S1uden1 Serwices In Student Services, all funct ions are re lated to assisting the student to develop to the fu llest potential. It is recognized that education does not take place exclusively in the classroom; therefore, Biola attempts t o aid t he student by provid ing necessary services in areas other t han academic. Al l matters relating to housing, health services, fi nancial aid, career plann ing, graduate placement, discipline, advisement to stu dent organizations and student publica tions, campus activities, new student orien tat ion, counseli ng and t esting and research relating to students at Biola are the re sponsibility of the vice president, student affairs and campus resources. Counseling Services Personal counseling ser vices are avail able to interested graduate and under graduat e students for a modest admi nistra t ive fee. Individual counseling, group coun seling, pre-engagement, premarital and marital counseling are available during the school year and summer months. Groups for special needs, workshops and seminars are held throughout the year. The Learning Skills Center The Learning Skills Center provides programs t o help undergraduat es and graduate st udents develop their reading, writing and study skills in order that they may meet the academic demands of the university and benefit ful ly from their edu cational experience. Learning Ski lls Center programs incl ude private t utori ng, a ful l-se mester, non-credit course and seminars on topics related to success in school work. In addition, staff members are available to work with students individually. Tutoring services are available for a modest fee, whi le all other ser vices are free. Inqu iries shou ld be made to the counseli ng ser vices office, located in Sutherland Hall, room 12 112
Residence Requirements A ll unmar ried freshmen, sophomores and juniors under 2 1years of age not living with their parents are expected to live in the resi dence halls if they are enrolled for
There are minimal users' fees, primarily for elective treatments, lab fees and medi cations. There is no charge to see a physi
At this time Biola is not able to offer any housing for married students, but does have a housing office to aid students in
finding off-campus housing.
A medical consent form must be signed by parent or guardian for all unmarried students under eighteen years of age. This consent form does not take away a stu dent's privilege of choosing his own medi cal care. Students carryi ng seven units or more are required to have physical examinations prior to coming to Biola University. These records must be complete and on file with the university health center. Biola offers protection to the student against certain expenses caused by acci dent, injury or emergency illness in the form of a required plan of medical insur ance. The cost of this insurance is subject to change from time to time by the com pany. Biola does not assume any responsibility for serious illness or accident on or off campus, in or out of university games or activities. The use of school facilities is at the student's own personal risk. Career Development and Graduate Placement The purpose of the career center at Biola University is to assist current under graduate and graduate students in the choice and development of a career. Ca reer counseling, interest testing, job search semi nars and career days are some of the offered programs which help students learn about their interests and skills which will aid in the job-hunting process. The of fice has a number of resource materials available to students including information on current occupational opportunities and internships. Maintaining credential files is another as pect of the career function designed to aid students in securing a JOb or admission to a graduate school. In addition, information and counsel are available to students inter ested in pursuing graduate educatiori. In qu iries concerning these services should be made to the counseling services office, located in Sutherland I I 2.
ten units or more. Seniors and postgraduContinuing Students:
Procedure for Reserving Campus Housing
ate students may live in the residences on a space avai lable basis. Requests for excep t ions are to be directed in writing to the director of residential programs. The poli cy is subject to periodic review in light of current student need and university hous ing policy. The Residence Halls Most rooms accommodate two stu dents and are equ ipped with individual study desks, single beds, individual ward robe closets and chest of drawers. Each residence hall has laundry rooms equipped with metered washing machines and dry ers. Students are expected to supply their own li nens (sheets, pi llow cases and tow els), blankets, pillow, bedspreads and elec tric irons. No cooking equipment is al lowed in the residence hall rooms. Each residence hall unit is supervised by a qualified residence staff. All students living in the residence halls take t heir meals in the university cafeteria. Housing Reservation All accept ed applicants wil l be sent a housi ng information card with the notice of acceptance w hich must be fil led out and ret urned by all w ho plan to enroll. On campus housi ng is highly desired by stu dents, thus earl y appl icati on w ill help to en sure t hat you wil l have a space reserved for you. However, those who desire on campus housing must also remi t a $50 room reser vati on deposit in addition to the $50 enrollment deposit. No room can be reser ved wi thout this deposit. Applicants w ho have paid the $50 room reser vation deposit and are unable to en ro ll may request a refund of th is deposit if the univers ity has been notified prior to July 3 1 that the applicant wil l be unable t o enroll for the fall semest er o r pr ior to De cember 3 I for the spri ng semest er. Failure to not ify Biola by the designated dates wi ll resu lt in forfeiture of the deposit.
Continuing students desiring to reserve on-campus housing for the fall must sign up for the room of their choice according to the reservation schedule in the spring. Commuter Students The housi ng office maintains listings of apartments, homes and off-campus rooms which are for lease or rent. Information regarding the legal rights of renters in Cali fornia is al so available in the housing office. A lounge for commuter students is located on the McNally campus as well. The lounge is equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, vending machines and chairs. Discipline Biola University is dedicated to the training of people who are sincere and earnest in their desire to live for Jesus Christ. Because this is true, students are expected to give evidence of conduct con sistent with such a profession. The disci plined life is consistent with the bibl ical model for a Christian. By enrolling in the university each stu dent is entering into an agreement with Biola to be respons ible for certain details of activity and conduct. This agreement is explained in a "Statement of Rights and Re sponsibilities" which every prospective stu dent receives as a part of the admissions process. Students whose attitudes prove to be uncooperative may be asked to withdraw from the un iversity. Student Health Services Biola University offers health services for all registered students. These services can be obtained at the campus Student Health Center. Physician hours change from semester to semester and are post ed on the doors of the university health center.
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