
CRAIG A STEKETEE Assistant Professor of Art, 1982 B.FA, Wayne Art Institute; M. FA, West­ ern Michigan University. GARY H. STRAUSS Associat e Professor of Psychology, 1974 B.Ed., Cal ifornia St ate University, Fresno; MA, University of N orthern Iowa; Ed.D , Northern Il li nois University. DEN ISE ANNE THO MAS Assistant Cli nical Professor of Psychology, 1982 BA, University of Washi ngton; MA, Fordham Un iversity; Ph.D., Fordham Uni ­ versity. ROBERT L. THOMAS Professor of New Testament Language and Literature, 1959 BM E, Georgia Institute of Technology; Th.M , ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary. EDWARD THURBER Professor of Mathematical Sciences, 197 I B.S. , Princeton Universit y; MA, PhD, University of Southern Cal ifornia. RICHARD UNFREID Professor of Music, 1960 BM , M.M , University of Southern California. W ILMAR 0. WALL Associate Professor of Music, 1967 B SM, Grade Bible Institute; BME., M M , University of Nebraska; M.S. , California State University, Fu llerton. HENRY S. WARREN Professor of Business Administration, I 977 B.S., M.BA, Un iversity of Southern Cali­ fornia. CYNTHIA L. WESTCOTT Assistant Professor of Nursi ng, 1977 B.S., State University Teachers College, Plattsburg, New York; M.N., University of Cal ifornia, Los Angeles.

ROBERT L. SAUCY Professor of Systematic Theology, 1961 BA, Westmont College; Th.M, ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary. LOWELL SAUNDERS Professor of Communication, 197 1 Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; BA, Wheaton College; B.D , Northern Baptist Theological Seminary ; Ph.D, University of Il linois. JACK SCHWARZ Professor of Music, 1965 BA, Biola College; M.M , D MA, Universi­ ty of Southern California. C DIANE SHANEBECK Associate Professor of Commun ication, 1967 BA, Asbu ry College; MA, California State Un ivers ity, Long Beach. WILLIAM D. SHANEBECK Associate Professor of English, 1962 BA, Asbury College; MA, Un iversity of Michigan. JAY SHANOR Ass istant Professor of Foreign Languages, 1983 BA, MA, PhD, University of California, Irvine. NORMAN SHARRER Instructor of Mathematics, 1981 BA, MA, University of California, Los Angeles. LYLE H. SMITH, JR. Assoc iate Professor of English, 1978 BA, MA, Ph.D.. Un iversity of Minnesota. ROGER G. SOULE Professor of Physical Education, 1979 B.S., State University of N ew York, Cortland; M.S., University of Illinois; PhD, Washington State University.

ROBERT RADCLIFFE Associate Professor of Christian Education, 1976 BA, MA, Wheaton Col lege; PhD, Claremont Graduate School. DIANE RICHARDSON Instructor of Nursing, 1982 B.S.N , Biola College; MN, University of California, Los Angeles. RICHARD 0. RIGSBY Associate Professor of Semitics and Old Testament, 1974 BA, John B. Stetson University; MDiv, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary ; PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. JAMES E. ROSSCUP Professor of Bible Exposit ion, 1965 BA, Arizona State Un ivers ity; Th M , ThD, Dallas Theological Seminary; PhD, University of Aberdeen.

DUAN E L. WETZLER Professor of Fo reign Languages, 1962 BA, University of California, Berkeley; MA, Cal ifornia Stat e University, San Diego; Ph.D., Tulane University. ANNADALE R. WH ITE Associat e Professor of Education, 1978 BA, California Stat e University, Fullerton; MA, Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado. M. ROBERT W HITE Professor of Busi ness Admin istration, 1983 B.S., Cal Poly State University, San Luis Obispo; MA, Claremont Graduate School ; Ed.D.. University of Northern Colorado. LOREN GLENN WIEBE Professor of Music, 1965 BM Ed , M M Ed , Willamette University. MICHAEL WILKINS Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies and Theology, 1983 BA, Biola Unvers ity; MDiv, Tal bot Theological Semi nary and School of Theology; Ph.D., studies in progress, Ful ler Theological Seminary. ELDA WILMOT Professor of Foreign Languages, 1968 BA, MA, PhD, Un iversity of Southern Cal iforn ia. LELAND E. WILSHIRE Professor of History, 1979 BA, Whitworth College; BD, Th.M , Ful ler Theological Seminary ; Ph.D., Univer­ sity of Southern California. FREDERICK K. WILSON Assistant Professor of Christian Educat ion , 1983 B.S., Philadelphia College of Bible; Th M , Dallas Theological Seminary; Ph.D, Kansas State University.

JAMES RYND Professor of Chemistry, 1970

Diploma, Moody Bible Institute; B.S. , Uni­ versity of Illinois; Ph.D, University of Cali­ forn ia, Rivers ide. MARK SARGENT Assistant Professor of English, 1981 BA, University of Cal ifornia, Santa Bar­ bara; MA, Ph.D., studies in progress, Claremont Graduate School. CHARLES J. SARVER Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1966 BA, Un iversity of Cal ifornia, Berkeley; MA, California State Un iversity, Long Beach. CONNIE SARVER Associate Professor of Physical Education, 1968 BA, Biola College; MA, California State Un iversity, Long Beach; Ph.D. , Texas Woman's University.

JENN IE KUK-YING WONG Professor of Music, 1964

L.R.S.M , Royal Schools of Music; FT.CL, LT.CL , Tr inity Col lege of Music; L.T.S.C, Tonic Sol-Fa College of Music


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