MATTHEW C ORR Assistant Professor of Physical Education, 1973 BA, Biola College, MA, California State University, Fullerton. MARLIN OWEN Assistant Professor of Music, 1982 BS, Mankato State University; MA, Un i versity of California, San Diego. RAPHAEL PAYNE Associate Professor of Biological Science, 1970 BA, Westmont College; MS , University of Nebraska. C DAVID PETERS Professor of Pol itical Science, I 966 BA, MA, Ph.D. , University of Oklahoma. RONALD PIERCE Assistant Professor of Biblica l Studies and Theology, 1976 BA, John Brown University ; MDiv, Th M , Talbot Theological Seminary; Ph .D., studies in progress, Ful ler Theological Seminary. PATRICIA L. PIKE Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1983 BA, MA, Ph.D., University of Hawaii . PAUL L. POELSTRA Professor of Psychology, 1963 BA, Biola College; MA, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School. KEN POLITE Assistant Professor of Psychology, 1982 BA, Evangel Co llege; MA, Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary Graduate School of Psychology BENJAMIN POWELL Associate Professor of Business Adminis tration, 1970 BS, University of W yomi ng; M.BA, Uni vers ity of Southern California; Ph.D., N ew York Un iversity.
RAYMOND LUTKE Associate Professor of Music, 1970 BSM, Grace Bible Institute; BM E, M M E , Brad ley University HOWARD LYON Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1971 BA, MA, California State Universit y, Long Beach. LARRY MARSHBURN Director of the Library, Associate Profes sor, 1982 BA, W hittier College; MS, University of Wi sconsin. ROBERT MARTIN Instructor of Mathematic/Computer Sci ence, 1983 BS, Biola College; MA, California State Un iversity, Fu llerton. MARVIN K. MAYERS Dean, School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions, Professor of lntercultural Studies, 1982 BA, Wheaton College; M.Div, Fuller The ological Seminary; MA, Ph.D , University of Chicago. COLIN S. McDOUGA LL Associate Professor of English, 1964 BS, No r th Central College; MA, Califor nia State University, Fullerton. DONALD G. McDOUGALL Associate Professor of New Testament, 1975 BA, Biola College; M.Div, Th.M, Talbot Theological Seminary; PhD , studies in progress, University of California, Los Angeles. OLIVE W McLAUGHLIN Ass istant Professor of Nurs ing, 1975 BS, RN, University of Oregon; MSN, California State University, Los Angeles. WILLIAM M. McQUEEN, JR Associate Professor of Psychology, I 978 BA , MA, Ph.D., Un iversity of South Caroli na.
S. BRUCE NARRAMORE Dean, Rosemead School of Psychology Professor of Psychology, I 970 BA, Wheaton College; MA, Pepperdine College; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary; PhD , University of Kentucky THOMAS L. NASH Associate Professor of Communication , 1977 BS, John Brown University; MA, Ph.D., Michigan State University DAVID N ICHOLS Instructor of Mathematics/Computer Sci ence, 1983 BA, Seattle Pacific Un iversity; M.Div. in process, Talbot Theologi cal Seminary and School of Theology BA, Pasadena College; MA, California State Un iversity, Los Angeles; MA, Ph.D, University of Californ ia , Riverside. EDWARD H. NORMAN Administrative Dean, School of Arts, Sci ences and Professions and of Undergrad uate Studies, Professor of Physical Educa tion , 1962 BS, Springfield College; MA, Bal l State Un iversity; Ed.D., University of Southern California. ELIZABETH G. NORMAN Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1962 BS, Taylor Un iversity; MA, Ball State Uni versity GEORGE M. NISHIDA Professor of Sociology, I 964 GLENN F ONEAL Professor of Practical Theology, 1961 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; BA, Uni versity of California, Santa Barbara; B.D., Grace Theological Seminary; MA, Ph.D., University of Southern California.
MARILYN MEBERG Assistant Professor of English, 1976 BA, Seattle Pacific College; MA, Califor nia State University, Fullerton. CURTIS C MITCHELL Professor of Bibli cal Studies and Theology, 1966 BA, Biola College; B.D. , Talbot Theo logi cal Seminary; Th.M., Western Conserva tive Baptist Theological Seminary; Th.D , Grace Theological Seminary RICHARD J. MOHLINE Dean of Administration, Rosemead School of Psychology, Associate Professor of Prac tical Theology, I 970 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; BA, W heaton College; MDiv, Gordon Conwell Seminary; M. Ed., Loyola Univer sity. Chicago. GEORGE C MOORE Director of Ethn ic and International Stu dent Relat ions, Instructor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1975 D iploma, Bible Institute of Los Angeles; BA, Biola College; MDiv, Th M , Talbot Theological Seminary. J. VINCENT MORRIS Vice President, University Student Affairs and Campus Resources, Associate Profes so1· of Foreign Languages, 197 I BA, Westmont Col lege; Th .M , Dallas Theological Seminary; MA, Ed.D., Arizona State Un iversity. MARC T MUELLER Ass istant Professor in Systematic Theology, Val ley Extension Cente1·. 1978 BA, Pomona Col lege, Claremont; Th M., Dallas Theological Seminary, PhD , candi date, Cambridge, England.
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