Department of History and Geography Dietnch Buss, PhD, Chair Faculty Professor: D. Buss, Wilshire Associate Professors: A Carden, Young Assistant Professor: Harrison Objectives: Department objectives are to increase the general knowledge in and understanding of history, to encourage analytical thinking in dealing with historical problems, including the relationship of Christianity to culture, to enhance profi ciency in research and writing, and to stim ulate interest in the reading of literature bearing on the discipline. Offerings in ge ography are designed to develop under standing of and appreciation for the phys ical and cultural landscapes. Emphasis is on regional studies. Those interested in ac quiring a background in physical geography are urged to take physical science and ge ography survey IO I . History Department Major: 30 units beyond the general education requirement, of which 24 must be upper division including 327, 480 or 490 and 491. Political science 200 is required as a supporting course. Concen tration of I 2 units of course work in one of the following areas: Asian Civilization, Civilization of the Americas or European Civilization. Hi story majors preparing for graduate school should include a foreign language in their program with advice of the depart ment. Department Minor: 18 units beyond the general education requirements, of which 12 must be upper division. The stu dent 1s advised to take at least 12 units in one area of concentration.
41 I, 412 READINGS IN CLASSICAL GREEK ( 1-3, 1-3) Individual research for advanced students in classical grammar and literature. Study may include one or more of the fo llowi ng areas: Homer, historians, playwrights, Pla to, Demosthenes. Prerequisite: three years of Greek and consent. Spanish Students desiring to enroll in Spanish are strongly advised to do so during their freshman and sophomore years. Objectives: Upon completion of the 18 upper division units for a Spanish concen tration of the humanities major, (3 I 0, 3 I I and four four-hundred level courses: usual ly 40 I and 402, and 403 and 404), it is in tended that the student: demonstrate pro ficiency in Spanish by fluency in speaking, reading and writi ng the language; have an understanding of the major historical events and cultural epochs; and have an ac quaintance with major personalities and their contributions to civilization. Students with high school Spanish should consult w ith the department for place ment. Students whose native language is Span ish may not take lower-division courses for credit but must take a placement test to continue Spanish. Advancement from one course in the lower division sequence to the next will require demonstration of proficiency. IOI , I 02 ELEMENTARY SPANISH (4, 4) The fundamentals of pronunciation, gram mar, conversation and reading. Taught by the Audio-Lingual method with emphasis on diction, comprehension, readi ng and writing. Five hours each week. I 03, I 04 BASIC SPANISH FOR HEALTH PERSONNEL (4, 4) Basic skills in Spanish with emphasis on communicati ng in health-related terms. Offered when demand is sufficient for a class of 20 students.
20 I INTERMEDIATE SPANISH (4) Advanced grammar, composition, in creased facility in reading and conversa tion. Five hours each week. Either semes ter. 3 10. 31 I ADVANCED SPANISH (3, 3) Advanced work in reading, writing and conversation. Prerequisite 20 I or equiv alent.
412 CONTEMPORARY SPANISH LITERATURE (3) Curr"ent literature and developing trends. Prerequisites: 403, 404. Alternate years. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) Individual research and writing for ad vanced students by special arrangement. Prerequisites: senio1" stand ing and consent (students must have taken 40 I, 402, 403 and 404 or equivalents). May be repeated with different content.
A survey of literature of H ispanic America to modern times; reading and discussion of outstanding literary works and move ments. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequi sites 3 I 0, 3 I I or equivalent and consent of instructor. Alternate years.
A survey of the literature of Spain from earliest times to present; reading and dis cussion of the outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites 3 I 0, 3 I I or equivalent. Al ternate years. 407 THE SPANISH AMERICAN NOVEL (3) Representative novels of Spanish America; emphasis on characteristics and styles; lit erary movements and influences. Prereq uisites: 40 I , 402. Alternate years. 408 HISPANIC THEATER (3) Significant works of the drama of Spain and Latin America. Prerequisites: 40 I , 402. Al ternate years. 41 I LITERATURA DEL SIGLO X IX (3) Representative works of Larra, Galdos, Pardo Bazan, Clarin, Unamuno, Azorin, Baroja. Prerequisites : 403, 404. Alternate years .
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