

Senior Year

Middle Year

MODERN CHURCH HISTORY: Those transferring CH 506 from another seminary must take CH 7 10 to obtain de­ nominational distinctives unless this re­ quirement has already been met THESIS COURSE SEQUENCE: Thesis first draft wi ll be taken at the completion of 64 units and Thesis Final Draft at the completion of 80 units. Neither is applica­ ble toward graduation unless both have been completed. BIBLE EXPOSITION ALTERNATIVE: For one of the three required Bible Expo­ sition courses (excluding BE 505) the stu­ dent may subst itute four units of Greek or Hebrew exegesis electives.

I st Semester NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis. CH 701 History of Doctrine .. PT 703 Church and Society . CE 631 Methods, Resources Min .. CE 79 1 Educational Practicum .

I st Semester NT 50 I Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 TH 603 Theology II 4 PT 603 Pastoral Counseling. 4 PT 609 Sermon Preparation 3 PT 691 Field Education 0 Elective . 4 17 2nd Semester NT 502 Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 BE 506 Matthew, Romans . 4 TH 604 Theology Ill . 4 PT 61 0 Sermon Preparation . 3 CE 5 12 Education Administration 4 PT 692 Field Education . 0 17

Junior Year

4 2 2 4 2

I st Semester OT 603 Elements of Hebrew.

4 4


505 Hermeneutics, Genesis .

CH 505 Early, Medieval Church History . ICS 555 Missions, Evangelism PT 591 Introduction to Field Education

-- 2-4 16-18

Thesis I st Draft or Electives.

3 4

2nd Semester NT 506 Exegesis Selected Epistles . OT 7 16 Old Testament Text, Canon, Introduction.



2nd Semester OT 604 Advanced Hebrew .

2 NT 7 16 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction. 2 PHR 602 Apologetics .. 2 CE 792 Educational Practicum . 2 Elective . I Thesis Final Draft or Elective . 2 15 FOR STUDENTS WITHOUT UNDER- GRADUATE BIBLICAL STUDIES

4 4 4

506 Matthew, Romans .


TH 502 Theology I .

CH 506 Reformation, Modern Church History .


Senior Year

PT 592 Field Education

0 15

I st Semester NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis. CH 70 I History of Doctri ne . PT 703 Church and Society . .

4 2

Middle Year

2 CE 63 I Methods, Resources Ministry 4 CE 79 1 Educational Practicum . 2 Thesis I st Draft or Elective 2-4 16- 18 4 OT 716 Old Testament Text, Canon, Introduction . . 2 NT 716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction. 2 PHR 602 Apologetics . . 2 CE 792 Educational Practicum . 2 Elective . . . I Thesis Final Draft or Elective . 2 15 2nd Semester NT 506 Exegesis Se lected Epist les .

I st Semester NT 501 Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 TH 603 Theology II 4 PT 603 Pastoral Counseling. 4 PT 609 Sermon Preparation . 3 PT 691 Field Education 0 Elective . 4 ll 2nd Semester NT 502 Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 BE 604 Dan iel, Revelation . 4 TH 604 Theology Ill 4 PT 61 0 Sermon Preparation .. 3 CE 51 2 Education Administration 4 PT 692 Field Education . 0 17

Junior Year

Ist Semester OT 603 Elements of Hebrew .

4 4


505 Hermene<.Jtics, \ enesis .

CH 505 Early, Med ieval Church History ICS 555 Missions, Evangelism PT 59 1 Introduction to Field Education

3 4


2nd Semester OT 604 Advanced Hebrew

4 4 4

5 18 Old Testament Survey.


TH 502 Theology I .

CH 506 Reformation , Modern Church History .


PT 592 Field Education

0 15



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