



M •• .•


Biola University I 3800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, California (213) 944-0351 Campus Map Key Alpha Ch i (Women). Art Department . Audio Visual Center. Baseball Diamond Art Barn Biola Chi ld Care Center.

- Alumni - Computer Center - Deans - Extended Educat ion - Personne l Services - President

13 28 33 34 29 35

- Publ ic Informat ion - Security and Traffic Control - Student Employment - Student Financial Services - Student Ministries - Switchboard - Vice Pres idents Myers Hall (Talbot). 2 Physical Plant . 27 Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel. 26 Rose Memorial Library 5 Rosemead Counseling Center . Rosemead School of Psychology. . 9 Science Buildi ng . 8 Sigma Chi (Women). 14 Soccer· Field and Track. 17 Soubirou Hal l. 24 Stewart Hall (Men). 31 Student Health Center. 25

Bookstore . Cafeteria .




Camping Offices Chase Gymnasium.


18 Communication Department . 37 Crowell Hall (and Lansing Auditor·i um). 16 Drama Workshop . 39 Duplicating Center. . 38 Emerson Ha ll (Men). I I Feinberg Hall (Tal bot) and Calvary Chapel 3 Hart Hall (Women) . 32 Horton Hall (Men) . 12 Lansing Pool. 19 Marshburn Hall and Auditorium 23 McNally Auditorium. . 36 Metzger Hall (Admi nistrat ion Building) . 4 - Accounting - Admissions and Records


Student Unron Building.


Infirmary Lot (employees and vis itor·s only)

Parking Lots A Sigma Lot B. Alpha Lot C Horton Lot D. Music Lot E. Gym Lot F.

- Post Office - Eagle's Nest (Coffee Shop) - Student Missionary Union - Associated Student Body Offices - Student Publ icat ions - Lounge Sutherland Hall and Aud itorium 6 Tennis Courts 15 Weight Room 2 1 Zeta Chi 30

K. Metzger Lot (employees only) L. Stewart Lot

M. Stewart Road N. Hart Hal l Road 0. McNally

Science Lot G. Myers Lot H. Feinberg Road (employees only) Soubirou Lot (employees only)

V Visi tor parki ng avai lable at green curb spaces


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