of the semi nary. An Extended Day Application may be secured from the office of admissions and records. Degrees Offered Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology offers the Master of Divinity, the Master of Arts in Ministry, the Master of Arts in Biblical Stud ies, the Master of Arts in Theological Studies, the Master of Arts in Christian Educat ion, the Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Ministries, the Master of Theology, the Doctor of Ministry and the Docto r of Education degrees. A diploma in Ministry is also offered. Curricula for: Page MDiv. T-7- 10 MA in Ministry T-12 MA in Biblical or Theological Studies. T-13 MA in Christian Educat ion T-15 MA in Marriage and Family Min istries T-16 Th.M.. T-17 D.Min. T-18 Ed.D. T -2 1-22 Candidates for degrees must demon strate an exemplary Christian character, a commitment to communicate the truth of the Word of God and manifest promise of usefulness in Christian service. Academic Load The minimum full-time load is nine units for those in the Master of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Theology degree programs. Those carrying less than the full time load are considered part-time stu dents. A student is normally permitted to carry a maximum of 18 units each semes ter. To exceed this maximum load, the stu dent must petition the director of recor-ds.
campus. The same high quality instruction and academic standards are maintained as are enjoyed in La Mirada. For admission to this program, the appli cant must follow normal application proce dures with the seminary office of admis sions and records in La Mirada, adding to the application the notation that studies are desired in the Valley Extension Center. Los Angeles Extension Center Because a number of Talbot students are involved in an inner city ministry, Talbot offers one or two courses per semester in Los Angeles. Courses are usually offered on either a Monday or Thursday evening. The center is located at 7225 South Main Street in Los Angeles. For more details please contact the office of admissions and records. Phoen ix Extension Center To help meet the needs of the 9th larg est urban area 1n the countr-y for seminary training, courses are offered at the Phoe nix Extension Center. Classes meet in the facilities of Arizona College of the Bible, 2045 West Northern, Phoenix, Ar-izona 85021. Library facilities of Arizona College of the Bible and other surrounding schools are available for extension student use. Courses taken for credit at the extension are applicable toward several deg1-ee pro grams of the seminary. For graduation, a minimum of 20 units must be taken on the main campus. Faculty are from the Phoeni x area or commute from the La Mirada campus. Applications and/or catalogs may be ob tained from either the Talbot Phoenix Ex tension Office, do Arizona College of the Bible, 2045 West Northern, Phoeni x , Ari zona 85021 or Biola University admissions and reco1-ds office. Extended Day Classes Late afternoon and evening classes which meet one or two days a week are regularly offer-ed at the La Mirada campus and the various extension center-s. This ar rangement provides an opportunity for a
A unit of credit is generally considered to consist of one class hour (SO minutes) a week for a semester. In some cases, such as laboratory sessions, a unit of credit may involve more than one class period a week. As indicated on the curriculum charts for each degree program, the various cur ricula require 14- 18 units per semester in order to graduate in a specified number of years. However, students who find it nec essary to work 20 or more hours weekly to provide living expenses should plan to reduce their academic load. Such a reduc t ion would extend the time required for a degree program, though participat ion in summer session and interterm could help
offset the difference. Course Prefixes
Course prefixes indicate: BE Bible Exposition TH Systematic Theology
OT Semitics and Old Testament NT New Testament Language and Literature CH Church History PHR Philosophy of Religion ICS Missions*
PT Practical Theology CE Christian Education MIN Doctor of Ministry EDD Doctor of Education
Courses taken at the Valley Extension Center are indicated on the transcript by the letter "V" appended to the course number. Other extension centers are simi larly identified with an appropriate letter. *See course descriptions in the School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions. Classification of Students MA First Year 1-28 units Second Year 29 + units MDiv Jun ior 1-28 units Middle 29-64 units Senior 65 + units
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