Course Descriptions Graduate Psychology
RPSY 60 I RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Covers the logic of comparative experi mentation and causal inference. Emphasis is placed on problem definition, hypothesis format ion and design for drawing infer ence. Major emphasis is given to the con cepts of part itioning var iance and experi mental and statist ical control of variance. Analysis of variance models useful in clinical research will be emphasized. Consider ation is also given to the contribution of the research process to the integration of psychology and theology Prerequisite: RPSY 502 Required for PsyD, PhD RPSY 602 COGNITION AND AFFECT (3) Survey of contempora1-y theory and re search on cognition and affective pro cesses. Information processing models of cognition functioning and t he selective pro cessing function of cognitive schemata are emphasized. Theories of affect and the in teraction of cognition and affect are also explored. RPSY 603 INTRODUCTION TO PSY CHOPATHOLOGY (3) An introduction to various models of psy chopathology with special attention to psychodynamic conceptualizations. Stu dents also gai n familiarity with the Diagnos tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor ders (3rd Edition). Requ1red for PsyD , PhD RPSY 604 LEARNING AND MOTIVA TION (3) A survey of the processes, theories and research in learning and motivation. Em phasis on the specific content may vary from year to year. Required for Psy.D., PhD
RPSY 606 DEVELOPMENTAL PSY CHOLOGY (3) Concepts and processes involved in the understanding of the psychological devel opment of the person from infancy through adolescence. Major theoretical systems relevant to Developmental Psy chology are examined with emphasis upon the study of cognitive , affective and psy chomotor changes manifested in childhood and adolescence. Required for MA, PsyD, PhD RPSY 607 PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL PROCESSES (3) An introduction to psychophysiological and neural mechanisms in their relation to mind-body processes, to the production of psychosomatic symptoms and diseases, and to origins of psychopathology Re quired for PsyD, PhD RPSY 608 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Problems and t heories of the person in the social context, including person percep tion, interpersonal re lations, role forma tion and differentiation, attitude formation, maintenance and change. Required for PsyD, PhD RPSY 6 10 DEVELOPMENT OF RELI GIOUS UNDERSTANDING IN CHIL DREN AND ADOLESCENTS (2) An assessment of the cognitive and affec- tive meanings which children and adoles cents attri bute to religious concepts, prac tices and experiences, and their changes in meaning during the course of ind ividual de velopment The biblical perspective of reli gious development is also examined. Elective. RPSY 61 I RESEARCH IN RELIGIOUS BE HAVIOR (2) A su r vey of the research literature on reli gious behavior. Represent ative empi r ical studies dealing with several dimensions and correlat es of rel igious behavior will be ex amined. Elective.
RPSY 530 HISTORYAND SYSTEMS OF PSYCHOLOGY (3) Th is course places particular emphasis on maJOr theoretical systems including Structuralism, Behaviorism. Gestalt Psy chology, Funct ionali sm, Psychoanalysis and current developments from these systems. Required for PsyD, PhD RPSY 551 PERSONALITY I (3) A comprehensive review of the maJor personality theories. Includes an examina tion of each theory's underlying philo sophical perspective, its view of psycho pathology, and its implications for treat ment Requ ired for Psy.D.. Ph.D. RPSY 553 PERSONALITY II (3) The course covers behavioral approaches to personal ity and psychopathology, includ ing stimulus-response and social learning theories, the development of personality and the learned nature of psychopathol ogy Considers such theorists as Miller and Dollard , Wolpe, Skinner and others. Elective. RPSY 592 MARITAUFAMILY INTERVEN TION (3) This course focuses on the applied prac tices that have evolved from the major t heories of systems change. It includes con- 5ideration of a variety of treatment st ruc tures, includi ng individual, concurrent, col laborative, conJoint, t ransgenerati onal and network therapies. Elective. RPSY 600 RESEARCH APPRENTICESHIP I (2). II (2) Supervised experience in planning, con ducting and reporting psychological re search. The specific nature of the research project wil l be determined by the student with his or her advisor. St udents wi ll be re quired to submit a wri tten review of litera ture and research proposal, conduct data gathering activities, analyze the data and submit a final report of the project in APA format to hiYher advisor. The required to tal of 4 units must be complet ed by the begi nning of the first semest er of the third year in the program.
Courses under this designation provide the essential scientific and theoretical data base for advanced graduate study in clinical psychology RPSY 500 INTRODUCTION TO CLINI CAL TECHNIQUES (2) An 1ntroduct1on to intervention techniques In clinical psychology Includes an emphasis on intake 1nterv1ew1ng, the relationship be tween models of psychopathology and psychotherapy and interpersonal con structs and techn iques that cut across var ious approaches to intervention. Required for PsyD, PhD RPSY 502 ADVANCED STATISTICS(3) Concepts and techniques involved in the analysis and interpretation of clinical and research data. Lecture and laboratory cov ering descriptive and inferential statIstIcs. Major topics include correlation and re g1-essIon, tests of signi ficance and introduc tion to analysis of variance. Both paramet ric and non-parametric approaches are covered. Instruction assumes undergrad uate background in statistics. Required for PsyD, PhD RPSY 5 10 MOTIVATION (3) Phys iological, psychological and social bas is for motivation. Topics include drives, obe sity, sexual motIvat1on, need for achieve ment and aggression. Elective. RPSY 513 SENSATION AND PERCEP- TION (3) . Theory and research regard ing the pro cess of sensation and percept ion and their relation to motivation and learning. Elective.
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