The Objectives of the University
b. One who is thoroughl y prepared for graduate study in those pro grams where graduate degrees are offered. 3. Knowledgeable in biblical studies. a. One who has a clear understanding of the content of the Bible commensurate in units with an un dergraduate maJor b. One who has integrated biblical thought into his maJor fields of inter est. 4. Able through his vocation, church and community to make distinctive contribu tions to mankind and to enhance the spiritual well-being of those whom and with whom he serves. a. One who has developed and main tained high moral standards for his own benefit and in order that he might serve as a wholesome exam ple and leader. b. One who expresses through his life a clear commitment to Christ who is able openl y and wisely to share both his knowledge of the Bible and his commitment to Christ with oth ers ; and who demonstrates Ch1·is tian love toward others. c. One who is prepared to fulfill Christ's commission to make disci ples of all nations. d. One who is sensitive to the total needs of his fellowman and who is equipped to contribute to the meet ing of those needs. e. One who holds to the conviction that the Christian is to be a good citizen of the State, one who re spects authority, submits to the laws of the land and seeks constructive change through legal channels. * All third person pronouns are used ge nerically. Accreditation and Affiliations Biola University holds institutional ac cred itation by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities of the Western Association of Schools and Col leges. In addition, the institution and certain of its programs are accredited by t he
Men are justified on the simple and sin gle ground of the shed blood of Christ and upon the simple and single condition of faith in Him who shed the blood, and are born again by the quickening, renewing, cleansing work of the Holy Spirit, through the instrumentality of the Word of God. All those who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior and their Lord, and who con fess Him as such before their fellow men, become children of God and receive eter nal life. They become heirs of God and joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. At death their spirits depart to be with Christ in con scious blessedness, and at the second com ing of Christ their bodies shall be raised and transformed into the likeness of the body of His glory. All those who persistently reject Jesus Christ in the present life shall be raised from the dead and throughout eternity exist in a state of conscious, unutterable, endless torment and anguish. The Church consists of all those who, in this present dispensation, truly believe on Jesus Christ. It is the body and bride of Christ, which Christ loves and for which He has given Himself. There is a personal devil, a being of great cunning and power. "The prince of the power of the air'.' "The prince of this world." "The god of this age." He can exert vast power only so far as God suffers him to do so. He shal l ultimately be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone and shall be tormented day and night forever. NOTE: This doctrinal stat ement, pre sented here as originally conceived by the founders of the organization, has been and continues to be the stated theological posi tion of Biola University. In add ition, the fol lowing explanatory notes indicate the or ganization's understanding and teaching position on certain points which could be subject to various interpretations. The Scriptures are to be interpreted according to dispensational distinctives with the conviction that the return of the Lord for H is Church will be premillenial, before the Tribulation, and that the millennium is to be the last of the dispensations.
The existence of the creation is not explainable apart from the roles of God as the sovereign creator and sustainer of the entire natwal realm. Concepts such as theistic or threshold evolution do not adequately explain creation. Though there may be many fillings of the Holy Spirit, there is only one bap tism which occurs at the time of regen eration. God gives His gifts to H is peo ple, in His sovereignty and not on de mand. The charismatic manifestations (e.g., tongues and healing) had special significance during the revelatory period of the New Testament apostolic era and are not at all a necessary special work of the Holy Spirit today. Confession before men is viewed as a tangible fruit of salvation and not as a quali fying condition for salvation. Teaching biblical studies for academic credit at Biola University is a complex situ ation. A major goal of all teaching is for t he student to gain knowledge and under standing of the subject matter as well as fa miliarity with the methodology of the field. Such a goal is of importance here. The Scriptures, however, are considered more than academic subject matter. They are the Word of God written for the purpose of revealing God and His actions with the de sire of bringing people to harmony with Him. Our acceptance of the divine nature and intent of Scripture gives ultimate meaning and direction to all studies relati ng to the Scriptures. Entailed in the further ance of the divine intent of Scripture are many facets of study ranging from the practical procedures for the propagation of the Christian faith to the highly technical dimensions of critical biblical studies and philosophical theology. Throughout this di versity of endeavors and the wide variety of gifts and skil ls employed, however, all participants are fi nally engaged in a com mon task which may be summarily stated as the understanding, acceptance and propagation of the biblical faith.
Biola University seeks to instruct Chris tian men and women in order to produceā¢ graduates who are: I. Competent in their field of study; 2. Knowledgeable in biblical studies; 3. Earnest Christians equipped to serve the Christian community and society at large. With particular reference to the under graduate programs, the intention of the university is to seek to produce a graduate who is I . Broadly educated in the arts and sci ences with a biblical perspecti ve as the foundation. a. One who has broad exposure to the ideas that have shaped man's thinking. b. One who knows how to use rea soning processes: ( I ) who can use the processes of investigation, (2) who can reason logically, (3) who recognizes that man cannot rely on reason and experience alone but must also exercise faith. c. One who can communicate and de fend his* ideas on the basis of evi dence. d. One who has a well conceived sys tem of values and beliefs which are biblically based and which mediate behavior. e. One who understands and appreci ates ethnic and cultural differences. f. One who understands himself, has a good self-image and is striving to re alize his potential. g. One who understands the various creative expressions of man's ideas and feelings in art drama, music and literature. 2. Competent in his major. a. One who is competently prepared for service in those programs that lead directly to a vocation or profes sion, wi th all programs having the potential of preparing students for Christian ministries.
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