Alternate route for meeting a minimum of four units of History I00 and four units of Histor-y 200 or Political Science 200. Students who demonstrate proficiency in their knowledge of History I00, 200 or Political Science 200 may opt for more ad vanced courses in these fields to meet their eight unit requirement The respec tive departments administer proficiency examinations twice a year in September and February for those who want to quali fy for more advanced courses. Histor-y 470 (one unit) or Political Sci ence 480 (one unit) must be taken concur rently with any departmentally approved three unit upper division course in these fields to meet the four unit general educa tion requirement in both history and politi 3 units Any one of the following will meet this re quirement: 202 Introduction to Philosophy 205 Logic 30 I Greek and Roman Philosophy cal science. Ph ilosophy 4 activities Physical Education Orientation (PED I00) 1s mandatory for freshmen. Maximum of two semesters credit for- same activity Stu dents 21 or becoming 21 during their first semester at Biola University are exempt from physical education requirement (See page 62 for complete information on 3 units lntercultural Studies 300, Psychology 200 or Sociology 220. physical education) Behavioral Science Check the catalog to determine which ma jors require Psychology 200 as a support course. Science/Mathematics 8 units (Computer science courses not allowed) Eight units are required in science and/or mathematical sciences. A minimum of three units in math and three units in sci ence is required. Biology I00 with I IO and Physical Science IO I have both been de signed for the student with a limited back 302 Medieval Philosophy 303 Modern Philosophy 305 Ethics Physical Education ground in science. Those with a strong background may choose other- courses
with guidance from the department as long as individual prerequisites are met Options: Biology I00 and I I I , I I 0, 120, I 30, 290 Chemistry I00, IO I , I02. I05. I06 Mathematical Sciences (Intermediate al gebra or above) Physical Science IOI , I03, I I0, 250 ·*NOTE Bio 271 and 272 are for nursi ng and physical education ma1ors only Electives Normally a student has considerable freedom in the choice of electives in addi tion to the biblical studies and theology, general education and major require ments. However, in addition to the note given at the end of the biblical studies and theology requirements, the non-music ma jor is limited to a maximum of eight units of credit in applied music (including ensem bles) and the non-physical education ma1or is limited to eight units of credit in physical education/recreation/camping activity or skill courses. Student Ministry and Character All undergraduate students carrying six units or more are r-equired to become in volved in a weekly student ministry of thei1- choice. Si nce a completed ministry each semester is required for graduation, a r-ecord is kept of completed ministries. In addition to receiving satisfactory scholastic rating 1n all required courses, a student is expected to give satisfactory evi dence of genuine Christian character and soundness of doctrine, and have met all fi nancial obligations to be eligible for a de gree. Dai ly chapel (attendance requir-ed) has for its pur-pose the deepening of the stu dent's spiritual life. Through a variety of Christian speakers and programs the stu dent is made aware of the purposes and program of evangelical Christianity throughout the world.
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