
Doctor of Education Program Director Charles O Bradshaw, Ph.D. Faculty Professors: Bradshaw, Dirks, Johnson,

MIN 827 INTEGRATION OF THEOL­ OGYAND PSYCHOLOGY IN A COUN­ SELING MINISTRY+ An in-depth examination of various lead­ ers and models of counseling in vogue to­ day Evaluation of their success in integrat­ ing psychology and theology in counseling. Course is designed to assist the church leader to establish a lifestyle of integration as well as a philosophy of integration that will have practical expression in a counsel­ ing ministry in the local church. (Required for all persons in Marriage and Family Ministr ies .) MIN 828 PASTORAL CARE AND COUNSELING SKILLS+ A course designed to help the pastor sharpen skil ls in pastoral care and counsel­ ing. The student will learn and practice a model of helping which incorporates tech­ niques and approaches of the behavioral sciences as well as biblical principles. The student wi ll be exposed to live counseling sessions, extensive counseling practice and professionals in practice. (Additional work will be expected outside of class hours during the course.) MIN 829 THE PASTOR AS A CRISIS COUNSELOR+ Student will develop skills to help individ­ uals confronting typical crises such as the birth of a child, il lness, the loss of a job, marital conflict, career adjustment, bereavement, pre-marital pregnancy, re­ tirement and termi nal disease. Attent ion given to prevention of stress in predictable developmental crises as well as recovery management following a crisis. A combina­ tion of cli nical exposure, case study and student experience used in thi s seminar. MIN 830 ADMINISTRATIVE LEADERSHIP IN THE LOCAL CHURCH* A course designed to lead the student through a biblical, organizational and psy­ chological understanding of leadership, motivation, planning, managi ng conflicts,

Application Deadline Applications must be submitted by May I for fall entry or November I for spring entry Applicants accepted for the fall se­ mester may begin studies in the pr-ecedi ng summer. Applicants accepted for the spring may begin studies in the preceding interterm. Decisions are made only on completed applications. Admission Requirements ( I ) Eligible applicants must hold a mas­ t er's degree from an accredited institut ion with an average grade of at least a 3.25 on a 4.0 scale. (2) EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION Ed.D. applicants must have 24 graduate se­ mester units of Christian education course work or equivalent. This should include at least one course in educational administra­ tion, educational psychology, history and philosophy of Christian education, counsel­ ing, methods and resources of education and group process. Undergraduate course units can count on a two to one ratio. A minimum of 12 units must be on the grad­ uate level. (3) THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATION Ed.D. applicants must have 24 graduate se­ mester units of Bible/theology course work or equivalent. These units must include Old and New Testament survey, theology, Old and New Testament introduction and hermeneutics and Bible study methods. Undergraduat e units count on a two to one ratio. A minimum of 12 units must be on the graduate level. (4) VOCATIONAL FOUNDATION All Ed.D. applicants must have a minimum of two years or equivalent of full-time Chris­ tian vocational experience, preferably within a church cont ext. (5) Submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test (GRE). Information regarding testing dates and lo­ cations may be obtai ned by writing to the Educational Testing Service, Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. No appli ­ cant is exempt from submitting GRE scores. Scores more t han three years old are unacceptable.

worker training, evaluation, change princi­ ples and organizational development. Par­ ticipants have the opportunity to examine their leadershi p style and to develop styles through group experiences and case stud­ ies that will make t hem more effect ive leaders. MIN 83 1THE TRAINING OF LAY PAS­ TORAL COUNSELORS+ An in-depth course aimed to provide tools for the equipping of leaders such as dea­ cons, elders, small group leader-s, Sunday school t eachers and youth workers to do the work of counseling in the local church. Attention given to the strategy of t raini ng, using current local church programs as models. MIN 832 MASS COMMUNICATION OF THE GOSPEL* A practical course designed to enhance the ski lls of the Christ ian communicator in using the tools of the printed media, radio, television and film. Primary focus on the skill development within the student's cho­ sen area of specialization. MIN 833 DISCIPLESH IP IN THE LOCAL CHURCH* An in-depth exami nation of the biblical principles, history and methodology of dis­ cipleship. The course will emphasize the practical concern of how to develop an ongoi ng discipleship program in the local ministry

Radcliffe, Wilson Philosophy Purpose

The Ed.D. degree is designed to provide its graduat s w ith the academic founda ­ tion, theological perspective and ski ll s needed to be highly competent professionals in Christian education, able to assume significant and distinctive leader­ ship and teaching roles in the church and other institutions dealing with Christian education in a var iety of settings, world­ wide. Integrat ion of faith , learning and liv­ ing is a major focus of the program. The program nurtures the competen­ cies of sound scholarship, research, effec­ tive interpersonal skills and teaching ability Competence is combined w ith creativity and imagination enlightened by research­ based knowledge. The doctoral program is designed to stimulate the growth of each student t o be all that God intended in pro­ fessional competence and in personal walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. Program Distinctives Wholistic Research oriented with a strong emphasis in combining professional, social , spiritual and mental areas of growth. Teaching Skills: Emphasizes practical ap­ pl ication of effective communi cati on skills. Integration: "Faith, Learning and Life" course is a core requ irement. Throughout the program students will work with advising committee that wi ll include a theology/Bible professor as well as Chris­ tian education staff. The dissertation it self must be integrative in nature. University Base: A wide breadth of knowledge is made available th rough the facu lty and various disciplines of st udy at Biola University

MIN 899 DISSERTATION (C)*+ Prescribed for D .Min. students.

*Applicable to the field of concentration in church leadership. + Applicable to the field of concentra­ tion in marriage and family ministries.


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