
Independent Programming CE 636-637 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( I - 2, 1-2) In-depth investigation of a topic under the gu idance of the Christian educat ion de­ partment using standard research proce­ dures. Topic selection and course enroll­ ment is by advisor's approval. Elective. CE 691, 692 EDUCATIONAL INTERN­ SHIP ( 1-2, 1-2) Structured field experience in educational ministries, age level programs, counseling, family enrichment and/or para-church min­ istries. Consultation and supervision under both faculty and field personnel. Student and faculty interaction along with integra­ tion of theory and practice during regular cluster meetings taken for one to four units. Prescribed for MACE. and MA (M.FM. ) students. Internship position must be determined before registration. Admis­ sion by signature only.

clear and extended famil ies, early marriage and parent ing skills. Prescribed for MA (M.FM.) students. Elective. CE 674 THE FAMILY OF THE CHRIS­ TIAN LEADER (Same as PT 774) (2) A consideration of the special and unique problems faced by vocational Christian workers and their families. Includes all phases of occupational Christian ministry. Elective. CE 675 FAMILY LIFE EDUCATION IN THE LOCAL CHURCH (Same as PT 775) (4) Objectives, organization and administra­ tion of a program of family life education in the local church. Includes an analysis of cur­ rent trends in family life education. Pre­ scribed for MA (M.F.M.) students. CE 715 FOUNDATIONS OF SINGLE ADULT LIFE CYCLE (2) A study of the history and current trends of the non-family household. Special em­ phasis on the single adult developmental life-cycle, identity and needs. Attent ion to the non-family household impact on church ministries currently and in the fu­ ture. Elective. CE 716 MINISTRY TO SINGLE ADULTS (2) Investigation of single adult ministries in the context of the local church. Emphasis in the development of an effective single adult ministry. Various proven and experi­ mental models of single adult ministries will be examined. Elective. CE 722 COUNSELING TROUBLED FAMILIES (2) A comparison of positive and negative family systems in Scripture, in theory and in church life. The development of a team approach to intervention, en r ichment and equipping for ministry to famil ies. Prereq­ uisite CE 522, 628 and 675 or their equiv­ alents. Prescribed for MA (M.F.M.) stu­ dents. Elective.

CE 649 INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOL­ OGY (2) Administration of the audio-visual program for the local church. Methods for use of materials for various age levels. Study of equipment and source materials, principle and practices. Elective. CE 720 COLLEGE TEACHING PROCE­ DURES (2) (Same as PT 720) Consideration given to the various philos­ ophies of education, theories of learning, the factors that influence _learning at the undergraduate and graduate level. Empha­ sis given to becoming a more effective teacher. Variables in motivation, retention , transfer and high level thinking will be dis­ cussed. A supervised classroom teaching experience is required. Prescribed for Th.M. students. CE 730-731 CREATIVE PERSONALITY FOR MINISTRY (2, 2) Development of a more Cl"eative personal­ ity and lifestyle. Emphasis given to creative personhood, problem solving and present­ ing. Study into the val ue of creativity in the min istry. One or more sections may be of­ fered each year with different emphasis. Ministerial Counseling and Family Ministries CE 522 COUNSELING MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH (4) The ministry of counseli ng in church con­ text. First consideration given to the strengths, weaknesses and unresolved is­ sues of the counselor. Focus of the course on skills in developing relationships, facili­ tating realization and encouraging respon­ sible living. Attention given to crisis coun­ seli ng as well as issues such as bui lding a counseling ministry team. Prescribed for MA (CE.) and MA (M.FM. ). CE 617 PERSONAL AND INTERPER­ SONAL DEVELOPMENT (Same as PT 7 I7)(2) Emphasis on personal and interpersonal growth through individual assignments and small group interactions. Opportunity giv-

en for spiritual , physical, emot ional, mental and relational development. Required of two year MACE. students. CE 624 SMALL GROUP LEADERSHIP (Same as PT 724) (2) Roles of small groups in the church in pro­ viding fellowship, mutual min istry and edifi ­ cation. Skills for organizing and leading groups. Introduct ion to dynamics of small group interaction. CE 627 PREMARITAL PREPARATION AND COUNSELING (Same as PT 727) (2) Counse ling techniques app lied to dating and courtship, engagement and premarital adjustments. Principles and structures of premarital counseling are stressed and demonstrated. Emphasis on the use of TJTA Prepare and Family History analysis. Prerequisite: CE 522 or permission of pro­ fessor. Prescribed for MA (M.F.M. ) students. CE 628 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY COUNSELING (Same as PT 728) (4) Advanced course deal ing with problems and conflicts within marr iage and family settings. Counseling methods and practical behavioral methods from a scriptu1-al con­ text designed to meet problems and con ­ flicts; conducted via demonstrations, case stud ies and counseling involvement. Pre­ requisite CE 522 and 627 and permission from the department chairman. Pre­ scribed for MA (M.F. M. ) students. Elective. CE 629 GROUP COUNSELING AND THERAPY (Same as PT 729) (2) Training in the principles of counsel ing and therapy in a group sett ing. The class itself used as a laboratory experience with the student participating both in the rol e of therapist and client Prerequisite: CE 624. Elect ive. CE 673 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS OF THE FAMILY (Same as PT 773) (2) Relating biblical teachings about marriage, family and human relationships to the nu-


Directed experiences in educat ional minis­ tries conducted through a local church. Praxis in leadership for major educational functions for various age levels. A mini­ mum of I 00 hours field involvement per semester. Prerequisite: 48 units of class work. Prescribed for, and limited to, M.Div students majori ng in CE. CE 797 THESIS FIRST DRAFT (2) First draft of thesis or thesis project:* CE 798 THESIS FINAL DRAFT (2) Final draft of thesis or thesis project.* *CE 797 and 798 are prescribed for the MA and M.Div. students in thi s depart­ ment who will write a thesis or thesis project. MACE. students will take the se­ ries in this order: CE 797 at the comple­ tion of 32 units, and CE 798 at the com­ pletion of 48 units. M.Div. students will take the series in this order: CE 797 at the completion of 64 units, and CE 798 at the completion of 80 units. Neither of the two is applicable toward graduation unless both have been completed.



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