Classification of Admitted Students Each student admitted is classified in one of the following categories. ( I ) FULL GRADUATE STANDING Ap plicants who intend to obtain a degree and who are admitted without reservation are granted fu ll graduate stand ing. Only stu dents with full graduate standing may be come degree candidates. (2) CONDITIONAL STANDING: Con ditional admission status may be awarded to a student whose academic record shows certain deficiencies. The student must demonstrate ability to do graduate work at a high level of achievement at Tal bot Theological Seminary and School of Theology before being considered for ad mission to a degree program. After com pleting two courses (or a semester of work), t he record of a student with condi tiona l stand ing wi ll be reviewed by the graduate faculty serving the program. The faculty may then grant full graduate stand ing or request that the student should re main on conditional stand ing until specified requirements hav been met. Conditional admission status may also be awarded to a student with deficiencies in the educational, theological and vocat ional foundational re quir·ements for admission. A student can take a maximum of 18 doctoral un its be fore foundat ional admission requ irements and positive review by the graduate com mittee se rv ing the program will grant the ( I ) A minimum of 48 units beyond the master's degree of which at least 24 units must be completed within 24 months is re quired. A maximum of eight units of ap propriate doctoral level work from an accred ited institution may be transferred. The student must maintain a 3.0 grade point average to cont inue in the program. (2) PROGRAM COMMITTEE: A com mittee consisting of a chairman and two or more add itional faculty members drawn from Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology or other programs of student ful l graduate standing. Program Sequence:
International students are not r·equired to take the GRE if English is not their native language and they do not hold degrees from an American college or university. In stead, they must submit scores on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). (6) Submit completed profiles (not an swer- sheets) of the Minnesota Mult iphasic Pe1·sonal it y Inventory (MMPI). These tests must be taken at a college test ing se rvice or from a licensed psychologist. Test mate rial 1s confidential. Applicants are referred to the sou1-ce from which the test ing was adm1n1stered if they desire cl1n1cal 1nterpre tat1on. The MMPI resu lts must be less than 12 months old. (7) Submit five letters of recommenda tion on forms supplied by the school. Three of these letters are academic references and two are character references (one must be a pastor ). The pastor and other character reference shall provide confirmation of spiritual qualifica tion (I T imothy 3, Titus I ), spiritual giftedness, relational skills and other minis try-related skills . (8) The applicant must submit a written statement (700-1000 words) descri bi ng vocational objectives and how the degree relates to those objectives. (9) In addition to the application and re ferences, the applicant will submit a for mal paper of at least 20 pages on a topic relating to Christian education which will 1·eflect graduate level research and writing skills. ( I0) The applicant must be interviewed by members of th Christian education faculty. If married, the applicant is to be ac companied by spouse, when possible. Only those who are finalists in the admis sion procedure, determined by the pre liminary screening, will be scheduled for a personal 1nterv1ew.
Biola University shall be appointed after consultat ion with the student. Committee members are to include t he professor from a biblical or theological field . The committee shall oversee and approve the student's entire program. (3) PROGRAM AGENDA: A written in dividual program agenda that includes pro posed courses, emphasis, research tools and growth covenant must be submitted to the program committee before the completion of 12 units. (4) VOCATIONAL EXPERIENCE: A to tal of four years full-time Christian voca tional experience as determined accept able by the program committee is re quired prior to the granting of the EdD. degree. Previous experience applies. (5) QUALIFYING EXAMINATIONS a. Written comprehensive examina tions will be required covering the core seminars in history, philosophy, education administrat ion, human de velopment and integration as well as examinations in the student's area of emphasis. These examinations will be given the eighth and ninth weeks of each semester. b. A qualifying major research paper in the student's area of emphasis will be prepared. The paper is to be pre sented no later than the tenth week of each semester. c. Examination of the student's teaching skills shall be accomplished by faculty observation of a student-led gradu ate or undergraduate classroom teaching experience. The teaching demonstration must be completed no later than the twelfth week of each semester. d. Upon successful completion of the written comprehensive examina tions, research paper and teaching skills evaluation, an oral qual ifyi ng ex amination will be scheduled. The ex amination will be comprehensive and will include a review of the student's growth covenant. The oral examina tion is to be held no later than the fourteenth week of each semester.
Scheduling for all qualifying exami nations is to be initiated by the stu dent in conference w ith the student's program committee chairman. (6) RESEARCH TOOLS: Two research tools which provide research skills suitable for the student's area of dissertation study are to be mastered. Validation of compe tency in each tool shall be det ermined by the program committee. Successful com pletion of certain courses may serve as re search tools subject to acceptance by the committee. Appropriate research tools in clude I) biblical Hebrew language; 2) New Testament Greek language; 3) modern German language; 4) statistics; 5) comput er programming; 6) historical analysis ; 7) philosophical method; 8) interaction analysis; 9) interview design and procedure and I0) questions, survey design and procedure. (7) ADVANCEMENT TO CANDIDA CY: Upon the successful completion of all requirements except the dissertation a student will be advanced to candidacy. Upon reaching candidacy a student must register for dissertation. (8) DISSERTATION. (9) ORAL DEFENSE OF DISSER TATION. Curriculum Outline Core Seminars I 5 units 80 I History of biblical education 2 802 Philosophy of Christian education 2 804 Administrative organization and leadership 3 803 Human development and Christian nurture 3 805 Models of teaching 2 806 Integrat ion of fa ith, life and learning 3 Electives 12 units BIBLE/THEOLOGY: Elective courses to be taken from existing 700 or 800 level courses at Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology or Rosemead School of Psychology. (8 units)
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