Uniwersity Faculty 1983- 1984 Academic Year
RAYLEN E COAD A ssociate Professor of Physi cal Science, 1982. B.S. and M.S. , University of California, Berkel ey; M.A. , Radcl iffe College, Cam bridge; Ph.D., Un iversity of California, Berkeley. CHERLYN CONVERSE Instructor of Mathematical Science, 198 1 BA, MA , California State University, Fullerton. JAMESCONWAY Associate Professor of Pract ical Theology, Director of D.Mi n. Program, 198 1 B.S., St er li ng College; M.Div., Conservative Baptist Theological Semi nary, Denver; MA, Tri nity Evangelical Divi nity School; D Min, Ful ler Theological Semi nary; Ph.D., studies in progress, University of Ill inois.
ELIZABETH S. CARDEN Professor of Education, 1952
BA, University of California, Los Angeles; B. Ch Ed , The Bible Inst itut e of Los Ange les ; M.S., Un ive rsity of Southern Cal ifornia.
JOHN D. CARTER Professor of Psycho logy, 1973
BA, Wayne State University; B.D., Con servat ive Baptist Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D., New School for Social Re search.
PAUL W BUEGLER Associate Professor of Business Admini s tration , 1978 B.S BA, Un iversity of North Dakot a; M.B.A., University of Washington ; J.D., Wil liam Mitchell College of Law. Member of Californ ia, Minnesota and United States Supreme Court Bars . IRVIN A. BUSENITZ Associate Professor of Bible Exposition, Valley Extension Center, 1974 BA, Grace Bible Institute; M.Div., Th. M., Talbot Theological Semi nary; Th.D, Grace Theological Seminary.
Year indicates appo intment to faculty. KAREN ADAMS Instructor of Nursi ng, 1982 BA, University of Iowa; MA. California State Universit y, Ful lerton; B.S.N, Cal ifor nia State University, Long Beach. GENEVIEVE R. A NDERSON Associate Professor of Music, 1979 BA, California State University, Long Beach; M.M., University of Southern Cali fornia. NEI L ANDERSON Assist ant Professor of Practical Theology, 198 1 B.S., Arizona State Universi t y; M.A. , MDiv, Talbot Theological Seminary; Ed.D., Pepperdine University. ROBERT A. BAMATTRE Publ ic Services Librar ian, Ass istant Profes sor, 1972 BA , California State University, Los A nge les; M.P.A. , M.L.S. , University of Southern Cali forn ia. CARL A. BAUER Associate Professor of Education, 1978 BA, Dartmouth Co llege; M.A., Ed.D., Un i versity of Southern Cali forn ia. CHA RLES O BRADSHAW Assoc iate Professor of Christ ian Educat ion, 1980 BA, Biola Col lege; M.A., Tal bot Theologi cal Semi nary; Ph.D., Claremont Graduat e School. THO MAS F BRADY Associate Professor of Psychology, 197 1 BA, University of South Dakota; M.A. , Ph.D., Ar izona Stat e Universit y.
EDWIN T CHI LDS Professor of Music, I 978
B.M. , Wheaton College; Ph.D , Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester, NY
JAMES H. CHRISTIAN Professor of Church History, 1951
BA, Westmont College; T h. B., The Bible Institute of Los A ngeles; B.D., Th. M., Th.D. , Eastern Baptist Theological Semi nary. C WAYNE CHUTE Dean, Un iversity Admissions and Records, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1979 BA, University of Californ ia, Los A ngeles; M.Div., Th.M., West ern Conser vat ive Bap tist Seminary. DAVID CIOCCHI Assistant Professor of Ph ilosophy, 1974 BA, Biola College; M.A. , Universit y of Cal ifornia, Santa Barbara; M.A., Tal bot Theological Seminary. PETER COAD Associate Professor of Physical Science, 1982 B.S. , Universit y of California, Berkeley; M.S. , University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., O regon State University, Corvallis.
CLYDE COOK President, 1982
Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1957-60, 1967-79, 1982 BA, Biola College; MDiv. ,
DIETRICH BUSS Professor of Hist ory, 1966
Th M , Talbot Theological Seminary; D.Miss. , Fuller Theological Seminary.
BA , Biola College; M.A., California St ate Universit y, Los A ngeles; Ph.D , Claremont Graduat e School. REINHARD J. BUSS Professor of German and Folklore, D irec tor, Biola Abroad, 1964 BA , University of Maryland; M.A., Ph.D., University of Californ ia, Los Angeles. CHERYL CALTABIANO Instructor of Nursing, 1983 B.SN, M.S.N., California State University, Long Beach. ALLEN CARDEN Associate Professor of History, Associate Dean, School of Art s, Sciences and Profes sions, 1974 BA, Biola College; M.A. California State University, Fullerton; Ph.D., University of Californ ia, Irvine.
REBECCA COWAN Assistant Professor of Recreati on and Camp Administration, 1981 BA, M.S., Californ ia State University, Chico; Ph.D., candidate, Un iversity of Southern California. ROBERT F CRAWFORD Vice Presi dent, Planning and Information Services, Associat e Professor of Chemis try, 1967 BA, Cali forn ia Stat e Po lytechnic Un iversi t y; M.S., Ph.D. , Cornell Univers it y. EDWARD M. CURTIS Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, I978 B.S., Baylor University; MA , Tri nity Evan gel ical Divin ity School; Ph.D., stud ies in progress . University of Pennsylvania.
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