RPSY 665-667 PRACTICUM (TERMINAL MA) (3) Supervised clinical experiences, including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospi tals, private and public clinics, schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Re quired M.A. terminal students only. RPSY 670 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY (3) Consideration of behavioral and intellectu al disorders of neurological origin. Clinical and experimental evidence is considered as they relate to the major syndromes. Prerequisite: RPSY 607 01- equivalent. Re quired for PsyD., PhD. RPSY 690 PREPRACTICUM (2) Primary interpersonal skills and counseling techniques a1·e assessed and facilitated pri or to the student's first practicum field ex perience. Various training t echniques are employed in a small group setting. These include empathy training, demonstrations and audio-video feedback. Required for MA, PsyD., PhD. RPSY 691-696 PRACTICUM (3) Supervised clinical experiences including diagnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospi tals, private and public clinics, mental health oi·ganizations, schools and college counsel ing centers are utilized. Prerequisite : suc cessful completion of RPSY 690, or ap proval of the Professional Training Com mittee. Required for all doctoral programs; PhD. and PsyD. RPSY 697-699 PRACTICUM ELECTIVE ( I -3) Fo1· students d siring supervised clinical ex periences beyond the requirements for their degree. These are used as elective practica. Prerequisite Approval of the di rector of clinical training. RPSY 700 CLINICAL CASE CONFER ENCE (I) Small group superv1s1on of ongoing psy chological cases. Elective.
RPSY 70 I COLLEGE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY (2) A seminar on teaching methods including the development of course objectives, outlines, lectures and evaluations. Major emphasis is placed on the examination of the various teaching methods available to the teacher of psychology. Elective. RPSY 703 ORGANIZATION AND AD MINISTRATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (2) A seminar dealing with administrative is sues such as personnel, finances, communi ty relations and supervision. Elective. RPSY 704 ADVANCED RESEARCH DE SIGN (3) A continuation of PSY 60 I for students in terested in pursuing dissertation research. The course includes advanced study of univariate and multivariate analysis of vari ance, regression analysis, canonical and dis criminant analysis and factor analysis. Re quired, PhD. only. Prerequisite: RPSY 60 I. RPSY 705 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (2 or 3) A general overview of current research on the use and effectiveness of psychotropic medication in the treatment of the psychoses, neuroses and other emotional disorders. Consultation and class presenta tions by area psychiatri sts. Prerequisite RPSY 607 or equivalent. Elective. RPSY 709 CURRENT ISSUES IN PSY CHOLOGY ( I or 2) Intensive focus is given to a selected topic of contemporary interest such as the psy chology of women. forensic psychology, National Health Care and psychological service. Elective RPSY 7 10 SPECIAL TECHNIQUES IN CLINICAL PRACTICE (2) Intensive consideration of a specific tech nique utilized in modern clinical practice and requiring specialized training. A single ma1or technique, such as the Halstead Reitan Adult Neuropsychological Battery of cl inical hypnosis, will be the focus each time this course is offered. Elective.
RPSY 71 I SEMINAR IN ETHICAL AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (2) A study of the ethics of professional psy chology and relationships to other profes sional individuals and organizations. Special attention is given to the American Psycho logical Association's Code of Ethics. Re quired for PsyD., PhD. RPSY 712 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, directed reading or special problems in psychology. Such work must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The stu dent is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography with a learning contract form available from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective.
RPSY 731 INTERNSHIP IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (0) Professional experience of not less than 1500 hours in an internship facility ap proved by the Professional Training Com mittee. Prerequisites: Successful comple t ion of comprehensive examinations, course requirements, professional qualify ing examination (Psy.D.) or professional in terview (Ph.D.), and approval of a disserta tion proposal. Required for all doctoral programs. Psychotherapy Laboratory Courses This series of elective courses is de signed to effect a working integrat ion of conceptual and experimental aspects of psychotherapy. Ph.D. students are re quired to take 12 units of PLB courses and Psy.D. students, 21 units. Each course in cludes both course work and supervised clinical experience within the psychothera py model followed in the specific course. Completion of RPSY 603 and RPSY 690 is required before enrollment in these courses is permitted. RPLB 605 BEHAVIOR THERAPY (3) The observation, assessment and modifica tion of human behavior, including operant, respondent and cognitive models. Empha sis is on supervised client interaction. Pre requisite: RPSY 604 and permission of in structor. Elective. RPLB 613 PSYCHOTHERAPY WITH THE ADOLESCENT (3) Techniques and problems in psychothera py with adolescents. Special attention is fo cused on the implications of developmen tal processes of adolescence on treatment approaches. Prerequisite: permission of in structor. Elective.
For official indication on the student's tran script of required personal growth experi ence through group training therapy. Re quired for all doctoral programs. RPSY 716 TRAINING THERAPY (INDI VIDUAL) (0) For official indication on the student's tran script of required personal growth experi ence through an individual training therapy. Required for all doctoral programs. RPSY 721 DISSERTATION RESEARCH ( 1-8) Planning and implementation of a research project including literature review, prob lem definition, hypothesis formation, de sign, and implementation of field research, data analysis, and report writing. The stu dent's dissertation research is supervised by a faculty chairman and committee. The final stage requires the student to success fully sustain an Oral Defense of the disser tation. Required for all doctoral programs.
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