Senior Year
Middle Year
MODERN CHURCH HISTORY: Those transferring CH 506 from another seminary must take CH 7 10 to obtain de nominational distinctives unless this re quirement has already been met THESIS COURSE SEQUENCE: Thesis first draft wi ll be taken at the completion of 64 units and Thesis Final Draft at the completion of 80 units. Neither is applica ble toward graduation unless both have been completed. BIBLE EXPOSITION ALTERNATIVE: For one of the three required Bible Expo sition courses (excluding BE 505) the stu dent may subst itute four units of Greek or Hebrew exegesis electives.
I st Semester NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis. CH 701 History of Doctrine .. PT 703 Church and Society . CE 631 Methods, Resources Min .. CE 79 1 Educational Practicum .
I st Semester NT 50 I Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 TH 603 Theology II 4 PT 603 Pastoral Counseling. 4 PT 609 Sermon Preparation 3 PT 691 Field Education 0 Elective . 4 17 2nd Semester NT 502 Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 BE 506 Matthew, Romans . 4 TH 604 Theology Ill . 4 PT 61 0 Sermon Preparation . 3 CE 5 12 Education Administration 4 PT 692 Field Education . 0 17
Junior Year
4 2 2 4 2
I st Semester OT 603 Elements of Hebrew.
4 4
505 Hermeneutics, Genesis .
CH 505 Early, Medieval Church History . ICS 555 Missions, Evangelism PT 591 Introduction to Field Education
-- 2-4 16-18
Thesis I st Draft or Electives.
3 4
2nd Semester NT 506 Exegesis Selected Epistles . OT 7 16 Old Testament Text, Canon, Introduction.
2nd Semester OT 604 Advanced Hebrew .
2 NT 7 16 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction. 2 PHR 602 Apologetics .. 2 CE 792 Educational Practicum . 2 Elective . I Thesis Final Draft or Elective . 2 15 FOR STUDENTS WITHOUT UNDER- GRADUATE BIBLICAL STUDIES
4 4 4
506 Matthew, Romans .
TH 502 Theology I .
CH 506 Reformation, Modern Church History .
Senior Year
PT 592 Field Education
0 15
I st Semester NT 505 Grammar, Introductory Exegesis. CH 70 I History of Doctri ne . PT 703 Church and Society . .
4 2
Middle Year
2 CE 63 I Methods, Resources Ministry 4 CE 79 1 Educational Practicum . 2 Thesis I st Draft or Elective 2-4 16- 18 4 OT 716 Old Testament Text, Canon, Introduction . . 2 NT 716 New Testament Text, Canon, Introduction. 2 PHR 602 Apologetics . . 2 CE 792 Educational Practicum . 2 Elective . . . I Thesis Final Draft or Elective . 2 15 2nd Semester NT 506 Exegesis Se lected Epist les .
I st Semester NT 501 Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 TH 603 Theology II 4 PT 603 Pastoral Counseling. 4 PT 609 Sermon Preparation . 3 PT 691 Field Education 0 Elective . 4 ll 2nd Semester NT 502 Beginning Greek or Elective . 2 BE 604 Dan iel, Revelation . 4 TH 604 Theology Ill 4 PT 61 0 Sermon Preparation .. 3 CE 51 2 Education Administration 4 PT 692 Field Education . 0 17
Junior Year
Ist Semester OT 603 Elements of Hebrew .
4 4
505 Hermene<.Jtics, \ enesis .
CH 505 Early, Med ieval Church History ICS 555 Missions, Evangelism PT 59 1 Introduction to Field Education
3 4
2nd Semester OT 604 Advanced Hebrew
4 4 4
5 18 Old Testament Survey.
TH 502 Theology I .
CH 506 Reformation , Modern Church History .
PT 592 Field Education
0 15
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