
Department of Semitics and Old Testament Thomas J. Finley, PhD, Chair Faculty Associate Professors: Finley, Rigsby The aim of this department is to ac­ quai nt the student with the life, customs and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the biblical and related periods: and t o give the student an accu ­ rate foundation in Hebrew grammar, syn­ tax and exegesis, so that his expositions of the English Bible will reflect this sound basis of interpretation. The department pur ­ poses not to be exhaust ive, but rather di­ rective in the matter of further indepen­ dent study from the original languages. OT 506 OLD TESTAMENT INTRODUC­ TION (2) A study of the canon of the O ld Testament and an examinat ion of the foundations and conclusions of modern historical-cr itical methods with part icular reference to Pentat euchal uiticism: introduction to the separate books. Prescribed for MA (BS, B.E.) and MA (CE.) students. (Not fo1- 0T majors.) OT 603 ELEMENTS OF HEBREW (4) Basic grammar with translation and written exercises: readings of selected biblical texts. P1-escribed for M.Div. and MA (BS, OT) students . OT 604 ADVANCED HEBREW (4) · Gramma1- and syntax with selected read ­ ings and exegesis in biblical texts, incl ud ing passages in Zechariah . Prescribed for M.Div. and MA (BS, OT) students.

TH 729 THE THEOLOGY OF THE GOSPELS (2) An examination of the theological teaching of Jesus as recorded In the four Gospel narratives. Special attention Is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of His p1-esen ­ tatIon and rejection . Elective. TH 730 PAULINE THEOLOGY (2) The main themes of Paul's doctrine from the biblical theological perspective. Pre- 1-equ1s1te: NT 50 I -502. Elective. TH 761 DIRECTED STUDY ( 1-4) Supervised reading and research in select­ ed areas of systemat ic theology Elective. TH 796 THESIS (0) Presrnbed for MA (TS.) and Th.M. (The­ ology) students .

Specialized research is emphasized. Elec­ tive for Th.M. students: othei-s by depart­ ment permission. TH 8 13 JOHANNINE THEOLOGY (2) The theology of the Johannine writings, with emphasis upon the concepts that the wri ter himself emphasizes. Prerequ1s1te: NT 501-502. Elective for Th .M. students: others by department permission. TH 813 ADVANCED ECCLESIOLOGY (2) An intensive study of significant aspects of the church re lated to its nature, purpose and organization. Part icular attent ion di­ rected to current problem areas. Prereq­ uisite TH 604 or the equ ivalent In ecclesi­ ology Elective for Th.M. students : othe1-s by department permission . The religious and philosophical background of the period of the Reformation. A care­ ful examination of the theology of the Re­ formers to ascertain their underlying prin­ ciples and their conceptual differences. An evaluation of their contribution to the­ ological thinking in the light of the Scrip­ tures and the current Roman Catholic the­ ology of their time. Elective frn- Th .M. stu­ dents: othe1-s by depa1-tment permission. An investigation into the meani ng and pur­ pose of the Kingdom of God and its pro­ gressive development w ithin history The cou rse includes d1scuss1on of historical and contemporary theological positions with emphasis upon the biblical teaching 1n its historical framework. Elective for Th.M. students: others by department per­ mIssIon. TH 818 THEOLOGY OF THE REFORMERS (2) TH 827 THE DOCTRINE OF THE KINGDOM (2) 1 TH 797 and 798 are prescribed for the M.Div students majori ng in this depart­ ment who will write a thesis . TH 797 will be taken at the completion of 64 units and TH 798 at the completion of 80 units. Nei­ ther of the two is applicable toward gradu­ at ion un less both have been completed.

OT 704 OLD TESTAMENT PROPHECY (2) The character, extent and personalities of Old Testament prophecy, w ith a treatment of princi ples of prophetic interpretat ion. Elective.* OT 705 ADVANCED HEBREW READ­ ING (2) Selected passages of the Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation. Pre­ requisite OT 604. Elective.*


A study of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings in the He­ brew text Prerequisite: OT 604. Elect ive.* OT 707 OLD TESTAMENT POETRY (2) The nature, scope and princip les of He­ brew poetry in the Old Testament Com­ parisons with the poetry of the Near East Elective. '" OT 709-7 10 READING OF SELECTED PSALMS FROM THE HEBREW TEXT (2, 2) Particular emphasis upon the devotional and practical va lues. Prerequ isi te: OT 604. Elect ive. * OT 71 1-712 MESSIANIC PROPHECIES (2, 2) The Messianic prophecies in their progres­ sive unfolding on the basis of the Hebrew text Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 7 14 READINGS IN THE MINOR PROPHETS (2) Selected passages from the minor proph­ ets w ith reference to the versions and in ­ terpretative problems. Prerequ isi te: OT 604. Elective.* OT 7 16 OLD TESTAMENT TEXT CAN ­ ON AND INTRODUCTORY STUDIES (2) Text, canon and examination of the foun ­ dations and conclusions of modern histori ­ cal-critical methods, w ith part icular refer­ ence to Pentateuchal criticism; special in-

TH 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) Fi1-st draft of thesis.*

TH 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis. *

TH 802 MILLENNIAL VI EWS(2) A careful and intensive study of the thr e main eschatological views relative to the millennium: the historical and biblical strength of the premillennial system: con­ siderat ion of the leading amillennial wntings A detailed analysis of the four po­ sitions relative to the time of the raptu1-e: a b1bl1cal and theological defense of the pretribulationa l view, with exegesis of crucial passages of Scripture. Prerequisite TH 604. Elective for Th .M. students: oth­ ers by department permission. TH 806 THEOLOGY SEMINAR ( 1-4) . Selected problems in the field of theology: emphasis upon independent research : ex­ tensive readi ng and w1-itten thesis re­ quired. Elective for Th .M. students : othe1-s by department permission. TH 81 I THEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS (2) The in-depth study of certain theological a1-eas, such as the d1v1ne decree. the prob­ lem of evil, the person of Christ. the atonement and ministries of the Spirit



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