
Academic Calendar 1084-85

Summer Session 1984 Registration (by mail or in person); all continuing students Registration - first session , new students; late registration for continuing students

August 30

Convocation and beginning of classes for all students

May 18-20

education at Bio/a 's

September 3

Labor Day Holiday

May 27, May 31

School of lntercultural

September 7-8

Talbot Seminary New Graduate Student Retreat Spiritual Emphasis Week (regular classes meet)

May 29-June 15

First session (3 weeks); undergraduate courses

Studies and World Mis-

September I0- 14

sions has provided me

May 29-June 22

First session (4 weeks); graduate courses

September I3

Last day to complete registration

with the tools neces-

June 18-22

Psychology graduate comprehensive examinations

September 14

Last day to add new classes

sary for effective cross-

September 17

First day to add class for audit credit

June 18-July 20

Second session (5 weeks); undergraduate courses

cultural communication.

October 4

First draft of Graduate education maJors project due Torrey Memorial Bible Conference and Lyman Stewart Memorial Lectures (October 16-19) (No classes) University Day (begins 7:00 p.m. Thursday - 3:00 p.rri Friday)

June 25-July 20

Second session (4 weeks); graduate courses

Those who are serious

October I5- 19

August I3-17

Psychology graduate comprehensive examinations

about learning to use

Fall Semester 1984 University faculty workshop

October 25-26

such tools must consid-

August 24

er Bio/a. A tool is only

November I

August 25

Parent's Day

Final draft of Graduate education majors project due

as effective as the one

August 27

Reception for new undergraduate students

November 7

Day of Prayer

who uses it.

November 12-30

August 27-29

Registration for interterm and pre- registration for sp ring semester

New student orientation and registration

Coleen Anderson,


August 28-29

Continuing student registration

November 22-25

Thanksgiving recess (classes resume 7 :30 am., Mon., November 26)

August 28

Registration for all new graduate st udents

Student (undergrad-

November 30

August 29

Claim resident hall room by noon

Last day to withdraw from classes

uate), School of ICSWM

August 29

Registration for all graduate continuing students


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