W BINGHAM HUNTER, JR Associate Professor of Bible Exposition, 1977 Director of Th.M. Program, 1977 BS, MS, Michigan State University; MA, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; PhD, University of Aberdeen. WILLIAM F. HUNTER Coordinator of Institute for Family Studies, 1973 Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Studies, 1973 BA, Northwestern College; M.RE., BD, Th M , D Min ; Golden Gate Baptist The ological Seminary; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; PhD. United States International University. DENNIS A HUTCHISON Assistant Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1976 BA, Biola College; MDiv, Th.M , Talbot Theological Seminary; ThD , studies in progress, Grace Theological Seminary. RONALD JEWE Instructor of Business Administration, 1981 BS, M.BA, Arizona State University, Tempe. B. CAROLYN JOHNSON Associate Professor of Music, 1979 BA, MA, California State University, Long Beach. REX E. JOHNSON Assistant Professor of Christian Educat ion, 1976 BA, University of California, Los Angeles; M.RE., Talbot Theological Seminary; MA, Biola College. WENDELL G. JOHNSTON Dean, Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology, Professor of Biblical Studies, 1983 BA, Bob Jones University; Th M , ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary.
PETER KURTZ Professor of Physics, 1968
VERN LEWIS Professor of Psychology, 1965
RICHARD JONES Professor of Education, I 963
BA, Wheaton College; BD, Fuller The ological Seminary; MA, California State University, Los Angeles; EdD. , University of California, Los Angeles. ROBERT KARMAN Instructor of Mathematic9Computer Sci ence, 1983 B.A, Massachusetts Institute of Technol ogy-Cambridge; MA, Rosemead School of Psychology ; PhD, Biola University. JOHN E. KELLEY Associat e Professor of Psychology, 1980 BA, MA, PhD., University of Arizona. LETA A KILANDER Associate Professor of Nursing, 1968 RN, St Luke's Hospital, Bellingham; BS, University of Washington; MN., University of California, Los Angeles STELLA KIM Order Librarian, Assistant Professor, 1962. BA, National Taiwan University; MALS, George Peabody College. MARGUERITE G. KRAFT Associate Professor of lntercultural Stud ies, 1973 BS, Wheaton College; MA, Hartford Seminary Foundation; D. Miss, Fuller The ological Seminary.
BS, MS, University of Missouri; PhD, University of California, Los Angeles.
BA, Biola College; MA, California State University, Fullerton; PhD , Claremont Graduate School. DAVID C LIAO · Associate Professor of Missions, 1980 BS, Fukien Christian University; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; D.Miss.; Fuller Theological Seminary.
DEBORAH KURZ Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1982 BSN.. University of Illinois; MSN, North ern Ill inois University.
LLOYD E. KWAST Professor of Missions, 1972
BARRY LIESCH Associate Professor of Music. 1974
Diploma, Grand Rapids Baptist Bible Col lege; BA, California Baptist Theological Seminary; M.RE., BD., American Bapt ist Semi nary of the West; MA, D.Miss., Fuller Theological Seminary. LASZLO LAK Associate Professor of Music, 1978 Diploma, Sherwood Music School; B.M., Chicago Conservatory College; MA, Uni versit y of California, Santa Barbara. ROBERT E. LARZELERE Ass istant Professor of Psychology, I 982 BA, Wabash College; MS, Georgia Tech nological University; PhD., Pennsylvania State University. MILDRED C LEE Assistant Professor of Nursing, 1979 BS, MS, California State University, Los Angeles. E. STANLEY LEONARD Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1966 BA, Th B, For-t Wayne Bible College; M RE, Biblical Seminary ; MA, New York University. MARY LEWIS Assistant Professor of Commun1cat1on. 1983 BA, University of Puget Sound; MA, Cali fornia State University, Fullerton. TODD LEWIS Associate Professor of Communication, 1974 BA, B1ola College; MA, Ohio State Uni versity; PhD . Lou isiana State University.
BM , University of British Columbia; MA, State University of New York, Binghamton; PhD, University of California, San Diego.
PAULA K. LILJA Instructor of Nursing, 1981 BSN., University of Texas.
ALBERT CHIH-SHION LIN Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1977 BP, Taipei Medical Col lege; PhD, State University of New York. Buffalo. LARRY H. LINAMEN Assistant Professor of Business Administra tion, 1978 BA, Anderson College; M BA, Ball State University. JUDITH E. LINGENFELTER Assistant Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1983 BA, Wh~aton College; M.LS, State Uni versity of New York at Geneseo; PhD , University of Pittsburgh SHERWOOD LINGENFELTER Professor of lntercultural Stud ies, 1983 BA, Wheaton College, 1963; PhD, Uni versity of Pittsburgh.
BARRY KRAMMES Instructor of Art 1983
B.FA, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire; M.FA, University of Wisconsin -Wi sconsin.
PAUL KULD Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1969 BA, MA, California State University. Long Beach. NICKOLAS KURTANECK Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1959 BA, Grace College; Th B, BD, Th M, ThD, Grace Theological Seminary.
WILLIAM LOCK Professor of Music, I 964
ARCT, Royal Conservatory of Music; B M , M M , MacPhail College of Music; D.MA, University of Southern California.
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