DAVID L. HAMMOND Director, Media Center, Professor of Edu cation, 1962 B.S., Bob Jones Univers ity; MA Arizona State University; Ed.D., Un iversity of Southern California. DELBERT J. HANSON Professor of Philosophy, 1966 BA, MA, Wheaton College; MA, Uni versity of Southern California. ROBERT T HARRI SON Assistant Professor of History, 1983 BA, Biola College; MDiv., Fu ller Theologi cal Semi nary; MA, California State Un i versity, Los Angeles. DORCAS HENRY Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 B.S. , Marion College; MA, Bal l State Uni versity. JOY L. HERITAGE Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1981 BA, MA, Glassboro State College, New Jersey. H. HARWOOD HESS William Cameron Townsend Chair of Translation, 1984 Professor of lntercultural Studies and World Missions, 1984 BA, Wheaton College; BO. , Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary; PhD. , University of Michigan. HENRY W. HOLLOMAN Professor of Systemat ic Theology, 1974 AB. , Southwestern Col lege of Memphis; Th M , ThD. , Dallas Theological Seminary. DAVID G. HOLMQUIST Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1978 B.S., Biola College; M.S. , Cali fornia State Un iversity, Fullerton; Ph.D. , University of Southern California.
DAVID DICKSON lnst1·uctor of Foreign Languages, 1982. BA, University of California, Los Angeles; MA, PhD., University of Southern Cali fornia. DENNIS H. DIRKS Associate Professor of Christian Education, Associate Dean, Talbot Theological Semi nary and School of Theology, 1980 BA, California State University, Fresno; MA, Talbot Theological Seminary; PhD., Claremont Graduate School.
JAMES GEORGE Instructor of Practical Theology, 1983 B.S., Oklahoma Un iversity; M.Div., Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology. ANNE L. GEWE Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1979 R.N .. Los Angeles General Hospi tal School of Nursing; B.S.N., Biola College; M.S.N., Cal ifornia State Universit y, Los Angeles. SYLVIA GI LMAN Associate Professor of English, 1961 BA, MA, Colorado State College. GERALD L. GOODEN Associate Director, Library, Associate Pro fessor, 1962 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; BA, Mar shall University; MLS, University of Cali fornia, Los Angeles. EVELYN M. GUILBERT Associate Professor of Nursing, 1980 BA, Nursing, California State University, Los Angeles M.S., Un iversity of Californ ia, Los Angeles. JAMES GUY Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1982 BA, Wheaton College; MA, Fuller The ological Seminary; Ph.D., Fu ller Graduate School of Psychology. MICHAEL HAGAN Instructor of Bibl ical Studies and Theology, 1982 BA, Biola College; M.Div , Talbot The
KEITH J. EDWARDS Professor of Psychology, 1973 B Ed , Unive1·sity of Wisconsin; MA, PhD., New Mexico State University. SIGURD ESSELSTROM Instructor of Business Administration, 1983 B.S., M.S., University of Sout hern Cal ifornia. THOMAS J. FINLEY Associate Professor of Semitics and Old Testament, 1976 BA, Biola College; M.Div, Talbot The ological Seminary; MA, PhD.. University of California, Los Angeles. ROBERT B. FISCHER Vice President, Academic Affairs, Profes sor of Chemistry, 1979 B.S., Wheaton College; PhD., University of Illinois. REBEKAH FLEEGER Associate Professor of Nursing, 1969 R.N., Jackson Memorial Hospital; B.S., Flor ida State University; M.N., Un iversity of California, Los Angeles. WAYNE S. FLORY Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1972 BA, Westmont College; B.D. , Grace The ological Seminary; Th M , Talbot Theologi cal Seminary; MA, Cal ifornia State Uni versity, Los Angeles, Ph.D , studies in progress, University of Southern Cal ifornia. ROBERT A. FREMBLING Associate Professor of Recreation and Camp Admi nistration, 1975 BA, M.S., San Francisco State University.
VIRGIN IA M. DOLAND Professor of English, 1963
B.S., Bob Jones University; MA, California State University, Los Angeles; Ph.D., Uni versity of Southern California. HAROLD DOLLAR Associate Professor of lntercultural Stud ies, 1983 BB E , Columbia Bible Col lege; M.Div., Grace Theological Seminary; D. Miss, Fuller Theological Seminary. NANCY S. DUVALL Associate Professor of Psychology, 1975 BA, Agness Scott College; MAT, Duke University; Ph.D , University of North Carolina. LESTER C. EDDINGTON Assoc iate Professor of Biological Science, 1967 B.S., M.S., North Dakota State University; C. Ph il. , University of California at Los An geles. WILLIAM L. EDKINS Assistant Cl inical Professor of Psychology, 1979 BA, Kings College; MA, Seaton Hall Uni versi ty; M.Div, Bethe l Theological Semi nary; MA, Psy.D. , Rosemead Graduate School of Professional Psychology.
ological Seminary, Ph.D , stud ies in progress, Un iversity of Cal ifornia, Los Angeles.
DENISE HALL Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1982 B.S.N., Baylor Un iversity; M.N , University of Washington
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