+ Parking Fee
I 0.00
Graduate Psychology Programs Professional Growth Fee (per semes ter). . 425.00 (Terminal MA students are requwed to pay the Professional Growth fee for three semesters. Students in the PsyD. or Ph.D. programs pay the fee for a to tal of ten semesters. including those stu dents who enter Rosemead with trans fer credit) *Enrollment Deposit (non- refundable). I 00.00 Admissions Personal Interview Fee (non-refundab le) .. 50.00 Registration Fee (per semester) . 15.00 Auditing Fee, per unit. I IO 00 Continuation Fee for Students in Internship (per semester) ..... 50.00 Pre-Internship and ABD. students must register for a mi nimum of three units each semester. Dissertation Binding Fee (five requ ired copies, per copy) 15.00 Dissertation Microfilming. . . 35.00 Dissertation Copyright (not manda- tory). . ............... 20.00 Cap and Gown Rental . 15.00 Diploma (for MA, Psy.D. or Ph.D.). 15.00 Rosemead Student Association (per se mester) (Except internship and AB.D. stu- dents). . ... 20.00 '~Upon notice of acceptance, an enroll ment deposit Is required. This amount Is applicable toward the total expenses during the student's last semester of en rollment but is forfeited if the applicant fails to report for the semester for which application was made. Music Fees Private Study Per Unit (One unit guarantees a min imum of I 3 one half-hour lessons for the semester. In some cases up to 15 lessons may be possible.) Fee includes privilege of p1-actIce room
Non-Music Majors (per unit) .
Graduate - Talbot Masters
Transcript Fee (for each copy after the first) ... 2.00 ,;'Upon notice of acceptance, an enroll ment deposit Is required. This amount Is applicable toward the total expenses dur ing the student's last semester of enroll ment but Is forfeited 1f the applicant fails to report for the sem ster for which applica tion was made. "~'Required of all students with more than six units and who do not file a "Certi fication of Insurance Coverage" at the time of registration. Additional coverage is re quired of all students participating in or practicing for inter-collegiate sports. (Year ly fees are based on group rates which are determined at the time of registration.) Special Fees - Undergraduate There a1-e special fees for specific labs, clinics, physical education/recreation and camping courses, music cou1-ses. etc. See course descr-iptions for fees. Audit ing Fee, per unit ........... $25.00 Class and Laboratory Fe s ... 8.00- I 00.00 Nu1-si ng Application Fee. . 20.00 Nursi ng Late Application Fee . I 0.00 ursIng Liability lnsu ranc (per year) 12.50 Clinical Nu1-s1 ng Fee (per semester) I 00.00 Commitment Service (per semester) ... 50 RN/LVN u1-s1ng Chall nge Examination (per theory and clinical challenge). . .......... 50.00 Special Fees - Graduate Master's Programs (excluding psychology) *Enrol lment Deposit (non- refundable). . .. $50.00 Orrentat1on Retreat ........... 35.00 Special Student's Fee, per unit . 142.00 Thesis Project Non-Resident Fee . 55.00 Thesis Binding, per copy. 15.00 Cap and Gown Rental (Master's) . 15.00 Cap and Gown and Hood Rental (D.M1n.) . 19.50 Diploma . I 5.00 Doctor of M1n1stry Program Diss rta - tIon Fee . . ....... . 450.00
Accompanying Fees, Per Semester Voice students per unit of study .. 21 .00 Instrumental students per unit of study 14.00 Recital Fees (Fees range from $12.00 to $30.00 de pendi ng upon length of recital, length and complexity of printed program 1-e quired. Complete information available 1n the music office.) Class Instruction (Provides for low student-faculty ratio of approximately I 0: I and acquisition and maintenance of specialized equip ment as necessary.) Voice or Guitar. . ... 40.00 Electronic Piano Lab: Two hours per week . . . 70.00 Th1-ee hours per week ....... 85.00 (The university has the following organs: a twenty-six 1-ank, three-manual Schantz; a twelve rank. two-manual Tracker; a two manual Rogers I IO; and two two-manual Rogers 75.) Typical Costs The combination of tuition, fees and JS sociated expenses at Biola University is suf ficiently high t hat it Is n cessary for stu dents to carefully calculate their financial resources and costs. The following esti mated student budget reflects the average cost to students for the 1983 -84 academic year (nine month): Undergraduate Single Single Married on campus off campus Student Tu1t1on and Fees $4,894 $ 4,894 $ 4,894 Books and Supplies 336 336 336 Room and Board 2,710 3,546 6,804 Personal 990 I, 116 1,827 T1-anspor- tatIon 432 630 720 TOTAL $9,362 $ I 0,522 $14.581
Single Marri ed on campus off campus Student Single
Tuition and Fees
$ 3,378
Books and Supplies
Room and Board
3,546 1,116
6,804 1,827
Personal Transpor- tation
Graduate - Psychology
Single Married on campus off campus Student Single
Tu ition and Fees
$ 6,058
$ 6,058 $ 6,058
lnterterm (first year)
Professional Growth Fee
Books and Supplies·*
Room and Boa1-d
3,546 I, 116
6,804 1,827
Personal Transpor- tation**
$1 3,356 $17,4 15
*'$600 for first year students. **May be adjusted for practicum travel ex- pense.
use of one hour per day Music Majors One Unit (one half-hour lesson per week).
. . $1 15.00
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