
BE 709 THE CORINTHIAN EPISTLES (2) An exposition of each epistle in the light of the social and mora l cond it ions of the times, with special focus on the doctrinal and ethical values and their application to church problems of today. Elective. BE 7 10 GALAT IANS (2) An exposit ion of the epistle which devotes special attent ion to interpretive questions concerning just ification by fai th and the life of the Christian according to the principles of divine grace. Elective. BE 7 1 I THE PRISON EPIST LES (2) An expos1t1on of Ephesians , Ph ilippians, Colossians and Philemon which unfolds di­ vine revelation about the church and its calling, its relat1onsh1p to Christ and its life 1n the world today. Special attention given to more crucial 1nte rpret1ve problems. lect1ve. BE 712 THE PASTORAL EPISTLES (2) Th epistles to Timothy and Titus ex­ pounded 1n the light of their special em­ phasis upon pastoral ministration and church discipline. Elective. BE 713 THE ESCHATOLOGICAL EPISTLES (2) An exposition of First and Second Thessalonians and Second Peter with re­ gard to truth concerning our Lord's return and 1·elated matters. Elective. BE 714 HEBREWS (2) An expos1t1on showing the relation of the Old Testament priesthood and sacrificial systems to New Testament fulfillment in Christ. Elective. BE 715 THE GENERAL EPISTLES (2) James, First Peter and Jude studied as to the occasion. purpose, structure, contents and message of each writing. Elective. BE 716 THEJOHANNINE EPISTLES (2) A detailed study of these epistles which unfold the practical solution to the prob­ lems of fellowship and falsity. Elective.

BE 7 18 HIGHLIGHTSOF THE SPIRITUAL LIF (NT) (2) An exposition of key passages on the li fe of the believer, with a su r vey of various systems of belief in regard to spiritual livi ng and a correlat ion of various facets in the Christian experience. Elective. BE 7 19 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION OF PRAYER (2) An exposit ion of represent ative prayers and the teach ing about prayer in the Old and New Testaments. with special empha­ sis on the nature of the Father. the exam­ ple and teachi ng of Jesus, the role of the Holy Spirit, and the requirements of disci­ pleship. Elective. BE 720 BIBLICAL EXPOSITION OF REWARD (2) An expository survey of the believer's fu­ ture reward acco1·ding to representative passages 1n both testaments, also a com­ parison with concepts 1n the Apocrypha and Pseudep1grapha, Dead Sea scrolls and Rabbin ic Judaism Elective. BE 72 1 PROBLEM PASSAGES ( 1-2) A study of selected important problem passages of both testaments in the light of hermeneutical principles, including a survey of literature 1n the field. Elective. BE 722 BIBLICAL SEMINAR (2) Guided research in some biblical area re­ lating to exposition, acco1·di ng to the stu­ dent's need and relevancy to ministry. Elective. BE 796 THESIS(0) Prescribed for MA (BS, B.E. ) and ThM (Bible) students. BE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis. * BE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Fi nal draft of thesis.*

BE 80 I PARABLES (2) A survey of the parables in the Bible with special emphasis on the parables of Christ, rules governing the ir interpretation and the ir dispensational import and application in modern preaching. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department perm,s­ s,on. BE 802 MIRACLES (2) A study of the miracles of Chr ist, their set­ t ing, interpretation, dispensational signifi­ cance and application in modern preach­ ing. Elective for Th.M. students, others by department permission. BE 803 BIBLICAL GEOGRAPHY (2) A presentat ion of the cultural develop­ ment of the Holy Land and nations of the Fert ile Crescent in relation to Israel, the strategic locat ion of the Holy Land, the cli­ mate and topog1·aphy, and the location of important place names. Elective for Th.M. _students; others by department perm,ss,on. BE 804 THE HISTORY OF THE ENGLISH BIBLE (2) The fasci nati ng story of how ou r Engl ish Bi­ ble is traced from the ancient manuscripts to the latest modern versions. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department per­ mission. (Same as NT 728). BE 805 BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY (2) A survey of problems in chronology throughout Scripture with special emphasis given to more crucial areas, such as Genes is I , the Judges and the kings, and matters relat ing t o Christ. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department perm,ss,on. BE 806 BIBLE EXPOSITION SEMINAR ( 1-4) Special guided research for BE majors who w ish to carry out some study that meets their need in an area of Bible exposition. The nature of the content may be deter­ mined in consultation with a faculty mem­ ber in the department. Elective for Th.M. Students.

BE 807 EXPOSITION OF MATTHEW 13 and 24-25 (2) A special concentration on exposition that goes beyond the survey in BE 506 with re­ gard t o culture, textual problems, views and the integration of the passages with a bibl ical prophetical picture overall. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission. BE 808 THE JOHANNINE CONCEPT OF THE OVERCOMER (2) A focus on the passages in Johannine books that relate to overcoming as they in­ tegrate with the Christian life, grace, fru it, reward and the general picture of ultimate blessedness. The course familiarizes the student with the problems and literature on these areas as well as with pr inciples and applications. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents, others by department permission.


A course designed to examine from an evangel ical perspect ive the background and exegetical issues (such as : literary criti­ cism, sacramentalism, Judaism, Hellen ism, Oriental myst icism, nascent gnosticism and primitive liturgy) which are said to have in­ fluenced New Testament texts on prayer and the worship of early Christian commu­ nities. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission. * BE 797 and 798 are prescribed for the MDi v. students majoring in th is depart­ ment who will write a thes is. BE 797 will be taken at the completion of 64 units and BE 798 at the complet ion of 80 units. Nei­ ther of the two is applicable toward gradu­ ation unless both have been completed.



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