Biblical Studies and Theology A Division of Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology Dean: Wendell G. Johnston, Th.D. Wayne S. Flory. Th .M., Undergraduate Coord1nato1· Faculty Professors: Christian, Hanna, Holloman, Kurtaneck, Mitchell, O'Neal, Rosscup, Saucy, Thomas Associate Professors : Busenitz, Conway, Finley, Flory, McDougall, Mohline, Rigsby Assistant Professors: Curtis, Hutchison, Mueller, Pierce, Wilkins Instructors: Chute, George, Hagan, Moore Objectives: Coursework in biblical stud ies and theology is central to the Biola Uni versity curriculum. Upon completion of any degree program, it is intended the stu dent will be acquainted with biblical con tent through the grammatico-historical method of interpretation; have a grasp of the major doctrines of the Word of God and have a greater spiritual matur ity, which wil l enabl the student- to serve the Chris tian community effectively. Department Major: Biblical studies and theology majors must take all of the gener al Bible requirements, excluding the t hree unit elective. In addition, each major will choose an area of emphasis and complete the requ ired courses therein. Old Testament Emphasis: Majors desir ing to place a stronger emphasis in Old Testament studies are required to take the following courses : Old Testament Theol ogy (OT 450), nine units upper division Old Test ament electives from the follow ing courses: 300, 3 10, 430 or 440; th ree units upper division N ew Test ament elec tive; hist ory 304, 321 , Hebrew IO I , I 02, 20 I , 202; Gr ek IO 1- 102. New Testament Emphasis: Majors de siring to place a stronger emphasis in New Testament studies are required to take the
41 I CERAMICS Ill (3) Advanced clay forming and glaze formula tion will be studied including sculptural forms in clay and dinnerware production. Further study on ceramic design and per sonal aesthetics. Prerequisite: 304 or con sent. Fee: $25. 4 12 INT ERN SHIP IN GRAPHIC A RT TECHNO LOGY (3) Int ernship program w ith local art studios, graphic art firms and publishing companies. 413 PAINT ING Ill (3) Concentration on developing imaginative resources of the individual through the use of oils and acrylics. Color, shape, image, vi sual ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisi t e: Consent. Fee: $ 15. 4 14 PAINTING IV (3) Concentration on developi ng imagi native resources of t he individual t hrough the use of oils and acry li cs. Color, shape, image, vi sual ideas and techniques are covered. Prerequisite: 41 3 or consent. Fee: $1 5. 4 15 SCULPTUR_E Ill (3) Expe r imental scu lpture. Advanced ind ivid ual development of st yle and aesthet ics. Prerequis ite: 2 10. Fee $25. 4 16 SCULPTURE IV (3) Concentration on independent creativity coveri ng a wide range of media and meth ods with an emphasis on the formation of ideas and their interpretat ions. Prerequi site: 4 I 5 or consent. Fee: $25. 4 17 PRINTMAKING Ill (3) A concentrated study of image maki ng, edition printing, color and contemporary t echniques. Prerequisite 3 IOor consent. Fee: $ 15. 4 18 CERAMICS IV (3) Exper imental ceramics. Advanced ind ivid ual development of style and aesthetics. Prerequisi t e: 4 1 I . Majors only. Fee: $25.
4 19 ADVERTISING DESIGN II (3) Offered alternate years. Problems of advertising layout and graphic techniques in advertisi ng design; tech niques and materials applied to projects, package and brochure design. Prerequisit e: 3 I 3 or consent. Fee: $1 5. 420 ADVERTISI NG DESIGN Il l (3) O f fered alternate years. Independent study in applied projects in graphic design. Prerequ isite: 4 19 or con sent. Fee: $1 5. 421 PRINTMAKING IV (3) A concentrated study of image making, edition printing, color and contemporary techniques. Prerequisite: 4 17 or consent. Fee $15. 460 SENIO R ART EXHIBIT (0) Preparat ion fo r senior art exhibi t ion under dierction of facu lty member. Requ ired of all art majors.
following courses: New Testament Theol ogy (NT 450), 12 units upper division New Testament courses as follows: three units in the gospels, three units in the epistles and six units open electives; Romans (NT 320); history 304, 321, 324; three units up per division Old Testament elective; and Greek IOI, I 02, 20 I , 202. Bible Emphasis: Majors desiring to have a general knowledge of the whole Bi ble are required to take t he fo llowi ng courses : Romans (NT 320), O ld Testament or New Testament Theology (OT 450, NT 450), six units upper division Old Testament electives, six units upper division New Tes tament electives, six units upper division Old Testament or New Testament or the ology electives, history 304, 321 and Greek IO I , I 02, 20 I , 202. Pre-Seminary Emphas is: Majors desiring a biblical education or foundation for fur ther studies in seminary are required to take: Romans (NT 320), Old Testament or New Testament Theology (OT 450, NT 450), six units upper division Old Testa ment electives, six units upper division Ne"'( Testament electives, three units up per division Old Test ament or New Testa ment or theology electives. Logic (PH 205) or Ethics (PH 305), Communicat ion 385 or 386 or 478, Hist ory 321 , Music 440, Soci ology 402, Busi ness 372 and Greek IOI, I 02, 20 I , 202. Old Testament Studies Required Courses For All Students IOI EARLY HEBREW HISTORY (3) A history of Israel's beginnings through the united kingdom, including matters of authorship, dating and the historical-the ological setti ng of the Pentat euch and early hist o r ical books. I 02 LATER HEBREW HISTORY (3) A continuation of Israel's hist ory from the divided kingdom through the post exil ic period, including matters of author ship, dat ing and historic-theological setting of t he later historical books, poetic and w isdom literature and t he prophet ic books.
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