
Payment Options Cost of tuition, room and board and special fees may be paid in one of the fol­ lowi ng ways: Plan I Payment for each semester in full on or before the day of fall or spring regis­ tration. Plan 2 A down payment at the time of registration with payment of any remaining balance by the first payment due date (Oc­ tober I 5 - fall: March 15 - spring). No finance charges are assessed. Plan 3 A down payment at the time of registration and the remaining balance 1n three payments (October-December) or (March-May). A finance charge of I% per month of the unpaid balance at each billing is added for carrying the account. All pay­ ments are due on or before the I 5th of the month as indicated 1n the billi ng sum­ mary. Down Payment Down payments are payable according to the following schedule:

UnderTalbot graduate Masters

$1,500 $1,000

$1,200 $ 675

On Campus Off Campus

ll11' 1111 111 1111,,111111

1-3 units 4-6 units 7-1 I units 4-8 units

In Full

In Full

One Half One Third

One Half One Third

Other Graduat e Masters·*


Graduate Psychology

On Campus Off Campus

$1,400 $ 850

$1,900 $1,400

1-3 units 4-6 units 7-1 I units 4-8 units

In Full

In Full

One Half One Third

One Half

* MA Music & MA MFCC see Undergrad amounts

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