
Classification of Students A student's classification is determined at the begi nning of each semester accord­ ing to the following plan: Freshman 26 units 01· less completed Sophomore 27-56 units complet ed Junior 57-95 units completed Senior 96 units or more completed Community Ounior) College Transfer No student will be permitted to transfer more than 70 units of credit from a com­ munity college. No upper division credit can be allowed for courses taken in a com­ munity college. Final authority for the ac­ ceptance of transfer ci-edits into Biola Uni ­ versity rests with the office of admissions and records. Current students taki ng courses at local community colleges whi le enrolled at Biola should request prior ap­ proval of courses in order to insure that transfer ci-edit w ill meet the needs of their curriculum. No course below a "C (2.0) will be transfer red from another institu­ tion. C1·edit/No Ci-ed it and Pas:/Fai l courses should not be taken. Admiss ion counselors are prepared to give academic advisement to those attend ing, or plann ing to attend, commun ity colleges w ith the in­ tent ion of transferring into Bio la University. Vocat ional or techn ical courses wi ll not be W ith the except ion of nursing, a grade of "D" 1s accepted as a passing grade in a single course, although such quality of work in general is at no point a criterion of progress from level to level. A minimum grade point average of "C is necessary to graduate. Still higher minimums are re­ quired before admission to student teach­ ing and nursing. A G.P.A of 2.5 is required for admission to the nursing program. Stu­ dents receivi ng less than a "C grade in any nursing course must repeat the course to progress in nursi ng. Students who transfer units from other institutions must maintain an average grade of "C in all work com­ pleted at Biola University as a requirement accepted for un iversity credit Academic Standards

Credit for CLEP general examinations wi ll be awarded only in those areas where a general educat ion requ irement has not been met by previous college course work and only up to the amount needed to complete the requ irement. (For example, a maximum of on ly eight units in the sci ­ ences and mathematics wi ll be released if the student has no credits in these areas.) Elective credit will not be given for the general examinations of CLEP. Credits will be awarded for CLEP sub­ ject examinations in areas not covered by CLEP general examinat ions provided no college credits have been attempted or earned in the same field. Students should not take English composition through CLEP. Students are advised to take the CLEP tests as early as possible in their college program to receive the maximum value from them. Biola University reserves the right to determine the score at which credits will be released and the amount of credit awarded. The office of admissions and records has final authority for the re­ lease of CLEP credits into Biola University. Challenging A Course In addition to the Advanced Placement Program and the College Level Exami na­ t ion Program, both of which may release actual units of cred it toward graduation, it is possible for a student to challenge a par­ t icular course or requirement. If the stu ­ dent demonstrates by his performance on a comprehensive examination that he has a good grasp of the course content he can be granted exemption from taking the course but no units of credi t w ill be al­ lowed. However, for the R.N. or L.V.N , units of credi t may be granted based on challenge examinations. Specific informa­ tion regarding t hese examinations is avail ­ able from the department of nursing. For further information see the dean, universi­ ty admissions and records.

for graduation. All students must have a minimum of a "C average (2.0) in the ir major fie ld. Academic Probation: Any student whose cumulative grade point average in Bio la University falls be­ low "C (2.0) is placed on academ ic proba­ t ion. Probation indicates a period of tr ial and the student must achieve better than a 2.0 average the subsequent semeste1· or face the possibility of being disqualified . A student is restricted from partici pation in extra-curricular university activities and the academic load will be limited during this period of probation to a maximum of thir­ teen units each semester. Students on aca­ demic probation must participate in the Learning Skills Workshop. Academic Dismissal : A student may be dismissed at any time if his grades are very low in one semester or if he has not achieved minimum grades for two successive semesters. A student who is considered for dismissal may be al­ lowed to continue on strict probation as determined by the Academic Standards Committee. A dismissed student may ap­ ply for re-admission only after a full yea1· has elapsed. Afte1· one year, he may apply for re-admission only if evidence is given wh ich indicates that chances for scholast ic success are good. A student who has been twice dismissed may not be re-admitted. For full statement on sat isfactory aca­ demic progress, please see page I I . School Honors Students ach ieving a semester grade point average of 3.50 or better while en­ rol led in nine or more units and whose cu ­ mulative grade po int average is JOO or better, wi ll be placed on the semester's Dean's List For graduation honors, stu­ dents completing their course with a g1·ade point average of 3.50 are graduated Cum Laude. Students with a 370 GPA are graduated Magna Cum Laude. Student s with a 390 G.P.A a1·e graduated Summa Cum Laude. In order to graduate with honors from Biola University, at least 60 units must be earned in residence at this school.


/exibility is a

key ingredient in a bal-

anced education. As a

student in the Bio/a 's

School of lntercultura/

Studies and World Mis-

sions, I have found that

the university offers me

flexibility in doing re-

search for a special

project concerning the

growth of missions.

(Mr.) Laurie Ahonen,


School of lntercultural

Studies and World Mis-

sions student from

Kotka, Finland


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