Department of English Virginia Doland , PhD, Chair Faculty Professor: Doland Associate Professors: Gilman, McDougall, W Shanebeck, Smith Assistant Professor: Meberg Instructor: Sargent Objectives: The department of English has five objectives: the understanding of language as a means of communication , in cluding the communication of the gospel; the ability to speak and write with clarity; an understandi ng of literature as a record of the development of human thought and the renect ion of human history; the appre ciation and enjoyment of good literature; and an acquaintance with the literary heri tage of the English-speaking world. History 305 is recommended for all En glish majors. Department Major: 30 units, of which 24 must be upper division, six units of En glish 250 Introductory Studies in Literature: English Literature, are required for the major and are prerequisite to upper divi sion courses in the major. The student must also complete three units of 450 Studies in Literary Criticism, three units of 470 Seminar and select at least three units from each of 350, 360, 370, 440. Remain ing units may be completed in any of the upper division English course offerings, ex cept that no more than three units should be completed in 330. Special Waiver Program: The English department in cooperation with the de partment of communication provides a special Waiver Program in the single sub ject, (secondary credential), teaching major in English/communication. This program provides considerable nexibility for those planning to teach English in high school. In addition to the general education re quirement of twelve units in English com position, literature and communication, an
I07 ENGLISH AS A SECOND LAN GUAGE (3-6) Required of all students whose native language is other t~an English. Emphasis on -listening skills, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, writing skills and other areas of study helpful to the non-native English speaker. Student must complete English I IO A and B following satisfactory comple tion of English I07. I IO STUDIES IN CRITICISM AND COM POSITION (3, 3) Sections A and B. Reading, discussion of ideas and methods of writing, stressing critical thinking, persuasion and evaluation; experience in writing essays and the re search paper. Both sections required. Sec tion A prerequisite to section B. 230 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN JOURNALISM (3, 3) Sections A and B. Fundamentals of jour nalistic theory and practice. (See Commu nication 233, 234 for complete descrip tion.) Both sections may be taken. 250 INTRODUCTORY STUDIES IN LIT ERATURE (3) Designed to fulfill the general education literature requirement and as a prerequi_ site for advanced studies in literature. Sec tions offered every semester in specific areas: English Literature I and II, American Literature, World Literature. Prerequisite 1 I0NB. 320 STUDIES IN GRAMMAR AND LAN GUAGE (3) Introductory language course for educa- tion students: history of language, gram matical systems, usage/composition; teach ing applications. 330 STUDIES IN WRITING (3) Theory and practice in the various types of writing, aiming at publication. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as: Creative Writing, Research and Writing, Writing for Publication.
450, 452 STUDENT TEACHING, SEC ONDARY SCHOOLS (6,6) Full time laboratory experiences in school classrooms under the direction of qualified supervising teachers and university super visors. Prerequisite: consent (Students do ing student teaching are limited to a maxi mum of I 5 units that semester. If the stu dent is worki ng, a reduction in load may be necessary.) 460 CHRISTIAN PH ILOSOPHY OF EDU CATION (2) Philosophy and practices of a Christian teacher in the classroom and on the campus. Aims of Christian schools and means of achieving them; attitudes and convictions which Christian schools seek to develop in students. 480 DIRECTED STUDY ( 1-3) Consideration of topics in school curricu lum according to needs of individual stu dents. Prerequisite: consent
English core of 22 units (six units of ENG 250: English Literature, ENG 320, 350, one unit of ENG 470 and nine units to be se lected from ENG 360, 370, 420, 430, 440, 450 and 460) is required. An additional bloc of nine units of communication is then taken depending upon the student's areas of interest The options in this bloc cover Journalism, writing, speech communication and drama. Each student is also required to take communication education seminar 476 for two units, making a total of thirty three units 1n this special program. Those interested are advised to consult with the departments of English and communica tion. Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper d1v1sion. The student se lects units from three or more of the courses listed above under the depart ment major. Humanities Major: English or Literature Concentration: The department of English offers two pos sible areas of subject concentration for the humanities major (page 49). This concen tration may consist of either English or lit erature. It is basically a minor in English, but more nex1bility is possible through depart ment advisement NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, a course may be repeated with different content (section title). 90 BASIC ENGLISH WORKSHOP (3) Workshop 1n English fundamentals em phasizing grammar, punctuation, spelling and paragraph writing. Students scoring less than 400 on the verbal section of the SAT must take and pass Basic English Workshop within the first year of resi dence (before English I I0). If a student wishes to challenge his SAT score he may take a diagnostic test administered by the English department If he fails this test, he must take Basic English Workshop; three semester hours with no unit credit toward graduation.
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