
Graduation Requirements for the Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology (I) RESIDENCE AND COURSEWORK A minimum of four years of residence is required for the doctorate. While the doc­ torate is not awarded simply for comple­ tion of stated course work, there are basic unit requirements for the degree ( 133 s - mester hours). Each student is assigned a faculty advisor who assists in the planning of each semester's schedule of courses and supervises the student's progress in the program. For t1-ansfer credit, see General Academic Information. Psychology: Ph.D. st udents must com­ plete a minimum of 88 semester hours in psychology in addition to a doctoral disser­ tation. These 88 units include at least 12 units selected from PLB elective psycho­ therapy courses, and 12 units of p1-acticum. Students may apply up to six units of grad­ uate coui-sework from the School of Inter­ cultural Studies toward the total psycholo­ gy hou1-s requirement Theology: All students must complete a minor 1n theology which includes a mini­ mum of I 8 semest r units. Master's Research: Ph.D. student s must spend a minimum of 300 hours on an ap­ proved, supervised research project dur­ ing their first three years of graduate study Research hours must be accounted for each semester until completion of the proJect . Integration Seminars: All students par­ t1c1pate 1n a series of five seminars ( I I units) devoted to the integration of a vari­ ety of theological and psychological con­ cepts 1n research, theory and practice. D1ssertat1on Research I 6 units of dis­ sertat ion resea1-ch are required prior to granting the Ph.D. *"Hours" and "units" are used inter­ changeably throughout this catalog.

(2) PRELIMINARY ORAL INTERVIEW AND ADMISSION TO DOCTORAL STUDY All students have an oral interview with a faculty committee to evaluate their progress and potential for successful com­ pletion of the doctoral program. This 1n­ terv1ew 1s scheduled after the completion of three semesters in residence, including at least one practicum assignment The re­ sults of this interview are reported to fac­ ulty which votes either to admit, admit wit h condi t ions, or not to admit the stu­ dent to doctoral study (3) COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATIONS All students must pass a set of five doc­ toral-level comprehensive examinations covering the following areas: I ) psychologi­ cal development: 2) psychological function­ ing; 3) psychological intervention; 4) psy­ chology and theology; and 5) an advanced area formulated by the student and hdher advisor. These examinations are given two times annually and serve as the maJor means of evaluating a student's suitability to continue studies toward the doctorate. The exami­ nations may be taken any time after com­ pletion of 75% of the course work and must be taken prior to the Professional In ­ terview. Only two retakes of the examination allowed. The dates of the Comprehen­ sive Exam1nat1ons are specified in the Aca­ demic Calendar. (4) ADMISSION TO CANDIDACY . Official cand idacy for the doctorate sig­ nifies an advanced stage in the student's progress. and is accompanied by a redefinition of full-time enrollment which enab.les the student to place a greater em­ phasis on formal course work. In order to be admitted to candidacy the student must have: (a) Succesfully completed the Prelimi­ nary Oral Intervi ew (b) Passed the Comprehensive Exami­ nations (c) Received approval of dissertation proposal by his Doctoral Commit­ t ee

Sample Five-Year Psy.D. Program First Year Fall Introduction to Psychopathology

Third Year Fall Seminar 1n Ethical & Professional Issues Theology & Bible V Psychology Electives Practicum Ill Integration Elective

2 3 5 3 2 15

3 3 3 3

Developmental Psych Advanced Statistics Measurement/Assess I Theology & Bible I lnterterm Introduction to Clinical Techniques Spr ing Psychology of Learn ing Measurement/Assess II

3 15

lnterterm Dissertation Research

2 2

Spring Psychology Electives Practicum IV Integration Elective Dissertation Fourth Year Fall Psychology Electives Practicum V Integrat ion Elective Dissertation

2 2 3 3 3 2

8 3 2 2 15

Research Design



Theology & Bible

4 15

9 3 2 2 16

Second Year Fal l History & Syst ems

3 3 3

Measurement/Assess Ill

lnterterm Elective

Practicum I

3 3 8 3

Theology & Bible 111


3 16

Psychotherapy Lab Course

Spri ng Psychology Electives Pract icum VI Dissertation Integration Elective

lnterterm Social Psych

__3 3

2 2 15

Spring Personality


Psychophysio. Process or N europsych

Fifth Year Fall Internshi p Spri ng Internship


Nature & Scope or


3 3

Systems of Integration

Practicum II


Theology & Bib le IV

4 16


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