The teacher as a role model enhances the learning process by demonstrating the skill of inquiry and discovery. Acting as a facilitator and resource person, the teach er guides the learner through the educa tional experience. We believe that the educational process is part of the continu ing development of the learner's potentialities for continued growth as a person, citizen, and professional nurse. Statement of Purpose: I. To provide a liberal and professional education in a Christian setting as a foundation for practice, advanced edu cation, and productive living. 2. To develop graduates who are sensitive to the total needs of their fellowmen and who recognize and respect the val ue of each individual as uniquely created in God's image. 3. To provide a broad theory base as a foundation for dynamic nursing practice required to meet current and future health care needs of society. 4. To foster intellectual inquiry and compe tency in critical and creative thinking es sential fo1- continued growth as a per son, citizen, and professional. 5. To prepare the graduate for indepen dent practice, for collaborative activities, and for involvement in research re quired to fulfill the responsibilities of the professional nurse. Objectives: Upon completion of the nursing curriculum, the graduate is expect ed to: I. Base nursing practice on a philosophical foundation consistent with what Biola University and the department of nurs ing believe about the nature of man. 2. Integrate knowledge of behavioral, bio logical and physical sciences in nursing practice and in understanding the devel opment of nursing science. 3. Base nursing practice on a formulation of theoretical knowledge incorporating communication/collaboration, teaching' learning, problem-solving'decision-mak ing and leadership/management princi ples.
4. Ut ilize research techniques to col lect relevant data systematically from all per tinent interactional systems, the environ ment and the knowledge base to facili tate effective use of the nursi ng process and contribute to the existing body of nursing knowledge. 5. Demonstrate application of synthesized concepts related t o stress/adaptation, developmental, interactional and sys tems theories in the purposeful and sys t ematic use of the nursing process to facilitate optimal adaptation through ap propriate use of the prevention, conser vation and restoration modes within the three interactional systems. 6. Identify and utilize knowledge of the rel evant sociocultural and sociopolitical fac tors that affect the practice of nursi ng and the delivery of health care services. 7. Demonstrate personal and professional development consistent with the goals of Biola University and baccalaureate nursing education. Special Note Admission Requirements: Admission into Biola University does not guarantee ad mission into clinical nursing. A student may be admitted to the department of baccalaureate nursing upon meeting the requirements for university admission, in clud ing high school chemisty and algebra with at least a grade of "C" and/or passing an entrance examination in these two subjects, and (I) completing the pre scribed pre-nursing curricu lum (availab le from the nursing department) with a minimum grade of C (2.0) in chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.5 or above; (2) filing the de partmental application and paying the re quired non-refundable $20 deposit by Jan uary IS; (3) submitting proof of current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscita tion through the American Red Cross or American Heart Association; and (4) meeting approval of the faculty of the de partment of nursing. An additional $ I 0.00 late application fee will be levied on those received after the deadline. Applicants whose educational and professional ex periences qualify them for advanced
standing are welcome. Those intending to challenge nursing courses should make an appointment with the department of nursing as soon as accepted by the univer sity. Requirements for Students Accepted into the Nursing Program: A student is required to have at his own expense a yearly physical examination and specific laboratory tests and immunizations by June 15. Students will not be permitted in the clinical agency without this. Each stu dent is assessed for liability insurance through the university when participating in clinical courses. Record of comparable li ability insurance coverage for the licensed RN students must be on fi le with the de partment of nursing. The university and cooperating agencies assume no responsi bility for illness or accidents occuring dur ing the school program. A student must ar range for his own transportation to clinical agencies as the university does not provide transportat ion. The senior nursing student in community health nursing must have a valid California driver's license and access to a car. Theory and clinical must be taken concurrently in courses with a clinical com ponent. A student must earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in each nursing course, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to progress in nursing. Courses may be re p ated on time only. Students w ithdraw ing at a failing level will be permitted to re peat the course one time only. W ithdrawal at a failing level is permitted two times only. Unsafe cli nical nursing p1-actice, re ga1-dless of GPA. is grounds for dismissal from the nursing program. Students who withdraw from nursing for any reason can not be guaranteed a space when they plan to 1-eturn. T1-ansfer-challenge students have equal access for open spaces in nursing courses. It is recommended that microbiology (BIO 221) be taken prior to Nursing of the Family I and II. Students must have a cumu lative GPA of 3.0 to take microbiology concurrent with Nursing of the Family I. Students will not be advanced to Level II without microbiology.
A minimum grade of C is requ ired in both microbiology and statistics. Department Major: Biological Science 22 1, 271 , 272; Chemistry IOI , I 02 (total ing 17 science units); Nursing 30 I , 302, 310,400,410,420,430,441,442,450 Supporting courses : Three units of each of the following: intercultural studies, sociolo gy, Psychology 200 and statistics. The gen eral education requirement for a fore ign language for nursing maJors is two years of the same high school language or four units of a college language. Nursing majors are exempt from general education requ ire ments of literature (3) and history ( 4 of 8 units required). The annual Commitment Service is fi nanced by assessing each pre-nursing and clinical nursing student fifty cents each se mester. I 02 NURSING AS A CAREER (I) An exploration of nursing as a professional career. This class defi nes nursing in the context of a selection of roles and setti ngs. Career satisfactions and trends are dis cussed. The student is encouraged to evaluate own characteristics which are im portant for nursing. 205 SPIRITUAL ASSESSMENT AND INTERVENT ION (3) Use of the nursing process for identifying and meeting the spiritual needs of clients, including utilization of prayer, Scripture and other resources. Open to Registered Nurses, Licensed Vocational Nurses and all nu1-sing majors. Offered interter m only. 300 PROFESSIONAL NURSING SEMI NAR ( 1-3) A transition seminar designed to facil itate socialization into baccalaureate profession al nursing. Designed for transfer-challenge students. 30 I NURSING OF THE FAMILY I - THEORY (5) Implementation of the nursi ng process to facilitate adaptive equil ibrium in t he cl ient. Includes normal growth and development of the young adult to the aged adult. (C*)
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