
TONY WONG Assistant Professor of Psychology, 198 1 BA, MA, PhD., University of Southern California. DAVID E. YOUNG Dean, Student Services, Associate Profes­ sor of History, 1971 BA, Biola College; MA, Ar izona State University; MDiv., Tal ­ bot Theological Semi nary. FRANK ZAMORA Associate Professor of Art, 1966 BS., MA, Bob Jones University; M.F.A.. Claremont Graduate School. Part-Time Faculty ELLIE ABIHIDER Physical Education BA, Un iversity of Windsor; BA, Biola College

JULIE GORMAN Chr ist ian Education

LEON DAVIS Biblical Studies and Theology BA, California State University, Fu llerton ; Th M , Dal las Theological Seminary. WAYNE DERRICK New Testament BA, Universit y of Texas ; M.Div. , Talbot Theological Semi nary. TERI DREISBACH Foreign Language BA, Cali forni a State University, Fullerton. RUTH EBELING Biological Science/Physical Science BS., Biola Col lege; MA, California State University, Long Beach. F DAVID FARNELL New Testament Language and Literatu re BA, Christian Heritage College; M.Div. Tal bot Theologi cal Seminary.

JAMES BORROR Systematic Theology BA, Bob Jones University; Th.M., Th.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. JANET BOYDSTUN Nursing BSN, MN, University of California, Los Ange les.

BA, Wheaton College; MA, Wheaton Graduate School; D. Min., candidate, Fu ller Theological Seminary. JACQUELYN GRAHAM Communication BA, M.A., Cal ifornia State University, Fullerton. LYNN HART Recreat ion and Camp Admi nistrat ion BA, Biola College. JEAN HEDRICK Education BS. , University of Puget Sound; MS., Cali ­ fornia State Un iversit y, Fullerton.

MICHAEL BRADARIC Practical Theology

BS., US. Coast Guard Academy; M.Div , Th.M., D.Min., studies in progress, Talbot Theological Seminary. MICHAEL BUCKLEY Communication BA, University of California, Los Angeles.

KATHY HOGAN Communication BA, Wayne State University.

W ILLIAM BUTTERWORTH Christian Education

BA, Florida Bible College; MA, Dallas Theological Semi nary; Ed.S, Florida Atlan­ tic University. DAVID CARLSON Mathemat ical Sciences BA, California State University, Long Beach; M.A.LS., Reed College.

LARRY AUSTIN Business Administration BS., Un iversity of Nebraska.

DEBORAH FORD Education BA, MA, Biola College.

RONALD JACKSON Chri stian Education BA, Biola College; MA, Talbot Theologi­ cal Seminary; Ph.D , in progress, Claremont Graduate School.

CYRIL BARBER Bible Exposition

ROLAND FREISCHLAD Foreign Language BA, Biola College; M.Div., Talbot The­ ological Semi nary. DONALD FURROW Bible Exposition BA, Biola College; BO., Th. M., Talbot Theological Seminary.

B.R.E., W innepeg Bible College; MA, Ro­ sary College Graduate School of Library Science; D.Lit, University of London; D.Min , Talbot Theological Seminary; Th .M., Dallas Theological Seminary. GORDON BECK Bible Exposition BA, Houghton College; MA, Talbot The­ ological Semi nary; STM, International Graduate School of Theology. WILLIAM BJORK Bible Exposition BA, Claremont Men's College; Th.M , Tal­ bot Theological Seminary. DAVID BLACK Foreign Language, Bibl ical Studies and Theology BA, Biola College; M.Div, Th M., Talbot Theological Seminary; D Th , University of Basel, Switzerland.

DAVID JOBE Christian Education

TOM CARMODY Communication BA, Biola Un iversi ty.

BA, Un iversity of W isconsi n-Eau Claire; MS. Un ivers ity of Wisconsi n-Stout; MA, in progress, Fuller Theological Seminary. PATRICK LAMPMAN Histo ry BA, Biola College; BA, MA, California State University, Long Beach.

WILLIAM R. CAULK New Testament Language and Literatu re BA, Biola College: MDiv, Talbot The­ ological Seminary. WILLIAM CHRISTIE Christian Education BA, MA, California State University, Los Angeles.

CHRISTINE GEBLER Nursing BS.N , Biola College.

JAMES G. LARSON Chri stian Education

GEORGE GOLDSMITH New Testament Language and Literature BS., Un iversity of Ill inois; MDiv , Th.M, Talbot Theological Seminary.

BA, Wheaton College; MDiv., Fuller The­ ological Seminary: PhD., Claremont Grad­ uate School. BRUCE LEACH Recreation and Camp Admin istration BA, Biola Col lege.


BS., University of Illinois; MA, University of Illinois; PhD., Rosemead School of Psy­ chology.


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