Department of Physical Science Faculty Professors: Fischer, Kurtz , Rynd
480 RESEARCH IN RECREATION AN D CAMP ADMINISTRATION ( 1-3) Independent study, readi ngs and/or re search in the fields. Senior standing with consent and consultation. Maximum of six units. The Emerald Cove Project In order to provide actual field experi ence beyond summer work and senior year field work, a partnership was formed between the recreation and camp adminis tration maior of Biola University and Em erald Cove Camp at Bass Lake. It provides on-site administration and programming experience, plus practical t rai ning in the areas of food service, housekeeping, main tenance and construction for those stu dents w ho have had a limited exposure to the practical aspects of the field of camping. Recreation and camp administration majors (seven to nine each year) pay Biola tuition fees and move to the camp site for the 15 week semester. They are provided with room and board at the camp and give the camp twenty hours of work per week in practical camp duties. The teachi ng staff of the recreation and camp administration major will be on-site for actual classroom traini ng. Students may earn from 12- 16 units through on-s ite coursework.
172 CAMP COUNSELING (2) The objectives of camping; counselor personality and qualifications; the applica tion of counseli ng techniques to the camp ing situation; preparation in various camp ing activities and special program areas particularly related to counselor-centered camping. 180 RECREATIONAL LEADERSH IP AND PROGRAMMING (2-3) Basic qual ifications of the successfu l leader of recreational groups; aims of a successful program; techniques of organiz ing and super vising the program. Recom mended for youth club leaders and direc tors, and playground and camp assistants. (RCA majors are required to take as three units. ) 220 PROGRAM SKILLS ( I ) Field taught; backpacking, canoei ng, cross country skiing, skin divi ng, outdoor survival, rockclimbing. Theory and practice of skil l; purchase and maintenance of equipment; biblical truths illustrated by the activity. Fee: $30.00, (spring $35.00). 280 DIRECTED STUDY ( 1-3) Directed study, reading and/or research in the field of RCA Maximum of three units. 340 SKILLS ANALYSIS ( I ) Analysis of teaching methodologies; ap pl ication of first aid and biblical truths to skill area: practical experience and skill de velopment. Fee: $30.00, (spring $35.00). 341 METHODOLOGY OF INTERPER SONAL INSTRUCTION (3) Th is course is designed to further pre pare qualified leaders in vari ous ski lls need ed for effective teaching and interpersonal communication. Application of psychologi cal pri nciples to the educative process; role of the t eacher and learner: the teachi ng and learning process: teaching methodolo gies; instructional aides: and cl assroom en vironment. Components of interpersonal communication; initiatives for personal and
group development; modes of communi cation: development and maintenance of trust; problem solvi ng in interpersonal con flicts and methods of self-expression. 342 CURRENT LEGISLATION AND STANDARDS IN LEISURE SERVICE AGENCIES (2) Analysis of current legislation and stan dards related to the delivery of leisure ser vices: legislative techniques: legal terms: health and safety practices: CCI Founda t ions of Excellence program; ACA Stan dards; OSHA regulations and Health, Edu cat ion and Welfare guidel ines. 350 PRACTICUM: SKILLS IN INSTRUC TION (I) Practical applicati on of t eachi ng method ology related to recreational or wilderness activities. Prerequisite 341 (may be taken concurrently). 40 I ADMINISTRATION OF LEISURE SERVICE AGENCIES (3-5) Admi nistration and administrative pat terns of leisure service agencies, supervi sion and management techniques, basic business practices, personnel management. planning, organizi ng, staffing, directing and controlling t he agency Philosophy of recreation, leisure and camping, research and evaluation techniques and terms and defi nit ions re lated to public, private, com mercial and voluntary recreation agencies. 450 PREFIELD WORK (2) Preparat ion for field work placement. Resume preparation, job interviews and general preparation for job placement af ter graduation. Prerequisites: 304 and 307. 460 FIELD WORK (4) Administrative experience demonstrat ing the student's ability in integrating princi ples and skills from all areas of study Field experience under faculty and camp staff supervision and evaluation. Prerequisite: 450.
Associate Professors: P. Coad, R. Coad Objectives: The physical science major is an interdisciplinary major designed to give the student a solid basis in physics, chemistry and mathematics. The program is built around a core curriculum which upon complet ion enables the student with his advisor to elect further course work to su it t he student's interests and needs. The core curriculum with the appropriate electives selected can serve as preparation for various professional schoo ls such as en gineering, secondary education, and the medical and health fields, or for entering a graduate school in one of the many areas of physical sciences. The laboratory exper iences gained are applicable to technical positions such as in quality control and lab oratory analysis. Upon completion of the physical science major, it is intended that the student will understand and apply the basic laws and theories of the physical world: demon strate an ability to do quanti tative problem solving: apply the scientific methods to a research problem: demonstrate good lab oratory technique and gai n some technical skills in at least one area; know how to use the scientific literature for reference; and integrate scienti fi c knowledge and theories with the Christian faith. Department Major: The required courses are Chemistry I05, I06, 30 I, 402: Physics 2 1I , 222. 33 1, 341: Math I05, I06: physical science, math or biology electives, 17 units ( I I units must be upper division). · Department Major with Education Em phasis: Chemistry I05, I06, 30 I , 402: Phys ics 21 I, 222, 33 1, 341 : Math I05 , I 06:
12 units of physical science or math electives and 12 units of education courses.
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