RTHE 5 18 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES II : MATTHEW AND ROMANS (4) An exposition of these two books, thei r backgrounds, themes, lines of thought through verses, chapters and sect ions, doctr-i nal significance, solutions to areas of difficulty and relevant pr-act ical application . Prerequis ite: RTHE 5 17. Requ ired for PsyD, PhD RTHE 605 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES Ill : THEOLOGY PROPER AN D ANTHROPOLOGY (4) Prolegomena to systematic theology in cluding it s nature and method. The study of bibliology including revelation , inspira tion, canonicity and authority of the Scrip tures. The doctrine of God. Prerequisite: RTHE 518. Required for PsyD, PhD RTHE 606 THEOLOGY AND BIBLICAL STUDIES IV RECONCILIATION AND THE CHURCH (4) The study of salvation, its provision in the person and work of Christ and its appl ica tion to man. The church, including its in ception, nature and organization. The doc trine of future things. Prerequisite: RTHE 605. Required for PsyD, PhD RTHE 625 THEOLOGY AND BI BLICAL STUDIES V CHRISTIAN ETHICS (3) A study of Christian ethics in relat ion t o di vorce, abortion, homosexuali t y, euthanasis , situation ethics, environment al ecology and human control of human beings. Requi red for Psy.D., PhD RTHE 730 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual work, directed readi ng or special problems in theology. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of reco rd . The student is expected to submi t a detailed course proposa l and a bibliography on a learn ing contract form available from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective.
RPTI 741 GUILT. CON SCI ENCE AND SOCIALIZATION (2) A discussion of guilt and conscience, includ ing both biblical and psychological theories on the origins of guilt and conscience and the expressions of these theories in ther apy. Prerequisite: commencement of indi vidual didactic and the RTHE 605 and 606 . Elective. RPTI 742 ANGER. AGGRESSION AND HOSTILITY (2) A consideration of anger- and related emo tions and behaviors, including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fantasy. Elective. RPTI 744 INTEGRATION AN D THER APY (2) The focus of this seminar is on "explicit in tegration" 1n psychotherapy. The distinctives of the Christian therapist and his ther-apeut ic conceptualizations and in terventions is examined. Elective. RPTI 745 MATURITY PSYCHOLOGI CAL AND THEOLOGICAL PERSPEC TIVES (2) Various approaches to the concept of ma turity are reviewed, including the psycho logical, biblical and devotional. A major fo cus is placed on the similarities and differ ences between biblical and psychological matur ity as seen by such integration theo rists as Carter. Clines, Grounds and Oak land. Elective. RPTI 746 SELECTED TOPICS AND IS SUES IN INTEGRATIO N (2) Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation with focus on some contemporary integration issue. contro versy or special research interest. Elective. RPTI 748 CHRI STIAN CO MMUN ITY (3) A study of the potential impact of t he church as a social system upon the growth and maturity of its members. Prerequisites: RTHE 606 and permission of instructor. Elective.
RPTI 749 VALUES IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) A cons ideration of t he role of values in the psychotherapy process. Includes discussion of the presence and impact of the implicit and explicit val ues of bot h therapist and cli ent. Elective. RPTI 750 PERSPECTIVES O N HUMAN NATURE (2) A cr iti cal examination of var ious theologi ca l and psycho logica l ant hropologies. Each student is expected to conduct an in-depth review of one theoretical perspective. Elective. RPTI 760 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Individual study, directed reading or special problems in integration. Such study must be done wi th the approval and supervision of a facu lty professor of record . The stu dent is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography on a learni ng contract form available from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken t hrough independent study. Elective. lntercultural Studies Students can app ly up to six (6) units of the fol lowing courses toward the psychol ogy graduat ion requ irement. Course de scriptions ar-e given under the School of ln tercu ltural Studies and Wor ld Missions sec t ion of the catalog. SICS 502 Social Organization (3) SICS 550 Christianity and Culture (3) SICS 520 Interpersonal and lntercu ltural Adjustment (3) SICS 56 1 Topics in Applied Cultural An- thropology (3) SICS 562 Culture Change (3) SICS 622 Inter-cu ltural Communicat ion (3)
Integration of Psychology and Theology Rosemead's curriculum is distinguished by a series of seminars designed to investi gate the mutual relationships between the ological and psychological concept s and data. These semi nars constitute an essen tial part of Rosemead training and offer students an opportunit y to become in volved in a creative application of shared insights from these related disci pli nes . Each student must take either RPTI 72 1 or 722 and four additional integration seminars. (Completion of RPTI 721 or RPTI 722 is a prerequisite for all other integration semi nars.) RPTI 7 10 SIN AN D PSYCHOPATHOL OGY (2) An advanced seminar explor ing the con cepts of si n and psychopathology. Includes a discussion of the nat ure and essence of psychopathology and the re lati onship of personal, parental and societal responsibil ity in personalit y development and func tioning. Prerequisites: RPSY 55 1 and 552, RTHE 606 and permission of the instruc tor. Elective. RPTI 72 1 THE NATURE AND SCOPEOF INTEGRATION (3) Th is requ ired cou rse includes a discussion of t he models , level s and areas in whi ch in tegrat ion of the theological and psychologi cal can occur, as well as a framewor k for conceptualizing t he scope of integration. Prerequ isi tes RTHE 5 17, 5 18, 605 and second year standi ng. Required for Ph.D., PsyD RPT I 722 SYSTEMSOF INTEGRATION (3) A critical evaluation of the works of specif ic theologians and psychologists who have attempted to integrate the discipli nes of psychology and theology. Attent ion is given to t he approaches of such theorists as Ad ams, Browning, Crabb, Gothard , Mowrer, Oden, Tournier, Van Kaam and Wagner. Prerequisites: RTHE 5 17, 5 18 and 605 . Required for Ph.D., PsyD
SICS 706 Ideological Confi ict (3) SICS 761 Sex Roles in Society (3)
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