352 MARINE BIOLOGY (4) Introduction to oceanography, marine plant and animal diversity, and ecological relationships. Research technology empha sizes through field trip observation and group experimentation. Three hours lec ture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I IO or I I I . Lab fee: $20. 401 POPULATION BIOLOGY (4) Genetics, evolution and ecology related to biological populations encompassing all living organisms; experimental genetics and field biology emphasized in laboratory. Three hours lecture, four hours laborato ry. Prerequisite 21 I or 222. Lab fee: $20. 402 PARASITOLOGY (4) Taxonomy, life history, physiology, ecol ogy, and morphology of animal parasites with emphasis on those affecting man. Three hours lecture, four hours laborato ry. Prerequisites: I I I , 21 I . Alternate years. Lab fee: $20. 41 I BIOCHEMI STRY I (3) Structures and properties of biomolecular components of cel ls includ ing proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleotides, nucleic acids, vitamins and coenzymes, kinetics and mechanism and regulation of enzyme action in biological systems. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302. Al ternate years. 412 BIOCHEMISTRY II (3) Mathematical treatment of bioener getics emphasizing major concepts and problem solving; principles of metabolic processes, biological control and regula tory processes. Prerequisite: Chemistry 302 (Chemistry 402 recommended). 422 LABORATORY IN BIOCHEMISTRY (2) An integrated laboratory course to ac company 41 I , 412. Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes, bioenergetics and enzyme mechanism. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/• quiz. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30 I. Alter nate years. Lab fee: $35.
271 HUMAN ANATOMY (3) Basic structure and function of the hu man body; laboratory dissection of a rep resentative mammal and cadaver. Two hours lecture, one hour prelab, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $20. 272 PHYSIOLOGY (4) The basic concepts of physiological reg ulation from the level of the cell to the in tegrated intact organism. Emphasis of cel lular regulation and introduction to neural, muscular, hormonal and neuro endocrine regulatory systems. Laboratory including human systems analysis, histology and electrophysiology. Three hours lecture, one hour prelab, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: college chemistry. Lab fee: $20. 290 NATURAL HISTORY OF MARINE MAMMALS PRACTICUM ( I) Biology and natural history of marine mammals w ith special emphasis on the California gray whale. Teaching techniques for marine mammal conservation and biol ogy. Observation of whale migration. Pre requisite: consent. 300 HEALTH SCIENCE (3) Fulfills the teacher certification require ment in health education. Proper nutrition and obesity; mental health and coping with stress; drugs, tobacco and alcohol abuse; human sexuality; physical fitness and dis ease; first aid. Three hours lecture. Prereq uisite: major in physical education and/or teaching credential candidate. Not for gen eral education requirement in the sciences. 301 VERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Biology of vertebrate animals with em phasis on comparitive anatomy; laboratory dissection of representative vertebrates (shark, mud puppy, cat). Prerequisites: I I I and 21 I . Alternate years. Lab fee: $20.
310 PROSECTION ( I ) An introduction to the human body through dissection and demonstration of a selected portion of a human cadaver. Thir ty hours of laboratory. Prerequisite: con sent. Dissection fee: $25. (May be repeat ed for a maximum of two units credit.) 31 I NEUROBIOLOGY (4) Brain structure and function. Psychologi cal, neurophysiological and hormone correlates of behavior emphasized. Labo ratory study of brain anatomy, electro physiology, electrode implant techniques and hormone and drug experimentation. Three hours lecture, four hours laborato ry. Prerequisite: I00 or I I I . Lab fee: $20. 3 12 CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (3) The structure, function and methods of studying tissues, cells and organelles. Mo lecular, gene and chromosome biology. Three hours lecture, one hour discussion/ quiz. Prerequisite I I I , Chemistry 30 I . 322 LABORATORY IN CELL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (2) Laboratory study emphasizing cell and tissue culture techniques, methodology in cell physiology, molecular biology, cytoge netics, photomicrography and histological techniques. Six hours laboratory, one hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisites: I I I, Chem istry 30 I . Lab fee: $35. 333 NATURAL HI STORY OF BAJA CALIFORNIA (3) Systematics, distribution, behavior and ecology of the common plants and animals of Baja. Emphasis on desert ecology, bird and whale migrations. Lecture and an ex tended field trip. Prerequisites: I00 or I I I and I I0. Trip fee: $200 342 GENETICS (3) Principles of heredity including Mende lian, molecular, cytogenetics and human ge netics with emphasis on human genetic dis eases. Prerequisite: I00 or I I I .
Directed research (literature or labora tory) in selected areas of biology with writ ten and/or oral presentations by students; intended to stimulate inquiry and creative thought. May be used for general educa tion science requirements. 211 INVERTEBRATE BIOLOGY (4) Taxonomy and morphology of inverte brate animal phyla; laboratory dissection of invertebrates. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I00 or I I I . Lab fee: $20. 221 MICROBIOLOGY (4) Beneficial and pathogen ic significance of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses); identification, control and meth odology. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisites: Chemistry IO I or I05. Lab fee: $20. 222 BOTANY (4) The study of the organs, tissues, func tions and responses to environment of typical flowering plants and the morphol ogy and life history of the major plant groups. Some classification of local forms is included and a plant anatomy project is re quired using the scanning electron micro scope. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I00 or I I I . Lab fee : $20. 262 NATURAL HISTORY OF SOUTH ERN CALIFORNIA (4) Common plants and animals of south ern California emphasizing those easily ob- . served and collected. Life history, identifi cation and ecological relationships of local forms stressed. Man's impact and usage of the southern California ecosystem. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory (in cluding four extended fie ld trips). Prereq uisites: I00, I IO or I I I. Transportation fee: $35.
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