
Master of Arts Program in Ministry Philosophy of the Min istry Program The Master of Arts in Ministry is de­ signed for individuals who have been in ministry for a significant number of years and have not had the opportunity to earn a baccalaureate degree. Quality graduate level t raining is provided in several essen ­ tial aspects of professional ministry in or­ der to enhance significantly the effective­ ness of part icipating ministers. In establi sh­ ing this program, the seminary is endeavoring to address specific needs of the Church as it functions in the maJor eth­ nic communities within the Southern Cali ­ forn ia area. The two primary foci of the program are biblical and practical studies. The bibli­ cal emphasis provides an increased breadth in knowledge of the content of the Word of God , includ ing its background and sound principles of literary interpreta­ tion. Practical studies concentrate on the enhancement of ministry and communica­ tion skills. The goal of both emphases is improved expertise in a ministry of the Word as it relates to the daily lives of peo­ ple and their eternal destiny. The core of the program is offered at the La Mirada campus to provide the ad­ vantages inherent in a broad community of learn ing, but several courses per· semester are offered in an extension center· located at 7225 South Main Street, Los Angeles. Th is provides opportun ity for those in ministry in the inner city to attend. Neces­ sary li brary resources are being made available at the extension center.

J At the completion of 32 units, an evaluation will be made regarding admiss ion to candidacy status in the Master of Arts in Ministry program. Students with a grade point average of at least 2.50 will receive candi dacy status. Students with a grade point average between 200 and 2.50 will be allowed to complete an addition ­ al 8 units (for a total of 40) to be cred ited toward the diploma in ministry. Graduation Requirements for the Masters of Arts in Ministry A Satisfacto1·ily complete 64 semester units as outl ined 1n the cu1-riculum. B. Qualify for cand idacy st atus at the con­ clusion of 32 units. C Comp lete at least 24 un its at the La Mirada campus and no more than 40 units at extension locations. D. Obtain a 2.50 grade point average with no grade below "C-" in all courses to be credited toward graduation. E. Complete the ent ire program in no more than six years. F. Prior· to candidacy stat us, students with a grade point average below 2.0 are placed on probation and remain on probation as long as the si ngle semester or cumulative grade point average re- mains below 2.0. After candidacy status is granted, the minimum grade point aver-age is adjusted upward to 2.50, w ith probat ion calculated accord ingly. Students on probation are granted one semester in which to bring the ir aca- demic work up to the required level for continuance in the semi nary. A student cannot graduate while on probat ion Master Of Arts In Ministry Curriculum The Master of Arts in Ministry cu1-ricu ­ lum includes courses in three categories : I) co1·e curriculum, 40 units; 2) ministry em­ phasis, 13 or 14 units; and 3) electives, I0 or I I un its. The total requ irement is 64 un its.

In order to make the program accessi­ ble to the many parish ministers whose daily schedule is already full, the program has been structured at a normal pace of eight units per semester. Each course meets one evening a week and diffe1-ent classes are available two to three evenings a week, one or more at the La Mirada campus and another at an extension loca­ tion. The rate of progress through the program may be increased by the follow­ ing alternatives: studies during summer school or interterm and additional classes at the La Mirada campus in the morni ng or evening during the semester.

visit the campus of Bio/a


University, / am im-

I . Complet ion of five years in ministry and presently on a church staff in an official capacity 2. Normally applicants are age 35 or older. J Appl icants usually w ill not have the BA or equivalent degree. Talbot of­ fers other programs for applicants who have the baccalaureate degree. 4. Three references are required: church or denominat ional endorse ­ ment; personal fr iend; and ministry colleague (or employer if currently employed outside the church ). B. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS I. Equivalency of two years of colle­ giate level studies. 2. Proficiency in English language. C ADMISSION PROCEDURES I . The applicant's potent ial to compete successfully in a graduate program will be determined by the Master of Arts Guidance Committee, which will interview each appl icant and evaluate al l credentials. 2. Each approved applicant will be en­ rolled tentatively in the Master of Arts in Ministry program until 32 unit s have been completed , of which 24 must be in core courses as de­ scribed below.

pressed with the faculty,

their involvement with

students and their in­

terest in every aspect of

a student 's fife.

Dr. David Hocking,


"Bio/a Hour" teacher,

Pastor, Calvary Church,

Santa Ana, California


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