
EDD 888 RESEARCH DESIGN (2) Plan and complete a modest research project and study research methods and techniques. These include design, sam­ pling, direct observation, data processing, interviews and questionnaires. Competen­ cy demonstrative of a research technique requ ired for completion of seminar. EDD 890 DISSERTATION RESEARCH SEMINAR (2) Discussion and development of doctoral dissertation research. Approval of the dis­ sertation proposal is necessary for success­ ful completion of the semi nar. EDD 891 CONTINUOUS REGISTRA­ TION: DISSERTATION (0) Research and writing of an approved doc­ toral dissertation under the direction of maJor advisor and dissertation committee. Educational Processes Emphasis This emphasis will focus on the educa­ tional process 1n relation to the purpose of education, principles of teachi ng, human growth, the nature of learning, and the dynamics of groups in a variety of situa­ tions. Consideration given to the teaching ministry of Jesus for principles and pro­ cesses of education, ministry of the Holy Spirit in re lationship to the teacher-learn­ ing process, and Old Testament and New Testament educational institutions. EDD 821 INTEGRATION OF THEOL­ OGY AND EDUCATIONAL PROCESS (4) Historical studies in both Old Testament and N ew Testament institut ions for educa­ tion from Biblical and other sources. Anal­ ysis of the teaching ministry of Jesus for principles and processes in individual in­ struction, group teaching and training. Spe­ cial emphasis of study in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in relationship to learni ng the­ ories, Biblical instruction. and teacher­ learning process. A research seminar with emphasis on creative applications.

EDD 837 INTEGRATION OF THE­ OLOGICAL AND DEVELOPMENTAL RESEARCH (4) Exami nation of the relationships between developmental principles and Biblical doc­ trinal themes. The applications of integra­ tion explored in areas such as discipleship and socialization. Characteristics of optimal environmental factors influencing develop­ ment will be considered.

EDD 822 PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING (2) Analysis and practice of principles of teach­ ing. Emphasis on how to effectively lecture, motivate and teach for retent ion. Writing of objectives, lesson plans, high level think­ ing, use of questions also discussed. Field experience required. EDD 823 SEMINAR IN EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES (4) The educational process in relation to the purpose of education, human growth, the nature of learni ng and the dynamics of groups in a variety of situat ions. Emphasis on the development of self-esteem, cre­ ativity, importance of affect in the class­ room, and different forms of education (formal, non-formal, and informal ). EDD 824 CURRICULUM DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT (2) Cu1-r iculum issues and problems, their ra­ tionale, and impl ications for ministry. Em­ phasis on the development of curriculum for the integration of faith, learning, and life. Different models for designing curricu­ lum and instruction. Curriculum designed for specific settings requ ired. Previous course in curriculum design suggested.

Spiritual Development Emphasis This emphasis will focus on the integra­ tive relationship between areas of human development and spiritual maturity. Sources for areas of human development are the research studies in the literature and the main source for spiritual develop­ ment is biblical. The emphasis is thus pri­ marily integrative in its approach and scope. The belief that al l truth is God's truth is central to this emphasis as "secular" studies are scrutinized for their relevance to the establishment and advancement of spiritual maturity in the life of individuals. EDD 831 COGNITIVE, PHYSICAL DE­ VELOPMENT (2) Review of research on the cognitive and physical growth processes. The work of developmentalists examined to discover structures of cognitive and physical changes that occur in the life span of nor­ mal and exceptional persons. EDD 832 PSYCHO-SOCIAL, AFFECTIVE DEVELOPMENT (2) Principles and stages of psychological de­ velopment learned in social contexts, and the principles of attitudinal development as they 1-elate to spiritual growth and devel­ opment. The implications of the significant influences, variations of development and environmental factors of psychosocial and affective development on spiritual devel­ opment examined. EDD 833 MORAL AND VALUE DEVEL­ OPMENT (2) Principles and sequence of moral develop­ ment and the development of commit­ ment to values ; consideration of significant influences on development by Christian educators and parents; examination of de­ velopmental variations with implications for spiritual growth. EDD 835 CHRISTIAN FAITH DEVELOP­ MENT (4) Definition of the development of Christian faith, its assessment, and comparison of re­ search on faith development with the Bibli­ cal data and theological perspectives.


Education within the cross cultural context, designed to develop concepts of educa­ tional philosophy and practice, learning styles, teaching roles, nature of content, culture, specific educational programs, and anticipated results.


Analysis of literature, material, and practice concerning intergenerational learning. Spe­ cific field project developed.



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