
Department of New Testament Language and Literature Robert L. Thomas, Th.D, Chair Faculty Professor: Thomas Assoc iate Professor: McDougall Assistant Professor: Hutchison The purpose of this department is to impart to the student a knowledge of the Greek New Testament which includes three principal areas: historical back­ grounds, Greek grammar and exegesis of the text The plan is to provide students with tools which will enable them to utilize the Greek text in future study and in ex­ position of the Word of God. A qualifying examination in Greek is available to all students with previous Greek traini ng. Those with a grade of "C" or higher on the examination will be en­ rolled in NT 505 and the rest in NT 50 I . NT 501-502 BEGINNING GREEK (2, 2) An introductory study of the basic elements of New Testament Greek. Trans­ lation of portions of the New Testament in the second semester. For those who are deficient in Greek and plan to study the language in seminary. Prescribed for those who do not qualify by examination for NT 505. NT 505 GRAMMAR AND INTRODUC­ T ION TO EXEGESIS (4) Translation , building a Greek vocabulary, consideration of syntactical principles and the use of these in developing a compre­ hensive exegetical method. Prescribed for M.Div., MA (B.5.) and M.A (TS.) students.

OT 811 SEMINAR IN SEMITIC LAN­ GUAGES (2-4) Introductory grammatical studies in Ugarit ic, Arabic, Akkad ian, Syriac or Mod­ ern Hebrew; readi ngs in ancient Hebrew and Aramaic inscriptions; or other ad­ vanced Semitic studies. Prerequisite: OT 604 and department permission. Elect ive · for Th.M. students; others by department permission. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.*

OT 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis. **

troduction of selected Old Testament books. Prescribed for M.Div and MA (B.5., OT) students. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 717 ARCHAEOLOGY AND THE OLD TESTAMENT (2) A treatment of the archaeological method. Survey of the history of excavations in Pal­ estine, Egypt and Mesopotamia, and the bearing of discoveries on the O ld Testa­ ment. Elective.*

OT 80 I THE BOOK OF JOB (2) The under lyi ng problems in the book. the interpretat ion of the text, its light on the problem of suffering, and comparison with the poetry of Ras Shamra and other Near Eastern texts. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission. * OT 803-804 EXEGESIS OF ISAIAH (3 , 3) A treatment of the text in the light of its historical background and style, w ith emphasis on the fullness of the lsaianic contribution in the field of Messianic prophecy. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission. * OT 805-806 EXEGESIS OF JEREMIAH AND EZEKIEL (3, 3) A detailed consideration of the historical background of these prophets, a t reat­ ment of the significant Messianic pred ic­ tions of each book and emphasis on the textual and interpretative problems of the books. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permission.* OT 807 OLD TESTAMENT TEXTUAL CRITICISM (2) A study of the Massoretic notes, the paral­ lel passages and the versions w ith an at­ tempt at explanation of the variations. Elective for Th.M. students; others by de­ partment permission. * OT 808 OLD TESTAMENT SEMINAR (2-4) Detailed research in some phase of the Old Testament field , such as exegesis, spe­ cific topics in history and introduct ion, or archaeology of selected geographical areas. Prerequisite: OT 604 and department permission. Elective for Th.M. students; others by depa1-tment permission. May be repeated for credit with different emphasis.*



The history of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Elective.*

A survey of the origin, nature and value of the Greek Old Testament with a reading of selected port ions and comparison with the Hebrew text. Investigation of the methods of the translators. Prerequisite: OT 604 and NT 502. Elective for Th.M. students; others by department permis­ sion. * * Electives are offered by rotation and on request **OT 797 and 798 are prescribed for the M.Div. students majoring in this depart­ ment who will write a thesis. OT 797 will be taken at the completion of 64 units and OT 798 at the completion of 80 units. Nei­ ther of the two is applicable toward gradu­ ation unless both have been completed.


Consideration of the non-canon ical litera­ ture from the period between the Testa­ ments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the centuries before the advent of Christian it y. Elective.* OT 730 THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS (2) A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumran Community, its beliefs and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Elective.* OT 731 BIBLICAL ARAMAIC (4) A study of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew; translating of all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Prereq ­ uisite 604. Elective.* A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with emphasis on historical back­ ground and detailed exegesis from the He­ brew text Prerequisite OT 604. Elective. ·* OT 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for MA (B.5., OT) and Th.M. (OT) students. OT 732 SEMINAR IN HEBREW EXEGESIS (2-4)

OT 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis.**



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