Professional Standards and Student Conduct The academic programs at Rosemead are designed to prepare graduates for Ii censure (on the doctoral level) by the pro fessional licensing boards of the various states. Because of the professional nature of Rosemead's programs, students are re quired to maintain the standards of the psychological profession as defined by the American Psychological Association, the State of California and the professional psychologists who comprise Rosemead's faculty. As a part of Biola University, which serves a broad spectrum of evangelical churches, Rosemead also has both a doc trinal statement and a statement of con duct (See page 2, I I ). Prospective appli cants should be familiar with the standards. Students who do not meet the stat d pro fessional and per·sonal standards of Rosemead's programs are liable to termi nation from the program. Admissions Information Rosemead seeks to admit applicants whose background clea1·ly demonstr·ates scholarly aptitude, a commitment to the historic Christian faith, personal character and integrity and a positive service-orient ed mot1vat1on toward the field of clinical psychology. As an evangelical Christian in stitution, Biola Univ rsity requires that an applicant have been a Christian for at least one year prior to admission. Biola does not discr-iminate on the basis of the appli cant's race. color, sex. handicap or national or ethnic origin. Persons rnter st d rn attending Ros mead should request applrcatron forms from the director· of adm1ss1on of Brola University.
Application Deadline Since enrollment is limited and admis sion is on a selective basis, app lications should be made as early as possible. The APPLICATION DEADLINE IS FEBRUARY 15. Decisions are made only on completed applications. Rosemead curTently admits new students for the degree programs only in the fall semeste1· each year. Applica tions submitted after the February 15 deadline will rarely be considered for the following fall semester. Admissions Requirements As in most graduate programs in psy chology, competition rs keen and enroll ment is limited. In order to be admitt d to full graduate standing the applicant must comply with the following: (I) Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university with an average grade of at least "B" for the Junior and senior years, i e., 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. (2) Present an undergraduate program with either a major 1n psychology or rts functional equivalent (30 semester hours of credit 1n psychology). This should include at least one course rn: General (Introductory) Psychology: Statistical Methods; Experimental Psy chology: Abnormal Psychology: The ories of Personality: and Learning. Also strongly recommended are courses in Measurement Theor·y. History of Psy chology, Physrologrcal Psychology, or a year· of Biology/Zoology. If possible, undergraduate cour·ses in Old and New Testament Survey and Hermeneutics will strengthen the stu dent's preparation at Rosemead.
Notice of Decisions The Admissions Committee w ill process applications as quickly as possible following the February I 5 deadline, though time must be allowed for completion of per sonal interviews. Those whose applications do not pass the preliminary screening will be notified immediately. Certificates of Ac ceptance wi ll be mailed on or about April I . Information concerning the status of an application will not be given except by let ter from the un iversity director of admis sions following action by the Admissions Committee. Because of the large number of applicants, informat ion cannot be given by telephone. In the event t hat an applicant has not heard from the committee by May I, written inquiry may be made. General Academic Information CLASSIFICATION OF STUDENTS Graduate psychology students meeting all entrance requirements will be classified as regu lar graduate students. Students who do not fulfi ll all entrance requirements may be admitted on a provisional status until they correct the deficiency. Any such defi ciencies must be removed within one cal endar year of a student's admission as a provisional student. It is only in rare in stances that a student will be accepted in provisional status. Students will be classified in the program as follows: First year 30 graduate units or less completed Second year 60 graduate unit s or less completed Th ird year 90 graduate units or less completed Fourth year 120 graduate units or less completed Fifth year Class work completed and internship in progress Dissertation (ABO) All requirements met except for disserta tion
(4) Submit completed profiles (not answer sheets) of the Minnesota Mu ltiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI ) and the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory (SC II). These tests should be taken at a college testing service or from a li censed psychologist. Since this test ma terial is confidential, Rosemead will not make copies of tests sent for admission purposes at any time. Applicants are referred to the source from which the testing was administered if they desire a clinical interpretation. (5) Submit five letters of recommendation on forms supplied by the school. Three of these are academic references and two are character references (pastor and a personal friend). (6) Appear for a personal interview with the Admissions Committee or its rep resentative. Arrangements are made by the committee following a prelimi nary screening of applications after February 15. Only those who are fina lists in Rosemead's admissions proce dure, determined by the preliminar·y screening, will be scheduled for a per sonal interview. For finalists from the general southern California area, inter views are held on campus at La Mirada. Arrangements will be made by the chairperson of the Rosemead Ad missions Committee for those outside the southern California area. Inter views are conducted in a number of cities throughout the country, generally in February or early March. A non refundable fee of $50 is due and pay able following arrangements for the in terview. It is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that all application materials have been received. If there is any doubt the applicant should write to the university admissions office for verification. When all application materials have been received, the school will send a notice to the appli cant. If such a notice has not been re ceived, it may be assumed that the applica tion file is not yet complete.
(3 ) Submit scores on the Graduate
Record Exam1nat1on Aptitude Test and Psychology Advanced Test. Informa tion regarding testing dates and loca tion may be obtained by writing to the Educational Testing Ser·vrce, Box 955, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. N o ap plicant is exempt from submitting GRE scores whrch must be received prior to the deadline date of February 15.
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