Department Of Art Craig A. Steketee, Chair Faculty Associate Professor: Zamora Assistant Professor: Steketee Instructors: Krammes, Weir
21 I CERAMICS I (3) A basic introduction to clay and glaze tech niques which will be designed to introduce wheel throwing in the following semesters. Hand bu ilding techniques and the aeshet ics• of ceramic design will be the emphasis. No prerequisite. Fee: $25. 213 PAINTING I (3) Basic color theory and painting techniques. Traditional to contemporary styles will be explor-ed. Prerequisite: I07 or consent. Fee $20. 31 I 20th CENTURY ART HISTORY (3) The history of painting, sculpture and ar chitecture from I 890 to present. The em phasis will be a comparative study from post World II to present day. Major aes thetic issues that shape 20th century art will be exami ned. 316 HISTORY OF SCULPTURE (3) A survey of three-dimensional form from paleolithic to contemporary art, its effects and influences on society. The problems in herent with our times and these artists' wo1-k will be analyzed. Electives: I00 ART APPRECIATION (3) An introduction to the history of art criti cism and aesthetics; a visual analysis of works of art: comparative studies on se lected printings and sculptures. Designed . for non-majors. Fee $ I 0. 207 LETTERING (3) Offered during 1nterterm only. Basic styles of lettering: practice in pen and brush lettering: display signs and manu script projects. No prerequisite. Fee: $15. Designed for non-majors. 304 CERAMICS II (3) The development of beginning throwing skills will be the emphasis and basic glaze formation. Studies on ceramic design aes thetical development. Prerequisite: 21 I or consent. Fee $25.
Required Core Courses IO I ART HISTORY I (3)
305 SCULPTURE II (3) Emphasis is placed on independent creativ ity and new approaches covering wide range of media and methods with a con centration on the formation of ideas and their interpretations. Prerequisite 210 or consent. Fee: $25. 306 ELEMENTARY ART WORKSHOP (3) Developing and preparing art projects suit able for elementary school pupils. Prereq uisite: Core requirement. Fee: $1 5. 308 PAINTING II (3) Concentration on developing imaginative resources of the individual through the use of oils and acrylics. Color, shape, image, vi sual, ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite 21 3 or consent. Fee: $15. 3 10 PRINTMAKING II (3) A concentrated study of image mai<ing, edition printing, color and contemporary techniques. Prerequisite: 212 or consent. Fee $15. 3 12 TYPOGRAPHY (3) A basic course in the proper use of type application, typographical texture, integra tion and copy fitting. Prerequisite: Core requirement. Fee: $15. 3 13 INTRO TO ADVERTISING DESIGN I (3) Introduction to design principles, commu nication and skills in graphic art design as applied to visual communication. Prerequi site: Core requirement. Fee: $1 5. 410 SEMINAR IN ART (3-6) Independent study in areas of concentra tion under faculty di1-ection with emphasis in history, studio and creative research. P1-erequisite: Consent. Seminars may be repeated.
Survey of ancient to medieval art: empha sis on works of architecture, sculpture, painting and their significance in general world culture. I02 ART HISTORY II (3) Historical and cultural consideration of vi sual art from the Renaissance to the 20th century. I07 DRAWING I (3) An introduction to drawing, perspective, line, shape, value texture and composition. Fee:$15. I08 DRAWING II An introduction to fundamentals of draw ing the human figure from gesture to fin ished work. Emphasis on shape, form, val ue, structure and ind ividual expression. Fee $15. I IODESIGN I (3) A basic foundation course to establish visu al design concepts. Th is course examines elements and principles of two-dimension al design. Fee $15. I I I THREE-DIMENSIONAL DESIGN (3) Basic techniques in three-dimensional form. Instruction includes preparation of drawings, models and construction. Fee: $ 15. 208 PRINTMAKING I (3) Introduction to basic techiniques and con cepts of etching, lithography and woodcut printing. Prerequisite: I07 or consent. Fee: $15. 2 10 SCULPTURE I (3) A basic course that teaches sculpture as an artistic expression. Instruction includes welding, fabrication, forging and simple mold making techniques. Prerequisite: I I I or consent. Fee: $25.
Objectives: The art department seeks to aid in the development of men and women for the life and production of the artist; to provide gu idance in the develop ment of a biblical philosophy of art that re lates to the person, his Creator and in turn, to t he world. Upon completion of the art major, the student should have be gun to develop an adequate foundational understanding of various areas of expres sion: in areas of studio arts, advertising de sign and art education. Through develop ment of skills, philosophy and historical perspectives of art, the Biola gradute should be prepared for post graduate study or a career in art in either secular or Christian related enterprises. Majors: A Bachelor of Arts degree is of fered with emphasis in one of the following areas : Studio Arts, Advertising Design and Art Education. All art majors must com plete a basic core of 36 units of art IOI , I02, I07, I08, I I 0, I I I , 208, 21 0, 21 I , 2 13, 3 1I, and 3 16. Specific additional re quirements for the available degree op tions for the Bachelor of Arts are Studio Arts: 18 units 304, 305, 308, 310, and 400 level art electives (6 units).
Advertising Design: 18 units 308,3 10,312,313,4 19,420. Art Education: 9 units 304,306,310
NOTE: Completion of art major fulfills the general education requirement for fine arts. Department Minor: The student must complete lower division courses I00, I07, I IO and six units of electives, plus six units of upper division courses totaling 21 units.
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