
Master of Arts Programs in Biblical and Theological Studies Philosophy of Biblical and Theological Studies Programs The Master of Arts degree in Biblical Studies and the Master of Arts degree in Theological Studies are intensive and highly specialized programs designed for those whose calling to Christian service 1s not 1n the area of professional ministry. It 1s ant1c1- pated that candidates for these programs will have purposes that co1nc1de with the following: I. The training of college graduates who . desire a more thorough grasp of the Bi­ ble in order to engage in Christian min­ istries at levels other than those that are usually performed by the ordained clergy. Thi s would include medical doc­ tors on the mission field, m1ss1onary pi ­ lots, church administrators, counselors, lay leaders in the local church and others. 2. The furnish ing of a biblical background for those who are preparing for teach­ ing in non-theological fields. _ 3. The furn ish ing of an academic back­ ground for those who find the Master of Arts degree ample for a teaching po­ sition either at home or 1n a foreign country. 4. Providing a shorter program of study for miss ionaries who have only t heir furlough time in which to further their formal training in the Scriptures.

Ministry Emphases Pastoral BE 71 2 Pastoral Epistles ... PT 603 Pastoral Counseling .. PT 610 Sermon Preparation II. PT 70 I Christian Education in the Local Church. PT 727 Pre-marital Preparation and Counseling .. Christian Education CE 5 I 2 Educat ion Administration PT 701 Christian Education in the Local Church. CE 51 3 Women in Christian Ministries. CE 624 Small Group Leadership CE 644 Music in the Church. Electives Three of the Following

Admission Requirements Applicants, t o be accepted, must pos­ sess a baccalaureate degree. Each should be a graduate from a recognized and/or regionally accredited college with a m1n1 - mum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). The Master of Arts with emphasis in Bible exposition is designed primarily for those who desire to take graduate b1bl1cal studies later in life. Therefore, those who apply for the program with this particular emphasis should be age 35 _or older. All applicants must submit a written statement outlining their vocational objec­ tives and how the degree might relate to those objectives. Graduation Requirements A Sat isfactorily complete 62 semester units as outlined in the appropriate cur­ riculum. B. Submit an acceptable thesis chosen in consultation with the major advisor. Two unbound copies are to be submit­ ted to the librarian. A ll theses, whether acceptable or not, become the proper- ty of Talbot Semi nary. . C. At least 24 units must be taken at this semi nary. D. Obtain a 3.0 average with no grade be­ low a "C- " in all courses to be credited toward graduation. E. Complete the entire program in no more than five years. Students are placed on academic proba­ tion if their grade point average for any se­ mester falls below 3.0 and will remain on probation as long as the single semester or cumulative grade point average remains below 3.0. The probation students are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (3.0) for continuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. Major Requirements The Program Structure The academic programs leading to the degrees Master of Arts in Biblical Studies and Master of Arts in Theological Studies are comprised of 62 units structured in

The courses specifically identified by de­ partment and number in the chart below are required in the core curriculum. _In ad ­ dition, each student must select a ministry emphasis and complete the requirements of that emphasis during the program. Three emphases are currently offered : pastoral, missions and Christian education. The courses required in each are listed be­ low. The following chart presents the cur­ riculum sequence for students who will be "full-time" in the program. Students who will be enrolled on a "half-time" basis should plan to complete eight units each semester, normally taking courses 1nd1cat­ ed as "first year" before those in the "sec­ ond year" group.

2 4 3



10 24


3 6 2 2 2

First Year

I st Semester BE 505 Hermeneutics, Genesis . . BE 603 New Testament Survey.

4 4

CE 65 1 Early Childhood Development and Education

TH 605 Bibl iology, Theology


Proper, Anthropology . Emphasis or electives.


CE 653 Childhood Development and Education . CE 661 Youth Development and Educat ion . CE 662 Youth Leadership...

4 16


2 2

2nd Semester BE 5 18 Old Testament Survey. TH 606 Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Eschatology . ICS 555 Missions, Evangelism


CE 671 Youth Adult

Development and Education

4 4


CE 672 Older Adult

Emphasis or electives.

4 16

Development and Education


........ .. . '


11 24

Second Year

I st Semester CH 505 Early, Medieval Church History PT 609 Sermon Preparation . PT 703 Church and Society .. PT 773 Biblical Foundation of Family

3 3 2

Missions ICS 540 Principles of Church Planting .... ICS 560 Urban Evangelism ICS 640 Cultural Anthropology for Missionaries . ICS 661 Principles of Church Growth . . . ICS 742 History of Missions ... ICS 751 Theology of Missions.

2 2


Emphasis or electives .

5-6 15- 16


4 2 2

2nd Semester BE 506 Matthew, Romans

4 2

10 24

Electives ...

BE 708 Acts ...

- -

Emphasis or electives .

I 0-1 I 16-17



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