
RPLB 710 EXISTENTIAL PSYCHOTHER­ APY (3) Study and practice of the therapeutic re la­ tionship and the process of therapy from a growth or actualization perspective, in­ cluding the approaches of selected theo­ rists such as Rogers, Gendlin, Perls and se­ lected existential therapists. Prerequisites: RPSY 551 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 71 I ADLERIAN PSYCHOTHERA­ PY (3) The focus of this course is on the practice of psychotherapy based on the personality and fami ly dynamics elaborated in Alfred Adler's Individual Psychology. Attention will also be given to more contemporary views of such Alderians as Dreikurs, Ansbacher and Ansbacher, Dinkmeyer, Mosak and others. Prerequisit e: RPSY 552. Elect ive.

RPLB 681 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSY­ CHOTHERAPY I (2 or 3) An advanced course in psychodynamic psychotherapy dealing with issues such as impairments of the therapeutic relation­ ship, acting out, levels and timing of inter­ pretations and psychotherapy with individ- uals suffering from disturbances in early · object relationships. Prerequisites: RPLB 63 1, RPLB 632 and permission of instruc­ tor. Elective. RPLB 682 SPECIAL PROBLEMS IN PSY­ CHOTHERAPY II (2 or 3) Continuation of RPLB 681. Prerequisite: RPLB 68 1 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 702 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION I (2-3) A seminar in case supervision. Students are responsible for supervising the profes­ sional experiences of less advanced stu­ dents. Prerequisites: admission to doctoral studies and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 703 PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES IN CASE SUPERVISION II (2-3) Continuation of RPLB 702. Prerequisites RPLB 702 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 705 BRIEF PSYCHOTHERAPIES (3) Models and approaches in brief interven­ tions with special attention to crisis inter­ vention, emergency room work, as well as systems approaches (Watzlawick, Haley, M. Erickson) Prerequisite: permission of in­ structor. Elect ive. RPLB 709 THERAPEUTIC APPROACHES TO SEXUAL DYSFUNCTION (3) This course focuses exclusively on clinical approaches to assessment and therapeutic intervention in relation to sexual dysfunc­ tion within the marital dyad. Prerequisites: RPLB 671, RPSY 607, RPSY 663 and per­ mission of instructor. Elective.

RPLB 63 I PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY (3) An in-depth study of the process of t her­ apy giving special attent ion to the concepts of transference, counter-transference, re­ sistance and interpretation. Prerequisite: RPSY 552, participation in individual train­ ing therapy and permission of instructor. Enrollment must be planned for both RPLB 63 I and RPLB 632. Elective. RPLB 632 PSYCHODYNAMIC THERAPY II (3) Continuation of RPLB 63 I . Prerequ isites: RPLB 631 and permission of the instructor. Elective. RPLB 635 PSYCHOLOGY OF EXCEP­ TIONAL CHILDREN (3) Assessment and treatment strategic for all of the maior handicapping categories as currently defined by the Bureau of Educa­ tion for the Handicapped. Emphasis is on supervised client interaction. Prerequisites RPSY 641 . Elective. RPLB 641 PSYCHOTHERAPHY W ITH GROUPS (3) The essentials of the group psychotherapy process are examined and related to cur­ rent modalities in psychotherapy and gen­ eral group phenomena. Elective. RPSY 642 PSYCHOTHERAPY W ITH CHI LDREN (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a psychoanalytic develop­ mental perspective. Special attention is giv­ en to parent counseli ng. Prerequisites : RPSY 604, RPSY 641 and permission of in­ structor. Elective. RPLB 643 BEHAVIOR MODIFICATION WITH CHILDR N (3) The nature and treatment of common emotional and behavioral problems of childhood from a learning theory perspec­ tive. Special attention to parent counseling. Elective.

RPLB 653 VOCATIONAL DEVELOP­ MENT AND PSYCHOTHERAPY (3) A study of vocational development and vo­ cational choice as a point of focus in psy­ chotherapy Attention is given to values clarification, personality and adjustment factors, measurement of aptitudes and in­ terests and decision-making skills. Special consideration is given to assessment tools, informational aids and supportive commu ­ nity resources within the context of inte­ grating vocational development with pro­ fessional psychological practice. Prerequi ­ sites: RPSY 642 and permission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 671 MARITAUFAMILY EVALUA­ TION AND INTERVENTION TECH­ NIQUES I (3) A study of the literature and practice of marital and family therapy, with emphasis on diagnostic procedures and the applica­ tion of specific therapeutic techniques to dysfunction within the marital dyad. The first semester emphasizes diagnostic inter­ viewing in a clinic setting where students carry responsib ility for psychological as­ sessment, interviewi ng, report-writing and therapeutic recommendations in selected clients. Concurrent enrollment in a practicum offering opportunities for ex­ per ience with couples and/or families is re­ qui red. Prerequisite : RPSY 642 and pe1-­ mission of instructor. Elective. RPLB 672 MARITAUFAMILY EVALUA­ TION AND INTERVENTION TECH­ N IQUES II (3) Continuation of RPLB 67 1. Major consid­ eration will be given in the second semes­ ter to issues such as premarriage, commu­ nication, divorce and sexual dysfunction as aspects of marital therapy Concurrent en ­ rol lment in a practicum offering opportuni­ ties fo r exper ience w ith couples and/or families is required. Prerequisites RPLB 67 1 and permission of inst ructor. Elective.


This course focuses each time it is offered on a specific therapy not regularly included in Rosemead's curriculum, including such approaches as Transactional Analysis, Ge­ stalt Therapy, Psychodrama, Rational-Emo­ tive Therapy, Reality Therapy, and others. Teaching personnel are drawn from the professional community of active practi­ ti oners of the specific modality to be con­ sidered. Prerequ isites: as determined by the individual instructor. Elective. Theology/Biblical Studies This series of cou rses provides students with essential biblical and t heological un­ derstanding prerequisite to effective inte­ gration of the disciplines of psychology and theology RTHE 517 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES I HERMENEUTICS (3) A study of hermeneutical pri nciples for sound interpretation of the Bible, including general rules and specialized principles for parables, types, prophecies and poetry Required for PsyD. PhD


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