
RPSY 633 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) A survey of the development. dynamics and classification of the psychological disor­ ders from a psychoanalytic point of view. Special attent ions given to the neuroses and to the operations of ego defense mechanisms. Elective. RPSY 641 MEASUREMENTAND ASSESS­ MENT I: INTELLECT (3) The first in a sequence of courses directed toward competence in administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests. The course involves a survey of basic concepts and principles of psychological measurement. including factors influencing validity and reliabi lity Emphasis is placed on the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales and assessment of intellectual functioning. Cost of materials required is approximate­ ly $150. Required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 642 MEASUREMENTAND ASSESS­ MENT II PERSONALITY (3) Clinical interpretation of Wechsler scales with an introduction to learning disabil ities and neuropsychological screening. Use of objective personality instruments with em­ phasis upon the MMPI. Introduction to more structured projective instruments such as the TAT and Sentence Completion. Prerequ isite RPSY 641 . Cost of materials requ ired for this course is approximately $150. Requ ired for Psy.D.. Ph.D. RPSY 643 MEASUREMENTAND ASSESS­ MENT Ill : PROJECTIVES (3) An introduction to the use of projective techniques in personality assessment with special emphasis on the administration, scoring and interpretation of the Ror­ schach using Exner's comprehensive Sys­ tem. Prerequisite: RPSY 642. Required for Psy.D. RPSY 644 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESS­ MENT IV: ADVANCED PROJECTIVES (3) Advanced interpretation of the Rorschach includ ing special issues such as forensic evaluations, child and adolescent personal­ ity assessment. assessment of thought dis-

RPSY 618 COMMUN ITY MENTAL HEALTH I: COMMUNITY SYSTEMS AND RESOURCES (3) A study of systems theory with a focus on communities, schools, health agencies, gov­ ernmental human service agencies, church s and fam il ies . Provides a concep­ tual basis for understanding the interac­ t ions among indivi duals and systems. Prac­ tical applications include knowi ng how to enter systems and maximizing available re­ sources for clients, part icularly those who are disadvantaged or hand icapped. Elective. RPSY 619 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH II PSYCHOEDUCATIONAUPREVENTIVE PSYCHOTHERAPY MODELS (3) The course focuses on the development of psychoeducational approaches aimed at prevent ion of emotional difficu lties or ear­ ly secondary intervention of difficulties. In­ terventions suitable at strategic develop­ mental phases or critical situations. The student will be asked to develop a seminar or workshop , deliver it to a suitable popu­ lation and evaluate its effectiveness. Elective. RPSY 620 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH Ill: CONSULTATION METH­ ODS (3) Theory and practice of the consultative re­ lationship. Each student would be expect­ ed to develop a consultative relationship within a school, church , agency, mental health center or hospital over the course of the semester. Elective. RPSY 621 COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH IV NEEDS ASSESSMENT AND PROGRAM EVALUATION METHODS (3) Theory and application of program evalua­ tion methods. Students will be expected to cooperate in a group project in an actual needs assessment or program evaluation in a clinic. hospital, school, church or other agency setting. Elective.

order. Other basic projective instruments such as the TAT. CAT and Sentence Com­ pletion tests are also covered. Prerequi­ site: RPSY 64 3. Elective. RPSY 645 MEASUREMENTAND ASSESS­ MENT V NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL (3) Examines the psychological, neurological and statistical bases of n uropsychology, in­ cludi ng t he two major systems of testing procedures utilized in assessment of brain impairment. the Halstead-Reitan and the Indiana-Lu ria Neuropsychological Exami­ nation. Interpretation and utilization of data in treatment planning will also be con­ sidered . Prerequisites RPSY 644 , RPSY 705, RPSY 707. Elective. RPSY 660 FAMILY COMMUNICATION PATTERNS (3) Various styles and communication systems employed by fami lies and t he effects of such patterns upon interpersonal develop­ ment. Elective. RPSY 661 MARITAUFAMILY SYSTEMS I (3) Introduction to major theoretical and con­ ceptual issues in relation to the organiza­ tion of family systems, structural and subcultural variations in family life styles, mate selection, sexual norms and relation­ ships and fam ily rituals. Special emphasis is placed on the stages and d velopmental is­ sues in the family life cycle. lective. RPSY 662 MARITAUFAMILY SYSTEMS II (3) This course lays the conceptual ground­ work for a systems approach to interven­ tion. Diagnostic issues and procedures in relation to family systems are integrated with a theoretical base for treatment strat­ egies. Optimally functional (healthy) family systems are contrasted with dysfunctional (unhealthy) family systems. Students are required to research t heir own family of origin (nuclear and extended). Elective.

RPSY 622 ATTITUDES, VALUES AND BELIEFS (2) The psychological nature of attitudes, val­ ues and beliefs as they relate to socializa­ tion, conformity, belief systems and social influence. Special emphasis is given to val­ ues in therapy and the therapist as values purveyor. Elective. RPSY 625 CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES IN CLI NICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) A consideration of the impact of social and cultural factors upon the util ization and dynamics of mental health services. Focus­ es on developing the student's sensitivity to the cultural dynamics involved in the thera­ peutic process. Elective. RPSY 63 1 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH PSY­ CHOLOGY (2 or 3) This course provides an ove1·view of the­ ory, research and roles of psychologists in t he dissemination of psychological knowl­ edge into the health care system. Areas of focus incl ude concerns of the family physi­ cian for which referral might be made, ad­ justment to physical disabilities, coping with chronic il lness, stages of adjustment by in­ dividuals and their families to death and dying, preventive-educative and motivational issues in medical treatment Prerequisites : RPSY 542, PRSY 607. RPLB 605 and/or RPLB 635 recommended. El ective. RPSY 632 RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) Consideration of research approaches to studying t he process and outcomes of psy­ chotherapy Special emphasis is placed on measurement of process and outcomes, design and execution of research and sta­ t us of psychotherapy research to date. Students are actively involved in reviewing and evaluat ing psychotherapy research in selected areas. Prerequisite : RPSY 60 I . Elective.


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