CE 651 EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOP MENT AND EDUCATION (2) The child from birth to age five years with emphasis on parental education within the church, implication of development for Christian education and organization of church ministries related to preschool edu cation. Consideration given to basic teach ing and ministering skills. Elective. CE 653 CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (Same as PT 753) (2) The child from age six to 12 year-s with emphasis on development of moral and 1-elig1ous values, cognitive processes and social relationships. In addition, an analysis is made of home and church ministries re lated to childhood education. Emphasis given to basic teaching and minister-ing skills. Elective. CE 661 YOUTH DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (Same as PT 761) (2) Finding and meeting adolescent needs, writing objectives for- youth ministr-y, lead ership of learning experiences and out reach experiences, disciple-building and review of available resources . Develop ment of personal plans for ministry Elective. CE 662 YOUTH LEADERSHIP (2) Emphasis on the leadership role in the local church, college campuses and mission field. Development of a youth leadership pro gram within the local church . Study of ex tra-church organizations and parent-teen relationships and ministry emphasized. Elective. CE 671 YOUNG ADULT DEVELOP MENT AND EDUCATION (Same as PT 771) (2) Survey of issues confronting young adults in contemporary life and opportunities for the church within the concept of ministry to assist those in young adulthood in meet ing these issues. Special attention to the areas of single adults and single parents. Elective.
CE 540 APPLIED MUSIC (Same as PT 540) ( 1-2) Includes private study as well as ensemble. May be repeated to a maximum of six units. Elective. CE 63 1-632 METHODS AND RE SOURCES OF MINISTRY (4, 4) Analysis of ministries of edification as they relate to the pe1-sonal, the interpersonal, the congr-egational and the administrative aspects of ministry with people of all ages (631 ). Analysis of worship and witness ministries in and emanating from the church (632). In both courses focus is on the exploration of various methods and 1-esources available for- ministry and on the development of ind ividual skills in commu nicating and leading in these ministries. Prescribed for MA (CE) students. CE 63 I pr-escribed for M.Div (CE major) students. CE 633-634 PRINCIPLES OF RESEARCH ( I , I) Basic methods of educational research with assessment of each method for use in religious education. Introduction to statisti cal measurements. For mulation and imple mentation of research prOJects in mi nistry situations. Requir-ed of reduced MACE. students. CE 638 CURRENT TRENDS IN CHRIS TIAN EDUCATION (2) Identifying and under-standing those issues which are of primary concern to the field of Christian education today Opportunity will be provided for individual and group research in areas of per-sonal concern. The course will investigate current educational trends. alternat ive church education pat terns and new forms of ministry Elective. CE 641 RELIGIOUS DRAMATICS (2) The place and value of religious drama. Criteria for play selection and readi ng in the field. Elements of production with practical ways of making lighting equip ment. costumes and set designing. Elective.
CE 642 LEISURE, RECREATION AND THE CHURCH (2) Exploration into the biblical concepts of leisure and the use of leisure time. Patterns of recreational and social activities in the local church. Leadership development in recreational skills. Elective. CE 644 MUSIC IN THE CHURCH (Same as PT 644)(2) The place of music in the church's pro gram. Criteria for the selection of appro priate music Techn iques for leading music and teach ing various groups. The relation ship of music to worship, instruction and fe llowship. Elective. CE 645 HYMNOLOGY (Same as PT 645) (2) The historical development of hymns and hymn tunes in the several national tradi tions, with emphasis upon the Engl ish hymn; evaluation and the use of hymns. Elective. CE 647 CONGREGATIONAL AND CHORAL CONDUCTING (Same as PT 647)(2) Instruction in the fundamentals of the con ductor's art. beginni ng with the simple rhythms and advancing to the larger forms of chur-ch music Elective. CE 648 RELIGIOUS JOURNALISM (2) The fundamental principles and basic forms of writing. Attention to writing for newspapers, denominational and interde nominat ional publications. radio and televi sion. The writi ng of drama for Chr istian magazines. The value, principles, planning and promotion of church publicity The place of public relat ions in the life of the church. Practice in preparation of bulleti ns, news releases, promotional letters and dis play advertising. Emphasis on direct mail, radio and television. Elective.
CE 672 OLDER ADULT DEVELOPMENT AND EDUCATION (Same as PT7 772) (2) Focus on the gerontological needs (1.e., physiological, sociological, psychological) of older adults and on the oppor-tunities for the church, within the concept of ministry to work with the community to assist in meeting these needs. Emphasis on the val ue of educational development and the older person's significance and need to contribute to the church body Elective. CE 678 MIDDLE ADULT DEVELOP MENT AND EDUCATION (Same as PT 778) (2) A study of issues and developmental tasks of adults in the middle years. Attention to the ministry of meeting the needs and uti lizing the potential of mrd-life adults. Elective. Educational Principles, Meth odology and Special Skills CE 530 STUDIES IN PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDATIONS (2) Designed for those with limited back grounds in philosophical foundat ions of ministry Content selected on the basis of deficiencies. Admission by signature only CE 531 PHILOSOPHICAL FOUNDA TIONS OF MINISTRY (2) Investigation into the theological, historical and philosophical foundations which un derlie Christian minist1-y. Designed to aid students in forming a foundation in which to respond to crucial issues in ministry Prescribed for MA (CE.) and MA (M.FM.) students. CE 532 PHILOSOPHICAL ISSUES IN MINISTRY (2) Invest igation of current practices of minis try through an analytical perspective. De signed to help the minister evaluate minis tries and respond with remedial or enrich ment strategies. Prerequisite CE 53 I or equivalent. Prescribed for MA (CE.) and MA (M.FM. ) students.
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