
H. NORMAN WRIGHT Christ ian Education

MARGARET HART Dean of Women, Emerita 1959-1977

BA. Westmont College; M R.E.. Fuller Theological Semi nary ; MA. Pepperdine Un iversity Special Appointment Faculty S. RICHARD HICKS Dean. Student Life. 1982 BS. California Polytechnical Pomona; MA. Azusa-Pacific College JANE H. HIGA Dean. Student Affairs. 1982 BA. Westmont College; Ms Ed , Universi ­ ty of Southern Cali fornia. University Faculty Emeriti DOROTHY BRAUN Professor of Christian Education, Emerita 1966- 1980 RAYNER BROWN Professor of Music. Emeritus 1953- 1977 WILLIAM L. CARDEN Dean of Adm1ss1ons and Records, Eme1·itus 1965-79 SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND President. Ementus 1936-1970 WILLIAM C EBELING Professo1· of Biblical Stud ies, Emeritus 1953- 1976 ARNOLD D. EHLERT Graduate Studies Librarian, Emeritus 1954-1973 WALLACE EMERSON Professor of Psychology Emeritus 1948-1968 CHARLES L. FEINBERG Dean of Talbot Theological Seminary. Emeritus 1948-75 Professor of Sem1t1cs and Old Testament. Emeritus 1948-79 RUTH FULLER Associate Professor of Nu1·si ng, Emerita 1968- 1978

JAMES 0. HENRY Professor of History, Emeritus 1953- 1975 GORDON HOOKER Assistant Professor of Music. Emer itus 1926- 1968 MARTHA HOOKER Assistant Professor of Christian Education Emerita 1926- 1968 MASAKAZU IWATA Professor of History, Emeritus 1961 - 1983 DOROTHY KINDELL Assistant Professor of Art Emerita 1956- 1970 ROBERT S. LIVINGSTON Professor of Busi ness and Economics, Emeritus 1967-1977 FRANCES YU LU Professor of Mathematics . Emerita 1967- 1982 INEZ McGAHEY Professor of English, Ementa 1948- 1980 THEL RANKIN Associate Professor of History, Emerita 1969-1979 LEON IE V SOUBIROU Director, School of M1ss1onary Medici ne, Emerita 1945- I 975 HARRY STURZ Professor of Foreign Languages. Emeritus 1953- 1983 rom left to nght: Di-. Edward Norman. D an, School of Arts, Sciences and Prof ss1ons; Dr. Robert Fischer. Vic President. Academic Affairs; Dr. Clyde Cook, President. B1ola University; Dr. W ndell Johnston. Dean. Talbot Theologi­ cal Seminary and School of Theology ; Dr. Marvin Mayers. Dean. School of lntercultural Studies and World M1ss1ons (Not P1ctu1·ed : Dr. Bruce Na1-ramore. Dean. Rosemead School of Psychology)

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