General UniwersiCy Admission, ReaisCraCion and GraduaCion Requiremencs
the spring semester, forfeit thi s $50. Stu dents currently enrolled who pre-register for the fall semester and fail t o not ify the registrar before Ju ly 3 I that they will not be enrolling, or fail to appear for registra tion in the fall, will forfeit this $50. Whether an 1nd1vidual Is coming as a freshman 01· t,·ansfer student into Biola University through admissions or is a con t1nu1ng student who has pre-registered . it is impo1·tant that B1ola be info1·med of any change In plans regardi ng enrollment. The enrollment deposit is non-refundab le for accepted students who do not enroll. Re-Admission A student who has attended B1ola Uni versity and has dropped out for one se mester or longer will be required to file an appl1cat1on for re-adm1ss1on and pay a fee of $5. Students enrolled for any semester, but who fail to pre-1·eg1ster for the follow ing semester. will be charged a $25 re-ap pl ication fee should they choose to return fo,· that semester. Admission of International Students and Resident Aliens English Proficiency: It 1s essential that students from other countries be ab le to understand directions and lectures in En glish and also to be able to express their thoughts clearly in spoken English immedi ately upon arrival on campus. In order that the applicant's proficiency in English may be determined, the applicant must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as admi nistered by the Educa tional Testing Service at the nearest over seas examInatIon center. The minimum score for admission is a total score of 500 for the undergraduate student and 550 for the graduate student. Undergraduate stu dents w hose nat ive language is other than English must take and pass EN I 07 (English as a Second Language) their first semester ,n residence. English I I0A and B must be taken following satisfactory completion of English I 07. (See page 42.)
Students who wish to take TOEFL should obtain the TOEFL Bulletin of Infor mation for Candidates, International Edi tion. Copies of this Bulletin and the regis tration form may be obtained in a number of cities outside the United States. They often are available at American embassies and consulates, offices of the United States Information Service (USIS), Un ited States educational commissions and foundations abroad, and b1nat ional centers. Students who cannot obtain locally a TOEFL Bul let in of Information for Candi dates, International edition and registration form should write for them wel l in ad vance to: Test of English as a Foreign Lan guage, Box 899-R, Princeton. New Jersey, U.SA 08541. Because this test is administered only at certain times, the cand idate for admission should make inquiry as to the testing dates well in advance of the date of anticipated matriculation in the United States. Financial Responsibility of International Students: All appl icants for admission to Biola University must establish the degree of their fi nancial responsibility to meet the costs of an educat ion in the Un ited States. The student must suppl y information at testi ng to his ability to provide Un ited States dollars in the minimum amount re quired to support the costs of tuition and room and board, in excess of the cost of a round trip fare from his native country. Applicants who do not have the finances to pay all of their expenses must come un der the sponsorship of an approved mis sion or other approved agency. Sponsor ship must include financial responsibility to ward the sponsored student. Employment: Foreign students admitted to the United States on a student visa are required by law to be registered as full time students , carrying a minimum of I 2 credit units of academic work. No off campus employment is permitted such a student w ithout written permiss ion of the United States Immigration authorities. Such permission is seldom granted.
Admission to Biola University is on a selective basis and only those are admitted who are most likely to profit from Biola Urwers1ty's educational program and its distinctively Christian emphasis. Because it is the purpose of Biola Uni ve rsity to train Christian young people, the applicant should have been a Christ ian for at least one year. . Biola Univer-si ty has a strongly evangeli cal Christian commitment and requires that an accepted applicant be an evangeli cal believer. However, no discr imination with reference to racial or national back ground is practiced in the admission poli cies. Biola University welcomes all appli cants ,·egardless of racial or national origin who are personall y committed to faith in Jesus Christ. Students who are interested in attending Biola Un iversity should request application fo,·ms from the dean of admissions. Visits to the campus are encouraged. It is advis able to write or phone in advance to ar range an appointment if a conference is desired. Each semester, Bio la Un iversity hosts a College Day that helps acquaint prospective students with the programs on campus. The dates for these days are li sted on the academic calendar. Because enrollment is limited and admission is on a selective basis, applicat ions should be made as early as possible. Decisions are made onl y on completed applications.
Admission to the university does not guarantee admission to the nursing pro grams, music programs, nor to on-campus housing. Application forms for these pro grams are available from the department offices. Undergraduate/Graduate Programs See the specific program for additional admission, registrat ion and graduation re quirements in the appropriate undergrad uate/ graduate sections of the catalog. Enrollment Deposit Applicants who have been granted ac ceptance are required to remit a $50 en rollment deposit which is retained in a spe cial account to the student's credit until the final semester of enrollment. (The enroll ment deposit for Rosemead applicants is $ I 00.00. ) It wi ll be applied to any balance owed at the time of departure, or will be refunded if t he student's account is paid in full. This $50 enrollment deposit is retained as a continuing pre -registration deposit to assure the enrolled student of a place in the student body. Student s currently en rolled who pre-register for the sp,·ing se mester and fail to notify the director of records before December 3 I that they do not plan to enrol l for the spring semester, or simply do not complete registration for
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