
Academic Calendar 1084-85 Summer Session 1984 May 18-20

September I 0- 14

DAVI D NIQ UETTE Practical Theology

Sp1rrtual Emphasis Week (regular· classes meet)

March 4-8 March 14

Mrss1ons Conference

First draft of pro1ect due­

September I 3

Last day to complete regIsGraduate educatron ma1ors

BA, Biola College; MDiv, D Min., Talbot


March 20 March 28

Day of Prayer

Theological Seminary.

September 14 September 17

Last day to add new classes Frrst day to add class for audrt

Talbot and lntercultural Stud­ res students' final dr·aft of the­



sis due

October 4

Frrst draft of Gr·aduate edu­ cation ma1ors project due Torrey Memorial Bible Con­ ference and Lyman Stewart Memorral Lectures (October 16- I9) (No classes) Universrty Day (begins 7:00 p.m. Thur·sday - 3:00 p.m. Frrday) Final dr·aft of Graduate edu­ catron ma1ors pro1ect due

Bi blical Studies and Theology BA, Biola College ; MDiv, Talbot The­ ological Semi nary. DANIEL PHILLI PS Semitics and Old Testament BBS.. Toledo Bible College; MDiv, Talbot Theological Seminary. LEASA SAYLER Christian Education BA, Biola College; M.A., Talbot Theologi ­ ca l Semi nary.

March 30-April 8

Easter Recess (classes resume 5:00 p.m.. Monday. April 8) Final dr·aft of project due­ Graduate education major·s Pr·e-reg1st ration for fall se­ mester. undergraduate stu­ dents Last day to withdraw from classes Pre-regrstrat1on for· fall se­ mester. graduate students Rosemead students' doctoral dissertations to librarian Regrstrat1on for summer school (by mail or in person)

October I 5- 19

Apri l 18

Apri l 22-May I0

Reg1str"at1on (by mail or in per·son); all cont1nurng stu­ dents Registration - first session. new students; late registra­ tion for continuing students Frrst session (3 weeks); un­ dergraduate courses Fwst session (4 weeks); grad ­ uate courses Psycho logy graduat e com­ pr·ehensive examinations Second session (5 weeks); un­ dergr·aduate courses Second session (4 weeks); graduate courses Psychology graduate com­ pr·ehensrve examinatrons

October 25-26

May 10

May 27, May 31

November I

May 7-10

November 7

Day of Pr·ayer

May 10

May 29-June I 5

November 12-30

Reg1strat1on for rnterterm and pre-r·eg1strat1on for· spring semester· Thanksgrvrng recess (classes resume 7:30 a.m.. Mon .. No­ vember 26) Last day to withdraw from classes Talbot and lnter·cultural Stud­ ies students' first draft of the­ sis due Final day of 1nstruct1on Mrd-year commencement Classes begin - late reg1stra ­ t1on Psychology gr·aduate ad­ vanced comprehensrve ex­ am1nat1on Frnal day of InstructIon. un­ dergr·aduate students Final day of rnstruct1on . grad­ uate students Reg1strat1on. under·gr·aduate students Reg1strat1on. gr·aduate students Convocation and classes begin Last day to complete regIs­ tr·at1on Last day to add new classes University Day (begins 7:00 p.m.. Thursday - 3:00 p.m.. Frrday)

May 15-17

May 29-June 22

November 22-25

June 18-22

May 3 1

Final day of inst ruction

P MICHA EL UKLEJA Pr·actical Theology

June I


June 18-July 20

November 30

BA . BS. , California State Univer·sity, Long Beach; Th M , Th.D. Dallas Theological Semi nary.

Summer Session 1985 June 3-21

June 25-July 20

December 7

First sessron (3 weeks). un­ dergraduate courses First session (4 weeks). grad­ uate students Psychology graduate com­ pr·ehens1ve examInat1ons Second session (5 weeks). un­ dergraduate cour·ses Second session (4 weeks), gr·aduate courses Psychology graduate com­ prehensive examInatIons

August I 3-1 7

December 21 December 21

June 3-28

BRUCE WARE Biblical Studies

June 17-21

Fall Semester 1984 August 24

BA, Whitworth College; MDiv, Th.M. Western Conservative Baptist Seminary; M.A., University of Washi ngton ; PhD.. Fuller Theological Seminary. STAN LEY WH ITE Christian Education BA, Westmont M.A. . Talbot Theological Seminary.

University faculty workshop

lnterterm 1985 January 7

June 24-July 26

Par·ent's Day

August 25 August 27

Reception for new under­ graduate students New student orien tat ion and regrstratron Continuing student registra­ tion Regrstratron for all new grad­ uate students Claim resrdent hall room by noon Reg1strat1on for all graduate cont1nu1ng students Convocation and beg1nnrng of classes for all students

July 1-26

January 18

August 27-29

August 12- 16

August 28-29

January 25

August 28

February I

August 29

H. NORMAN WRIGHT Christian Education

August 29

Sprinj? Semester 1985 January 2/r-30

BA, Westmont College: M RE . Fu ller Theological Seminary ; M.A., Pepperd ine University. University Faculty Emeriti CHARLES L. FEINBERG Dean of Talbot Theological Semi nary, Emeritus 1948-75 Professor of Semitics and Old Testament. Emeritus 1948-79

August 30

Jan. 31-Feb.

September 3 September 7-8

Labor Day Holiday

Talbot Seminar·y N ew Gradu­ ate Studen t Retreat

February 4

February I 3

February I 5

Feb. 28-March I



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