Department of Systematic Theology Robert L. Saucy, ThD, Chair Faculty Professors: Saucy, Holloman Assistant Professor: Mueller (Valley Exten sion Center) It is the purpose of the department of systematic theology to give the student a thorough grasp of the great doctrines of the Christian faith. Based upon the Scrip ture as the ultimate source of authority the doctrines are developed through the sys temati c examination and int egration of rel evant Scriptures with consideration given to doctrinal interpretations throughout church history. Along with the acquisition of a knowledge of the theological doctrines of the Scriptures, it is the goal of the de partment to develop in the students a fa cility which will allow them to continue their own theological development TH 502 THEOLOGY I (4) The nature, method and rationale of Christian theology Revelation, both gener al and special, inspiration, canon1city, au thority and illumination of the Word of God. The doctrine of God , including His existence, attributes and Trinitarian nature; and angels, both good and evil. Prescribed for MDiv and MA (CE.) students. TH 603 THEOLOGY II (4) Man, his creation 1n the image of God, his nature, fall and the effect of si n upon the race. The salvation of God, including the person and work of Christ. The application of salvation to men including election, re generation, justification, sanctification and perseverance. Prescribed for M.Div. and MA (CE.) students
TH 7 18 THEOLOGY OF CHRISTIAN NURTURE (2) Designed for the st udent with background in the biblical and theological knowledge of soteriology Consideration of the nature of personal t ransformation in regeneration, the means and dynamics of nurture includ ing the relation of cognitive and relational aspects. Exami nation of the nature of spiri tual maturity and its relation to psychologi cal maturity and hindrances to growth. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology Prerequisite: TH 606, TH 603 or equivalent. Prescribed for reduced MA (CE.) students. Elective. TH 72 1THE THEOLOGY OF JOHN CALVIN (2) Treatment of the text of the Institutes of the Christian Religion, with consideration of his special contribution to theology and the relevance of his thi nki ng for our day Elective. TH 724 ESCHATOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (2) Typical exegetical and doctrinal problems in the area of Bible prophecy Lectures, as signed problems with written and class room reports, discussion and library re search. Elective. TH 725 THE DISPENSATIONAL SYSTEM (2) An intensive study of that system of biblical interpretat ion known as dispensat1onalism; its historical background, modern form and objections. Emphasizing primary the ological and exegetical issues or disagree ment between dispensational and non dispensational positions. Elective. TH 728 THEOLOGICAL SYSTEMS (2) Several major theological systems of thought emphasizing those within the Prot estant perspective, but also including sig nificant Roman Catholic and Jewish sys tems. Prescribed for MA (T S.) students.
TH 604 THEOLOGY Ill (4) The church, its inception, its nature as a liv ing organism and an organization, its ordi nances and mission. The study of future things relati ng to the destiny of 1nd1v1duals and history, including the second coming of Christ in its phases, the millennial reign of Christ, the resurrections, the judgments and eternal state. Emphasis is placed upon the broad kingdom purpose of God. Pre scribed for M.Div and MA (CE.) students. TH 605 BIBLIOLOGY, THEOLOGY PROPER AND ANTHROPOLOGY (4) Prolegomena to systematic theology in cluding its nature and method. The study of bibliology includ ing revelation, inspira tion, canonicity, authority and illumination of the Scriptures. The doctrine of God, H is existence and nature. Angels, both good and evil, and man, including his creation, nature and sinful condition. Prescribed for MA (Min) and MA (BS, B.E.) students. TH 606 SOTERIOLOGY. ECCLESIOL OGY AND ESCHATOLOGY (4) The study of salvation, its provision 1n the person and work of Christ and its applica tion to man. The church, includi ng its in ception, nature as a l1v1ng organism and or ganization. The doctrine of future things relating to the destiny of 1nd1v1duals. na tions and the universe. Prescribed for M.A. (Min.) and MA (BS, B.E. ) students. The history of the doctrine; the scriptural evidence for verbal and plenary inspiration and a refutation of all important denials of the 1nfallibil1ty of the Scriptures. Prerequi site TH 502 or the equivalent 1n Bibliology. Elective. TH706THEDOCT~NEOFTHE ATONEMENT (2) The history of the doctrine, beginning with the Fathers, traced through the Reformers and continued into the twentieth century, with a refutation of heterodox views. Elective. TH 705 THE DOCTRINE OF INSPIRATION (2)
A detailed study of the tenets of Roman Catholicism; reading from representative Roman Catholic literature; particular atten tion given to the distinctions between Ro man Catholic and Protestant doctrines. Es pecially helpful for those contemplating missionary service in countries domi nated by Roman Catholicism. Elective. TH 709 CONTEMPORARY THEOLOGY (2) The study of contemporary theological po sitions, includi ng a survey of the philosophi cal and theological thought leading up to the present scene. Prescribed for M.A. (TS.) and MA (Mis.) students. TH 710 PNEUMATOLOGY (2) The person and work of the Holy Spirit both 1n the Old and New Testaments with par·t1cular attention to His ministries in this age to the 1nd1vidual believer and the church. Prerequisite NT 501-502. Elec tive. TH 712 CURRENT THEOLOGICAL ISSUES (2) An intensive study of the thought of par ticular contemporary theologians, promi nent theological or theologically significant ethical issues 1n the light of biblical revela tion. Elective.
Exploration of key areas relating to the na ture of man from both a theological and psychological perspect ive; the biblical na ture of man 1n comparison to teaching the ories of human development. The meaning and significance of man created in the im age of God: nature and dynamics of sin which lead to sins or psychological malad JUStments; practical application of the abo,,e concepts to the areas of personal growth and disciple, education and child rear ing and church ministry Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology Prerequisite TH 605, TH 603, or equivalent Prescribed for reduced MA (CE. ) students. Elect ive.
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