Department of Education Richard Jones, EdD, Chair Faculty Professors: E. Carden, Jones Associate Professors: Bauer, A White Obj ectives: The major function of the depa1·tment of education 1s professional pr paration for teaching and administra tion. Upon completion of the teaching cre dential program, it is intended that the stu dent will have a satisfactory subject matter foundation; understand pupil behavior; be competent 1n the skills of teaching; be able to develop and encourage critical judg ment and creat1v1ty; and will have devel oped strong social and personal traits, high ethical standards and a Christian philos ophy of education. C r eden t ial Programs Requi rement : In order to qualify for a preliminary teaching credential a student must complete one of the majors listed below leading to a baccalaureate degree and professional studies including student teaching. Thirty units of upper division or graduate course-work must be completed within five years in order to secure the clear credential. Two types of credentials are available: single subject and multiple subject. "Single subject" instruction means the practice of assignment of teachers and students to specified subject matter courses, as is com monly practiced in California high schools and most California junior high schools. "Multiple subject" instruction means the practice of assignment of teachers and stu dents for multiple subject matter 1nstrnc tion, as is common ly practied in California elementary schools.
380 INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATIO N (2) History, philosophy, curriculum and class room techniques of early chi ldhood pro grams. 410 MAINSTREAMING (3) Focuses on competencies that teachers must develop to meet needs of exception al pupils; special attention to needs of mi nority student to cultural and ethnic differ ences and to development of moraVspiritual values. Prerequisite: 300.
Recommended majors for single sub ject credential: art, biological science, busi ness administration, English (English-com munication waiver program), history, hu manities (Spanish concentration), mathematics, music, physical education, physical science and social science. Recommended major for multiple sub ject credential : liberal studies. Those who choose any other maJor will be required to pass the National Teachers Exam (NTE.) general knowledge examination to earn the credential. Liberal Studies Major: The liberal studies major is designed for the preparation of elementary school teachers. It consists of twenty-one units (with a three-unit variation) in each of the four following areas: I. English (including grammar), literat ure, composition and speech. 2. Mathematics and the physical and life sciences. Math Ill, Cos I 00 and one sci ence lab are required. 3. Social sciences, other than education and education methodology Psychology 200 is required. 4. Humanit ies and fine arts, including for eign language. At least twenty-four upper division units must be taken. All appropriate general education courses are included in the eighty- four t otal units. Students planning to choose this major are required to see an advisor in the education department Professional courses requi red: All can didates for t he clear teachi ng credential in mu ltiple subject instruct ion must complete the followi ng education cou rses: 300, 330, 4 I 0, 420, 430, 440, 442. All candidates for the clear teaching credential in single sub ject instruction must complete the follow ing ducation cou rses: 300, 330,4 10, 425, 435 , 450, 452. (Candidates with majors in art music or physical education are not re quired to take 425.) A course in health science is required of all candidates for a clear credential.
Biola University is approved to grant Association of Christian Schools teaching certificates. The program is the same as for the California certificate except that 460 or 560 must also be taken. Students who wish to become candi dates for a teaching credential must apply for admission to the educati on program in their sophomore year or immediately upon t1·ansfer into the university if beyond that year. SAT scores must be provided. Other requirements of the education de partment are stated in the Guide for En tering the Teaching Profession, wh ich may be secured from the department office. 300 INTRODUCTION TO TEACHING (2) The nature and function of the school and the development of competencies re quired for success as a teacher. Each week there will be one hour of lecture and dis cussion and a three-hour assignment as a teacher assistant in a local school. Success ful completion of this course constitutes one of the requirements for admission to the education program. 330 PSYCHOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATION (3) Application of psychological principles to the educative process; role of the teacher and learner; motivation. intelligence, t rans fer of learning, measurement, human growth and development; recent and out standing contributions of research and ex perimentation 1n the field. Prerequisite: 300. 370 TEACHING ASSISTANT PREPARA TION ( I ) Instruction and practice in general and spe cific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large university classes. Taught joi ntly by instructors from the edu cation depa1·tment and the specific depart ments using teaching assistants.
Methods and materials for teaching read ing to pupils in elementary schools; atten tion to a variety of approaches; consider ation of the needs of pupi ls with var ied cul tural and language backgrounds. Observation and participation in schools included. Prerequisite: consent 425 TEACHING READING IN SECON DARY SCHOOL (3) Methods and materials for teachi ng read ing to pupils in secondary schools; atten tion to a variety of approaches ; consider ation of the needs of pupils wi th varied cul tural and language backgrounds. Observation and participation in schools included. Prerequisite: consent 430 ELEMENTARY CURRICULUM (4) Introduction to the elementary school cur riculum in mathematics, science, social studies and language arts; use of media; observation and participation in schools . P1·erequisite: consent 435 SECONDARY CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIO N (4) Secondary school curricu lum, classroom management, teachi ng methods, use of media and other educational ski lls. Obser vation and participation in schools is includ ed. Prerequisite: consent
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